Saturday, February 2, 2013

My new site

Yesterday I wrote a "farewell" to the News-Herald media lab and have discontinued writing any more of my blogs, "Politics with Pete" for the News-Herald.

No reason to bring up the main reason I'm leaving. No need to give any more credence to the individual that caused it.  I've decided he can have the N/H media lab all to himself.

I have two points of information I'd like to share with you now. 

First, a heart filled gratitude of thanks for all the kind words I received from those of you who read and enjoyed my "Politics with Pete". You have humbled me with your kind responses.

The good, no great news, is if you are so inclined to continue reading my blogs, and I hope you do, I am on a new site. Today I joined the new website, Tea Party Community, and will continue with "Politics with Pete" on that website.

The Tea Party Community (TPC) is the conservative's answer to Facebook. I have severed my Facebook account, and am in the process of encouraging my conservative friends to join me on the TPC. 

The new TPC is just starting, and growing in leaps and bounds. I encourage all who believe in the conservative values of this great country to join TPC.  And, of course I hope you continue to read "Politics with Pete" on the TPC.

Again, thanks....and I hope to communicate with you again soon.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.


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