Other than a handful of supporters, Donald J. Trump was not only campaigning against Crooked Hillary and the Democratic Party, he was also fighting the media and of course our highly esteemed Hollywood elites. And let us not forget the ladies of The View, along with many other TV show hosts, and that includes Megan Kelly and Shep Smith of Fox.
So, with all the support from the "elites", with all the support of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN Crooked Hillary still lost the election on November 8, 2016. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump overwhelmingly won over 300 electoral votes. For all the "never-Trumpers" out there, please remember without ignorant lib Dems and illegals from California and New York PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump would have excoriated Crooked Hillary in the popular vote.
And now that the Hollywood and music entertainment elites miserably failed what are they doing now? Well, all their screaming, threatening, and "relocating" promises haven't subsided one bit, although there has been no moving yet. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is just one week away from officially becoming the 45th. President of our country
First of all, did Crooked Hillary really think that refusing to campaign in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, while trying to sway our voting with the likes of Miley Cyrus. Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Rosie O'Donnel, Charley Sheen, etc., was going to win her the election? I've aalways wanted to ask Crooked Hillary who she was "preaching" to. Maybe I'll visit her in her prison cell in 2017 to ask her.
I guess I'm one of the naive few who thought that just maybe the "losers" in the lib Dem team would give it up now that the election is over. Jabba-the-Hut Michael Moore, while on MSNBC, claimed that Crooked Hillary Clinton "won" the election, and "we must all acknowledge and support her as our president, while we all disavow Trump".
Now the female Jabba-the-Hut, Rosie O'Donnel is so very important that she's going to contact the Pentagon to have them invoke Marshall Law to hal the inauguration and arrest PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump before next Friday. Wow, I didn't know Rosie was so powerful. And will someone please explain the importance and comparison of Madonna's pubic hair to Donald Trump's presidency and administration. I mean really, her pubic hair?
Now I know for sure President Trump's administration and presidency will fail because Congressman John Lewis will not acknowledge Mr. Trump as our 45th. president and Mr. Lewis will not attend this Friday's inauguration. As Mr. Trump said, "John Lewis' district is one of the worst crime-ridden districts in the country....he would do well to focus on his district rather than me". Mr. Lewis. q3uit reading your NY Times clippings. You're an irrelevant has-been.
So, today's topic of "Look who's talking" is just a reminder that all these lib Dem losers that rally against the Trump presidency are nothing more than irrelevants that are seeking to gain attention. Think about it. All the Hollywood class-B actors and entertainers like Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Madonna, Springsteen, etc., and please don't forget The View's two Jabba-the-Huts Whoopi and Joy are nothing compared to we American voters. We were unstoppable on November 8, 2016, unlike all of you.
Maybe the funniest is that the oldest insignificant rapper Snoop Dog is threatening entertainers who perform next Friday. What are you going to do Snoop? Hit them with your walking cane? Maybe the most comical is those these entertainers that screamed that they will not perform were never even invited. Isn't that right Elton John, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Madonna, Springsteen. etc.?
You class-B wannabes are so irrelevant you couldn't help Crooked Hillary win the election, and now, a much as you try, you've got no impact at all in the Trump presidency and administration. Grow up you babies. We won, you lost. The legal American voter has spoken, and all I can end this with is: Karma' and Pay-Back are both bitches.
And that's Politicss with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with pete)
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