Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sorry, I can't help it!

I really thought I would be over my "high" by now, but since November 8, 2016 I have been on this PRESIDENT Trump "over the moon" high.  I believe my enthusiasm for him continues to grow more and more everyday as I watch the things he's doing for our country in only his first week. When you compare PRESIDENT Trump to the last eight years it's pretty obvious what Barry Soetero did, or didn't do, compared to what Mr. Trump's administration has already done. 

On a personal note, I must write that I never thought my blogs were so powerful. I have been told that there are some lib Dems strongly considering leaving Facebook because they hate my blogs so much. I never thought my blogs carried so much weight. Makes me feel that much "higher". Thank you haters.

For eight years we had to endure Barry Soetero and his self-centered attitude where he put himself way above the good of the American people. For eight years we have been waiting for a true leader like PRESIDENT Trump. We middle American "deplorables" are the proud citizens that put Mr. Trump in our White House, and guess what...we are the same "deplorables" that decided Crooked Hillary would just be an extension of Barry Soetero.

When will the media, lib Dems, and the Hollywood and entertainment elites get it in their skulls that not only could we care less what they have to say, we're actually hopeful that you continue the marches, protests, and attacks, as they are just going to assure PRESIDENT  Trump will be around for eight years. Oh yes, Mike Pence to follow.

Right now, PRESIDENT Trump is so busy getting rid of the dreadful Obamacare, getting a wall built, creating jobs,  opening up the Keystone Pipeline, defunding sanctuary cities, defunding murders at the Planned Parenthood clinics, while investigating Barry Soetero's executive actions. Does anyone really think our President Trump really cares what these irrelevant group of misfits have to say about him?

It's obvious that lib Dems, along with these irrelevant elites, and the media still have not recovered from PRESIDENT Trump's presidential victory in November. I just wonder what they're trying to accomplish by demeaning themselves every day by telling us how much they hate our president and his administration. Maybe they want a do-over with the election. 

And now the lib Dems and the rest of the whacks have resorted to delivering their hateful messages with very personal attacks on PRESIDENT Trump and his family, even his ten-year old son. Chelsea Handler, who barely speaks proper English herself, brags that she wouldn't have our first lady on her show because, "she barely speaks English". Has anyone told Handler that our first lady speaks five languages fluently.

Madonna wants to blow up the White House, Ashley Judd says our president has "wet dreams" thinking of his daughter Ivanka, women dressed as vaginas marching in their protest marches, while our president is being called "Hitleresque" by more than one news outlets.  Now isn't this a group of classy individuals. Watch out, because my two favorite bit***s, Pay-Back and Karma are gonna get you whackos.

So to all you lib Dems that hate my blogs and me so much that you are going to leave Facebook, please know I wear that as a badge of honor. I was going to suggest you use your energy and resources to rebuild your now defunct Democrat party, but instead just continue doing what you are now doing. You continue to help me maintain this incredible "high", and you continue to help PRESIDENT Trump for reelection. 

Thank You, and it's OK for you to continue hating me and my blogs, as I intend to ride this "high" for the next eight years.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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