When I was 8 or 9 years old we had a playground pick-up basketball game. Bill J. was mad that he wasn't picked first, so he took his ball and went home. then Frank P. jumped over the fence, got his basketball out of his garage, and so we had a fun game. No one even gave a second thought to what Billy J. did.
During our pick-up game Frank P.'s mom came to the fence with aa big batch of fresh warm cookies and a big jar of Kool-Aid for us future basketball stars. The next day we had another pick-up game, and we used Frank P.'s basketball. During the game Billy J. showed up with his basketball.
Billy just stood against the playground fence yelling names at us. We ignored him, so he went home. We didn't see him much for the rest of the summer. We continued to play every day and had some great games.
This story rekindled with me while watching the news outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, along with the diatribe from the ignorant stupid lib Dems bashing our new President. I remember becoming furious when Rachel Maddow from MSNBC when she referred to PRESIDENT Trump as "being Hitleresque and militant".
Soon, however, my anger and fury changed to gratitude, yes gratitude. A very gigantic thank you to the news outlets, Hollywood elites, and in general, all of the stupid ignorant lib Dems.
You see, the Hollywood elites and the left wing media, along with the rest of the stupid ignorant lib Dems have just about assured a victory for PRESIDENT Trump in 2020.
Would someone please tell me what these stupid pro-choice, abortion-loving people accomplished with all their violet protesting, looting, and destroying of property? Yeah, they showed us that they don't like PRESIDENT Trump. Well, so what? The voters from middle America paid no attention to their rantings and ravings. And then to listen to has-been Madonna saying she's been thinking of burning down our White House, only to be followed by an irrelevant class B actress Ashly Judd proclaiming that our President has "wet dreams" about his daughter Ivanka.
What do, or did, these stop ignorant Crooked Hillary's adoring followers hope to accomplish? Do they realize the election is over, and there's a lot of work to be done by the Trump administration. America doesn't care what these stupid protesters or Hollywood wanna-be's have to say. Their diatribe and .75 cents will get you a cup of coffee at McD's. Not a thing more.
It's comical that the likes of these Hollywood elites want to convince middle America that 'they are just like us,' and do nothing but use their pedestal to personally attack PRESIDENT Trump and his family. Yeah, they are sure on the track to change our thinking. Yeah, right. A big thanks to Whoopi, Joy, Springsteen, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Handler, Miley, Katy Perry, and the rest of those degenerates. Their actions are definitely helping PRESIDENT Trump.
For the next four years the media will try their best to demolish PRESIDENT Trump, but they're just too stupid to realize how much they are helping to give the Republican Party another four years of the Presidency, House and Senate. Hey Dems, we put up with you, the media, and the Hollywood elites for eight years while your man tried to ruin our great country. Well, it's our turn now. We won, you lost, and we really don't care what you have to say.
And that's Politics with Pete...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs..Politics with Pete)
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