Thursday, May 28, 2015

Brown's Father's Day?

Just this morning I read a "tear jerking" blog,  written by a progressive liberal regarding the late Mike Brown's father on Father's Day.  He bloviated on and on about how sad this Father's Day was going to be for Mike Brown's father(step?) on Father's Day. Before I go any further it must be noted that this liberal progressive blogger just completed a course in Theology given by Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Yeah, you remember him don't you?

This is the same father (step?) of Mike Brown to rant and rave "burn this place down", referring to Ferguson, Missouri riots. Protesters are still parading around streets in the country screaming "hands up - don't shoot". This is derived from a lie  from his friend who claimed Mike had his hands up yelling "don't shoot" to Ferguson's Officer Wilson.

After a thorough investigation it was truly witnessed and discovered that Mike Brown never said "don't shoot", and was in fact, charging after Officer Wilson attempting to take the firearm from the officer. By the way Brown's friend, who made the false claim, is now running afoul of the law.

And, of course, the frosting on the cake is that certain citizens of Ferguson are now placing an inlaid plaque embedded in the street where Mike Brown was shot,  honoring this thug whose short life was a life of crime.

What's my point in all this as we approach Father's Day in a few weeks? I just want to take a few steps back and refer to a similar young Black youth who grew up in the ghetto, and was immersed in the scene of crime and drugs. His own mother was a drug addict. He didn't know his father.

Yet, this very big and strong Black youth didn't rely on the life of crime and drugs to succeed. He was rescued by someone who cared, raised him in her family, saw this young man go to college, and now plays for the Baltimore Colts in the NFL. He was the inspiration for the movie 
"Blind Side". 

I wonder if the men in Mike Brown's life; father-stepfather-mother's boyfriend had taken a proper interest in the raising of this young man. He was certainly huge enough, and with the proper grade-point-average (GPA), could have played college football, and perhaps eventually in the NFL. Instead many citizens in Ferguson blame all of Mike Brown's misfortune on "the brutality of the Ferguson police department".

And let's not forget the supposed "police brutality" in Baltimore which caused rioting, looting, and burning from which Baltimore may never recover. 

Since then homicides have increased dramatically in Baltimore and in Chicago. Just this past weekend there were twenty-seven homicides in Chicago and Baltimore. Thanks to the media we all know the names of Mike Brown of Ferguson, and Freddie Gray of Baltimore. But this weekend in the 12 homicides in Baltimore this weekend, eleven (11) of these homicides were Black on Black, and I bet you or Al Sharpton cannot name a single Black slain person's name.

I wonder, do you, that if Mike Brown and Freddie Gray would've just obeyed the orders of police officers they would be alive today? The Al Sharptons throw around a lot of blame for the increasingly high crime; slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, racism, and of course Al's favorite, white police shootings of young blacks.  Do the Al Sharptons know there were more White criminals than Black criminals fatally shot in 2014? No, you'll never hear of those stats.

Back to Mike Brown of Ferguson. On a very popular social website posted just today is a video of young and large Mike Brown slowly walking up to the blind side of an elderly black man, sucker-punched him on the left side of his head, and then proceeded to get atop the old gentleman and beat him with his fists, while the man begged for him to stop.

Too many African-American parents refuse to take responsibility for the raising of their children. They don't encourage a loving family environment for the Black youth. the major fault lies in the family. African-American families, along with White families need to realize it all starts in the family. Our children don't come out of the womb with a set of instruction on them. LSD is needed' Love, Support, and Discipline.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)

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