Let's say you're hosting a weekly dinner gathering and one of your guests is consistently causing problems for you along with telling others lies about your weekly gathering. What would you do with this guest? Would you codntinue to invite this guest back every week?
Maybe, you would do, as most dinner hosts would do, and just plain stop inviting this rude, lying guest
Which sort of brings me to my two favorite bit**es, Karma and Pay-Back. For eight "deplorable" years Americans watched a president try to bring down the greatest country in the world. Under Barry Soetero's watch we saw our great country increase our national debt to nearly $20.Trillion, America's work force cut to its lowest since the great depression, the rise of the radical state of Islam, welfare and food stamp participation rising to its all time high.
There is the ultimate increase in homicides in Chicago, where over 80% of crimes against Blacks are committed by Blacks, while Barry's fawning media refuses to report it. The race divide between Blacks and Whites has been fueled by Barry and one of his most trusted visitors Al Sharpton.
And all the while we Americans stood by, observed it, and never demonstrated any violent protests, in fact, no protests at all. Then we observed news outlets from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC that "carried the water" for Barry Soetero for eight years.They not only twisted and distorted every word that cam out of the White House, they screamed "racist" to anyone who spoke out against their great leader King Barry.
Also these major outlets would not broadcast or write any news information that did not "prop up" the great Barry. He was deffinitely the man that could do no wrong. On many occasions, too many to even write here, the fawning media refused to broadcast any news that would cast dispersions upon their leader Barry.
A very open proof of this is that the media continues to attack PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump, while ignoring pure solid objective news. The media has brutally attacked Trump on his stance about the proper vetting of Muslims entering our country, but the media won't report that just a few days ago hundreds of Muslims paraded through the main streets of Chicago screaming, "Death to America". Yeah, no report on that.
This is the greatest country in the world to live and grow up in, yet we continue to divide ourselves because we have groups of Democrat disidents actually promoting division among Americans. We have countries that hate us just standing back and watching this in-fighting.
The stupid ignorant lib Dems, along with the far left media will soon realize that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump does not really care about the media and the stupid ignorant lib Dems. Mr. Trump wants to be a good President for ALL Americans, and he doesn't need the biased media. He also doesn't need the Hollywood and entertainment elites to be successful leading our country.
So now we have some of the media, especially CNN, that are angry and upset the way PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump responds to their biased news reporting, while throwing lies and personal attacks at him, even his family. Americans want to hear the news fairly with integrity and honesty. Many Americans are hoping that President Trump uses more of the social media such as Twitter to communicate directly to the American people and less of the leftist media.
Really, who needs the likes of CNN and Jim Acosta, who was completely disrespectful at Mr. Trump's press conference. Why is CNN surprised as to how Mr. Trump is reacting to them? Did they think PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump was going to turn the other cheek? If you attack Mr. Trump you can bet he's going to push back, and some media outlet news reporters may find themselves absent from the press briefings.
So, some advice for news outlets from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC: President Trump does not need you as much as you need him, so start reporting the news the way it's supposed to be reported, or be prepared for the consequences. And never forget Karma and Pay-Back are true bit***s.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
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