Was it just me, or was it a coincidence that ever since Barry Soetero called ISIS "just another JV team", that ISIS actually became stronger, increased their raids, and became more evil, and is still more evil to this day. For the past eight years Barry Soetero and his administration just opened our doors allowing more terrorists to enter our country with absolutely no vetting at all.
Right now we have seven mid-east countries that are responsible for the movement of ISIS radicals unlawfully entering our country. PRESIDENT Trump has stated all during his campaign that after getting our economy up and running so we can prosper, his next priority is to keep America safe.
And he's in the process of doing just that. He is beefing up our Border Patrol departments, while making plans to have a wall built on our porous southern borders. Does anyone really care who pays for the wall? I sure don't. I just want to feel safer than I was for the past eight years. Barry Soetero just about opened the borders to any and all illegals, promising them healthcare and welfare.
Remember Crooked Hillary during her campaign where she actually tried to belittle PRESIDENT Trump for wanting to build a wall along the borders of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, and I quote, "Donald wants to build walls...whereas I want to build bridges". Crooked Hillary, Barry Soetero, and the entire lib Dem party believed that was going to get them a lot of Hispanic votes. And as they say...."the rest is history".
Our president does not want to prohibit immigrants from coming to America. He just wants to stop people entering our country illegally, especially potential terrorists. As the son of immigrant parents who came to this country legally through Ellis Island, I'm stunned that ALL Americans don't support PRESIDENT Trump's policy on this. There are seven mid-east countries that are sneaking radical Islamists into our country. The president wants this to stop.
And yet we have thousands drinking the lib Dem Kool-Aid and protesting against his decision to use his office to keep all Americans safe. He has established a ban on people flooding into our country before they are properly vetted. Once they are properly vetted, then we will assure they have a path to citizenship.
Now, who woulldn't want their leader to not only protect them, but also take steps to assure Americans their safety and protection? Is everyone, and I mean EVERYONE aware of what these evil members of ISIS do? They rape Christian women while these defenseless women watch their children beheaded. They put men in cages and burn them alive. They destroy religious artifacts that are thousands of years old, because they aren't Muslim artifacts.
And we're supposed to feel bad that there's a temporary ban on people coming from the seven mid-east countries? If we uncover even one terrorist in this order wouldn't it be worth it? Go to Dearborn, Michigan or Chicago where Muslims take to the streets and chant "death to America". Oh sure I feel bad for these 109 being detained; yeah right.
Does anyone remember January, 1995 when president Bill Clinton, in his State of the Union speech, where he declared "there're too many illegals entering this country, and we musts stop it"? Does anyone remember president Jimmy Carter stopping Iranians from coming here when Iran was hoding hostages for over a year? Does anyone remember when Barry Soetero released the names of the seven countries, "that have the most potential to harbor terrorists that come into our country illegally"? Jimmy Carter's ban on Iran was for several months, as was Barry Soetero's ban in 2011.
Of course you didn't hear or read about this because the media paid no, or very, very little attention to it. PRESIDENT Trump promised during his campaign that he was going to do all he can to keep America first, and keep it safe. And now he's taking steps to live up to his promise. Where was "cry baby" Schumer when Carter and Soetero imposed bans during their time in office, or in 1995 when Bill Clinton wanted to ban illegals from entering. Hey Chuckie Schemer, did you and "wind-tunneled-faced" Pelosi see our Statue of Liberty "tears running down her face" then?
Ah, and then there's our wonderful Hollywood elites at the SAG awards last night. If they oppose President Trump's executive action so much why don't they take some refugees home with them? No, they stand on the stage, scream lies about Trump, then go home to their safe warm house with a big wall or gate around it with armed body guards. These elites must know their lies, whining, and complaining only makes us middle American "deplorables" want to support PRESIDENT Trump all the more, and thank yoou for Trump's victory in 2020.
And we're just getting started.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)
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