I am 22 days away from my 80th. birthday. Through all my years of education, military service, sports, and sales management career I have been proud of the friendships I have been blessed to encounter from many African-Americans.
I have been alive during the Hough riots, the Watts riots, the Rodney King riots, the Ferguson riots, and now the Baltimore riots. I've been alive for thirteen presidents from FDR to our current "divider-in-chief" Barry Soetero.
What has happened during the past six years is plain and simple; our country is now facing more Black-White division than we've ever experienced. Is it a coincidence that we have an African-American president in America's White House? Let's take a look at Baltimore.
Maryland has had a Democrat Governor for years. Maryland has had a Democrat Mayor for years. And what has the city reaped from all this? Well, to start with Maryland, including Baltimore, has one of the highest Black youth unemployment statistics ever.
Baltimore has 62% of single parent families. Has anyone ever reported that 89% of incarcerated prisoners are African-American. And am I the only one that can clearly understand that Baltimore has a mayor that is inept and in over her head?
Of course all the "experts" are going to bloviate on the reason for the riots in Baltimore. Even before a thorough investigation started the rioters claimed it was police brutality.And of course many news outlets went along with it. One commentator on CNN actually praised the rioters, calling them heroes for stickin up for their civil rights. How did Mr. Gray's demise start? Well for the past seven years he has had 23 arrests, and has copped pleas to many crimes, so as not to be incarcerated for another crime on his infamous rap sheet.
When the Baltimore police stopped him why did he run? Why didn't he just stop? Of course the officers are going to chase and pursue him. Of course there are many answers to emerge from all this, but will someone please get the message to young African-Americans; the best way to stop any controversy with law enforcement is just don't break any laws. It's that simple.
Stay in school, listen to your parent(s), get a solid education, stay away from gangs and drugs, and you won't have to endure or face up to any law enforcement controversy. Believe me Baltimore's answer to this situation is not to have Al Sharpton visit the city. He'll just incite more rioting for his own personal gain. He is an animal that should immediately be returned to Africa.
Does any blame for the rioting rest with the Mayor of Baltimore? You bet it does. Her exact words were, "give the protesters their space, and if some of them riot, give them space also."
Do you think any of this police restraint filtered down from the White House to the Attorney General to the Mayor and down to the police officers during the riots.
I'm surprised Barry Soetero didn't blame Bush for the Baltimore riots. Barry is a spineless leader, who criticized Bush for not visiting New Orleans during Katrina, but refuses to visit Baltimore. He must have a golf date. God save us from him.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on You Tube, Politics with Pete..videos are short)
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