Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dammit-No more!

It started with the media yesterday, and carried over today when I visited the old web site that I used to write blogs for, so I've decided that if the left wing blogs and the media and the Democrat-Socialist Party can do it, then I certain can exercise my First Amendment rights also.

The site that I used to write blogs for has invited a left-wing blogging Socialist to write blogs for them. This person does nothing more than lie and initiate personal attacks on the GOP. I still find it hard to believe this site still allows this person to vomit on their site

The media, left wing bloggers, and the aforementioned Democrat-Socialist party has been unmerciful in their lies and personal attacks on the GOP and Tea Party. I'm going to fight back against these people. We have to go back at these people. Where in the hell do they get a free pass to say and write, and in some cases, not report the truth, any way they please. And they will continue to get away with it as long as they are slobbering all over our Socialist-in-Chief.

Their man Obie just completely and outright lied for his entire time at the teleprompter Tuesday. There should have been a hologram of him doing robotic moves; we would have been more entertained. He never talked about his failed promise of the Keystone Pipeline. He threatens all of us by saying the GOP needs to pass a debt ceiling increase. 

I hope I can convince someone, anyone to join me in hitting back. For example: that mush-mouth Al Sharpton called it "Watergate", when Rubio wanted a sip of water. Have you heard mush-mouth Sharpton speak? You can't even understand him. Remember the time he was supposed to say, "we must", and what he really said was, "we much".

Senator Rubio's "sip of water" received more press than Senator Menendez having sex with underage girls. I mean Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews called Rubio juvenile and immature for taking a sip of water.  The media will create a scandal about a sip of water, but will not mention any news at all of Menendez having sex with an underage girl. That is disgraceful.

The media refuses to broadcast any truths at all. I just am not going to back down, and accept it any more. Their own Obie and his side-kick Gaffer Joe have uttered more mistated junk than any other duo since Abbot & Costello. Remember Obie when he said, "I've been to 57 states, and I have two more to visit". And the media called Bush stupid. How about Obie reading the teleprompter talking about our Navy corpsmen, and kept pronouncing the silent "p" in corpsmen; not once but about four times. Duh.

And Obie certainly doesn't know the true meaning of Memorial Day. Remember when he said "today we honor our fallen heroes, and I see many are here today".  He clearly doesn't have a thought of his own. He only knows what he reads off the teleprompter. He's an out and out disgrace to our White House and our country.

I'm hoping and praying that the GOP, with the help of the TPC, will start growing a pair, and start fighting back by reporting and writing the pitfalls and lies of the media and of our Socialist-in-Chief. Remember Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "the other guy brings a knife to a bring a gun...the other guy puts one of yours in the put one of his in the morgue....that's the Chicago way". Obie will appreciate that...he's from Chicago.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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