Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I just finished writing and publishing my daily blog that highlighted the 51% when some information that I was researching came to light. This short blog is just an add-on.

So, folks this is just some more information that supports what I wrote just a few minutes ago. Remember when I wrote about the ever increasing number of Americans on welfare? These are the people that voted Obie into office. He convinced them that their freebie world would continue as long as he and his Socialist-Communist agenda stayed in power.

And  51% of Americans bought it hook, line, and sinker. 

The great country of the U.S.A. now currently has eleven states that have more people on welfare then are employed. Want to know what's worse? Obie, in the traditions of Hitler and Stalin want to increase this to all 50 states.

The Senate Budget Committee (SBC) has reported that the U.S. household below the poverty line now receives $168.00 per day in government support. This includes food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid, and other benefits.This purports to over $61,000. per year.

The median household income in the U.S. is $50.000. per year, or $137.13 per day. This, of course, averages out to $25.00 an hour, while those on welfare, not working at all averages out to $30.00 per hour. 

So, wouldn't it make more sense to stay on welfare at $61,000. rather than go to work everyday for only $50,000.? 

I just have one crazy misguided question. What happens when we have more states on welfare than are working and the working class shrinks, and there is no more tax money to pay the welfare masses? 

Last question....does this scenario remind you of something that Hitler and Stalin did?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.

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