It's pretty obvious that PRESIDENT Trump is not going to be your grampa's president, or for that matter, even your dad's president. The media and the lib Dems have never experienced a man in the oval offic that's quite like our PRESIDENT Trump. Our lame stream media has no idea how to "handle" Mr. Trump. The truth is President Trump is not going to allow the media to "handle" him; if anything President Trump will be handling the media.
Let's take a look at the people rallying against our President Trump. The left leaning media, Hollywood elites, athletes that don't even understand what our president is trying to accomplish. First, let's not waste any time discussing the Hollywood elites and the spoiled brats in professional sports. No one really cares what these irrelevant blow-hards have to say. They make no impact on us at all.
First our Hollywood elites threatened us by declaring they would move out of our country if PRESIDENT Trump won the election. Well, we're still waiting for them to pack their bags. That "scare" to Americans didn't phase us at all, so now they want to "punish" us by declaring Hollywood is now going on strike and will stop making movies or TV shows. I'm willing to offer 10-1 odds it will never happen, especially to Clooney whose last two movies lost money.
So let's take a look at our lib progressive left-leaning media. For eight years we witnessed the media fawning all over Barry Soetero, his administration, and his husband Michael Lavaugn Robinson. Every decision Barry made was applauded by the media. The media said Obamacare was the greatest legacy of Barry as reported by the media. At press conferences he was given "softball" questions, i.e., "what did you have for dinner last night....what's your favorite movie....what's you relationship with Jay-Z and Beyonce......etc., etc., etc., and you disagreed with any of Barry's policies you can bet Al Sharpton would call you a racist.
How about the media during PRESIDENT Trump's campaign? The media told lies while personally attacking PRESIDENT Trump, his family, and his nomination picks. Remember election night when the news outlets, except Fox, predicted Crooked Hillary was going to win in a landslide. CNN and MSNBC even reported, "for all you that have to get up for work tomorrow, don't worry, by 11:00 it'll all be over....Hillary will be our first female president".
And now the election is over, and PRESIDENT Trump was sworn in just eight days ago as our country's 45th. President. You would think the media would stop their brutal lies and personal attacks on President Trump. WRONG...Everything that is issued from the Trump administration is distorted and filled with hatred and lies from the media.
If only the news media would report the news objectively and accurately with journalistic integrity. PRESIDENT Trump has done more for our country in eight days than Barry Soetero did in eight years. For a big example president Trump has banned Muslims from the seven countries that sneak the most ISIS terrorists into our country. Yet, the media is reporting that we are stopping "good legal immigrants from coming here for a better way of life....our statue of liberty is shedding tears...Trump wants to be a dictator".
I guess the media thought they had the power to back down PRESIDENT Trump. The media was not prepared for this president that is not your grampa's president. So what did the president do? He pushed back hard against the media, and even doubled-down on his words and accusations against the media. Just ask CNN, who has the reputation of distorting and lying everything about PRESIDENT Trump. So CNN has been banned for now to attend press conferences. And have you noticed the way press secretary Sean Spicer is controlling the press meetings. You know he's in charge, not the media.
PRESIDENT Trump is heavily criticized for using Twitter. Really, can you blame him? He wants to reach the American people, but the media distorts and lies about everything he says. I hope he stays on Twitter, and then goes to Instagram, Facebook, and any other outlet that leads him directly to the American people. Wake up media. Don't try to take on this president. He's nothing like you've ever seen. Why not start reporting the news objectively with integrity?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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