Any American that's even pondering to cast their vote for Hillary in the upcoming primaries or presidential campaign, that's providing she gets the Democrat nomination, just please think again, and take the time to read this. Please
I made a prediction in my You Tube video blog a few days ago that Hillary won't even make it through the primary debates. The Dems now have Bernie Sanders, Webb, and O'Malley throwing their hat in the ring. And once the primary debates unfold Hillary is not going to be able to hide anymore. It's "fish or cut bait time" Hillary. Time to pay the piper.
I also made another prediction, and that is that sometime between now and the end of 2015 Elizabeth Warren is going to throw her hat in the ring. When you add these four contenders to the mix, along with Hillary's falling ratings, I strongly stand by my prediction that she will not receive the Democrat nomination in the end.
She can refuse to refuse to take questions from the press all she wants, but there will come the days, during the primary debates when she's going to HAVE to answer questions about her erased emails, along with her private server, her mysterious donations from foreign countries, her Benghazi role as Secretary of State, and so many other of her illegal endeavors.
Bernie Sanders has already announced that he intends to push Hillary for answers to these crucial developments, during the debates. Her days of just walking through restaurants and smiling at average people is wearing very thin. And the only way she continues to survive is by her constant lying.
Also, if any of the pro-Hillary voters think Barry Soetero is bad at lying, just wait till Hillary gets in the limelight. It's going to be lie after lie during her campaign speeches. And if she should get into the White House be prepared that as soon as she gets challenged for an answer to a delicate situation that the American people have a right to know, her patented answer will be "that's classified, and I can't discuss that now".
Be ready for "I'll have someone from my staff get back to you". Be on the lookout for "we haven't heard back from so and so yet".
Is this the kind of person we deserve in america's White House? Her first year will be appointing cabinet positions to all her heavy donors. Chelsea will probably be Secretary of State, and Bubba will be the U.N. Ambassador.
I've actually heard people say they're going to vote for Hillary because she's a woman. Really?
That's all you got? And Hillary herself claims she's been in politics all her life, and "isn't it about time America elects a woman president"?
We have a bona-fide liar in our White House now. His policies and actions are knawing at the very foundation of what made this country great. Until January of 2017 he will continue to do all he can to erode the principles, freedoms, and rights of the people of this country.
The good news is that in November, 2016 we can vote someone in office to begin repairing the damage this man has done, and will continue to do. The bad, very bad news is that if Hillary takes up residence in our White House, she may bestow on us all deeds and activities that make Barry look like a Republican. We can't afford to let that happen to us and our future generations.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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