According to the great Reverend Al Sharpton and some other African-American civil leaders, and race baiters, the main reason for the poverty in Baltimore is because of the Whites, and furthermore the Whites are the true cause of the looting, burning, and rioting in that city.
Well, first of all how many Whites did the cameras see doing all the rioting, burning, and looting? How many Hispanic-Americans? How many Asian-Americans? How many Native-Americans? We all sure did see a lot of evil Black criminal thugs throwing rocks at the Baltimore police officers. We all sure did see a lot of Black criminal thugs burning down business after they looted them.
Secondly, How many Black-owned businesses were looted and burned during the riots as opposed to other ethnic and White owned businesses? Did you see the interview of the Asian-American shop owner whose business was so destroyed that he will never be able to rebuild?
And how about the brave small business and shop owners who vowed they will rebuild and reopen, but definitely not in Baltimore? Are you evil criminal thugs happy about that now?
It seems so easy for Reverend Al to place the blame of poverty in Baltimore strictly on the Whites. Of course that's the easy way out. He stands on his podium screaming and inciting the African-Americans of Baltimore, "to continue the fight to protect our rights". Way to go Al.
Hey Al, how about paying back that $4Million in back taxes? Some of that tax revenue might go to helping the impoverished of Baltimore.
But before Al and his other band of merry race-bait inciters continue to blame the Whites alone for all the poverty in Baltimore, let's look at some very factual statistics.
Here's the stuff you'll never hear from MSNBC and Sharpton, and ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN.
Fact: 68% Baltimore is Black. Fact: 68% of Baltimore's police department is Black.
Fact: 58% of their fire department is Black. Fact: 86% of Baltimore's school district is Black.
Fact: 72% of Baltimore school teachers are Black. Fact: 90% of Baltimore's city council is Black. Fact: Baltimore's Mayor and Chief of police are Black.
And last, but certainly not least....Fact: 54% of Baltimore is on welfare.
No, I am not condemning the city of Baltimore for having such a high percentage of African-American population residing in their city, and managing their city. But what I very strongly object to and condemn is the Sharptons and other Black riot inciters for solely blaming the White race for their failure in that city.
I am proud to be a White American, and will stand up for my rights to honor and protect my race. I am not in condemnation of all Blacks in Baltimore, but I do condemn the Sharptons of their race that incite rioting and urge the evil Black criminal thugs to destroy property and harm others that they have no right in doing.
Sharpton is just as much of a black evil criminal thug as those that he encourages to riot. He and other Black leaders should look within and do all they can to help the city of Baltimore and their African-American population. Burning, looting, and destroying is not the answer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on You Tub on my video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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