Thursday, May 7, 2015

No steeenkin' double standard?

Within the past four days two decorated hero police officers with unblemished records, and high achievement awards were shot and killed while in the line of duty. I know some will call this racist, but what the heck I'll write it anyway. The police officers were White and the killers were evil Black criminal thugs. Hope my words don't upset Rev. Al.

And what did the White population do after these two officers were slain? They honored their service to their communities, and grieved with the families of these White slain officers. There were no burning of buildings, looting, or shots fired, or any civil disruption of any kind. No business were destroyed, or even interrupted. There weren't even any marches of peaceful protest against the Black evil criminal thugs.

The stories of the slayings of these two White police officers by evil Black thugs were barely mentioned on a few news outlets, and some news outlets chose not to air the stories at all.
Barry Soetero himself only mentioned, in passing, just a few words of condolences, with no passion at all. Probably had to get to his golf game.

The murdered NYPD officer was only 25 years of age. He stopped a Black criminal to challenge him for what appeared to be a firearm in his waistband. The evil Black criminal thug brandished the weapon and shot the police officer in the face, never giving him a chance. This evil Black criminal thug is a career criminal. What does "career" mean in this context anyway?
We acknowledge career teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc., but a "career" criminal seems to glorify criminality as a decent way of life.

Now let's switch over to Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland OK? In both scenarios the deceased Black individuals were "career" thug criminals. Yes, one was only 18 years of age, but up to the day he was shot he was well on his way to a life of crime. Stealing, fighting, drugs, etc.  In Baltimore the deceased had a record of 23 arrests. He was only stopped for questioning, but decided to run away from the officers in pursuit. 

In both cities, Ferguson and Baltimore, the deaths of these Black individuals incited robbing, looting, and burning down of innocent victim businesses. The destroying of personal property in these two cities did nothing but help to destroy the much needed economic growth. A CVS pharmacy was burned to the ground. What was the gain of these looters in doing that?

During the rioting in the Baltimore streets a TV reporter asked a Black lady why the outrageous burnings and lootings were going on. Her reply, "it's the White peoples' fault....they're mad at Black folks cause we're livin' for free".  Yes, this Black lady proclaimed that on national TV. I guess she doesn't understand the logic in the "freebie" scenario. White folks, along with many hard working Blacks pay taxes to support her "freebie" life.

In 2014 there were 123 Blacks killed by Whites, including at the hands of police officers. Barry Soetero, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Baltimore's Mayor, along with the left-wing media continue to use their rhetoric to incite rioting by Blacks. But you will never hear any of these aforementioned riot inciters talk or lecture about the serious Black on Black homocides that total in the thousands, or crimes of Black on White, which is certainly more than 123. Nary a word from Barry, Rev Al, Holder, and the left wing media on these matters.
Ya think this just may be double standards?  Nah.

To date there has not been a single protest or rioting by Whites in the name of the two White police officers that were murdered by evil Black criminal thugs. And there never will be.

And we are already being forewarned that if the six officers in Baltimore aren't convicted, the Bloods, Crips, and other Black thugs are already threatening that Baltimore "will be burned to the ground". So how can anyone believe that these rioting and looting thugs, along with Barry, Holder, and the media have any love and respect for this country and its Constitution.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on You Tube, Politics with Pete...short commentaries)

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