Monday, February 11, 2013

Impeach now!

If anyone out there would rather watch a basketball game on ESPN tomorrow and still watch the Horrid State Of Obie's Union message then just watch his speech from last year.  Did you think anything will change? Afraid not folks. Same-old, same-old.  Everything will still be Bush's fault. Now, remember not to laugh when Obie says, "improving economy...getting the middle class back to work is MY number one priority".  Also remember to take your big swallow of Kool-Aid right after he says that so you don't fall off your couch.

He's just our "reader-in-chief" anyway.  Reid, Pelosi, Jarret, and Axelrod wrote his speech.  He just reads it off the teleprompter.  Obie actually spends more time "community organizing" his golf four-somes than he does in our White House.

Benghazi and Obamacare are reasons enough to impeach this man.  Then add to these debacles the increase in welfare and food stamps, his gigantic increase in our national debt, and his lack of leadership in foreign policy, especially in the middle east.  I mean, really, he is increasing money and arms to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as I'm writing this, while strong proposing to slice our own military defense programs.  Come on people; wake up your Senators and Congressmen/women.

Wouldn't it be great if just one of the main stream media news outlets would broadcast the truth about this man?  ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN.  Just one telling the good American folks the bare truth about Obie.  He'll stand up there, read his lies off the teleprompter, and then later Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews will sit around on TV and tell Americans just, "how great the president was tonight...he really got his message across..didn't he Rachel?" And of course Rachel Maddow will say, "you're right Christ...he was sure the man tonight".  Puulllease!!, you're not going to buy that; are you folks?

Remember when Obie jammed 2,977 pages of Obamacare down our throats, and kept repeating how this was going to cut costs?  And then when the private sector companies began to rebel against Obamacare, along with private hospitals, universities,  and churches initiating lawsuits, the media kept calling them, "anti-Obama right wing whackos that will do anything to protest the president".

Well, folks more and more facts about Obamacare are starting to "ooze" out of the woodwork.  Now, we're discovering that even some government agencies, including state colleges are opting out of Obamacare. There are federal agencies downsizing and notifying part time employees they can only work up to 29 hours. This is so the agency will not have to provide health insurance. The state of Virginia says it will cost them $100.million per year in premiums in order to provide adequate health insurance to its federal employees.

Now, on record, is a fact that 23 states are currently suing our federal government to opt out of Obamacare in order to initiate the individual states own health care programs.  Further, we're discovering that Obie himself is offering Obamacare waivers to his "favorites", which include his donors, special union interests, and recently a government appointee. If Obamacare is so great why is everyone trying to get away from it?

If that wasn't bad enough; buried in the 2,977 pages are directions that the millions originally promised to be covered under Obamacare will really not be covered.  If Obamacare is so great why are so many hospitals closing down their emergency services? Why are so many companies preparing to pay the fine rather than offer health care coverage to employees, forcing employees to seek their own means of health care coverage. Some small businesses are going to offer only part time work up to 29 hours per week. Some will even consider shutting down altogether. Isn't Obamacare great? Yeah, right.

Then we further discover that a family of  two adults and two children averaging an income of $50,000. per year will pay an additional $7.40 per working hour to pay for healthcare through his employer. The IRS and CBO agree that within two years of the U.S. living within Obamacare may push the country into a worse financial situation that Europe. Costs may increase beyond recovery. In some cases health insurance will increase to $20,000. per year.

I've talked to many young people that say they will not subscribe to any health care at all, instead when and if the time emerges for health care needs they will pay the $750. fine.  And remember how the media completely cruicified, criticized, and attacked Sarah Palin when she uttered the words "death panels"? Well now the strong left wing progressive New York Times writer Paul Krugman just last week wrote in his column, "death panels will help offset the cost of Obamacare".  Want more? Recently a Democrat member of Congress spoke almost the very same words interjecting the "need" for death panels. Someone please tell the media we need them now more than ever.

Then there's Benghazi.  No one from the State Department or the White House will step forward to tell us the basic truth that caused the death of four American heroes. Now we discover that Obie was nowhere near the White House during the Benghazi attack. He was in Vegas, and furthermore he never even check back into Panetta or Hillary to find out what was happening in Benghazi at the time. He was too busy at a fund raiser in Vegas.

Folks, we have more than enough facts and figures to impeach this man right out of our White House.  Can you imagine if Obie was a Caucasian Republican what the media would be doing now? We only need one of you media outlets to get the ball rolling.

Anyway, I'm a college basketball junkie, and I'm sure ESPN will have a good game on tomorrow for me to watch. Therefore I won't be watching the Teflon Don, Liar-in-chief read from his teleprompter. You already know what he's going to read. Wish he would talk about his golf handicap instead. That would be more interesting and more sense than to promise to improve jobs and the economy that he is destroying.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


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