Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Do what to the Police?

Not too long ago, in fact, rather recent, Barry Soetero promised the police departments of America that he was going to assure that the  policemen/women were equipped with the proper military arms and equipment to combat the crimes and racial uprisings in the country.

So now Barry has done a complete reversal. Just yesterday he said that it looks like military arms on city police officers appear to be "emotionally damaging to citizens". And what has Barry decided? Well, he now wants to strip police departments in the U.S. of any military arms.  Barry thinks it's degrading to the communities to see police officers in military arms patrolling the streets.

Really Barry? Were you afraid that the looters, and evil scum criminals would be offended if they saw the police departments of Ferguson and Baltimore use all the arms they could to protect their city? Did Rev. Al Sharpton tell you to back the police down, and take away the appropriate arms necessary? Were both Barry and Al afraid this was too much force for the police?

And here's the frosting on the cake. Barry now wants police departments throughout the country to undergo training for their officers. Barry, along with Sharpton and Mayor DeBlasio of New York, want police department men and women to be more understanding and empathetic of the criminals they approach.  They need to be trained. Really?

Barry wants to "train officers", but has given no thought to the evil Black criminals that roam the streets to loot, burn, rob, and do all they can to attack and destroy those citizens that take pride in their cities, and some of their tax dollars actually go to supporting these thugs.

Has Barry ever researched the young Black hoodlum gangsta criminal? Did he ever look into that Black youth growing up without a father? Did he ever look into the single mother that is trying to raise that Black youth? With no strong support that Black youth will lose any self esteem, and desire to reach worthwhile goals.

The youth then learns about welfare and other entitlement programs, and with low self esteem he's going to drift to other peers in his same situation. This is how gangs are formed and a life of crime is underway. Their hatred for authority, beginning with the Police, grows while they continue to feel the police is out to punish them unjustly.

They Black criminal youth feels the police "are just out to get me".  Duh, yes that's true. When you commit a crime the police are certainly out to arrest you to see that justice is done, and law abiding citizens are protected.

The youth of this country is our greatest natural resource, and Barry is doing absolutely nothing for the education, growth, and support of these underprivileged young Black youths. Instead he feels part of the answer is to "train our police officers". 

Yeah Barry the answer to all the crimes committed by young Black youths is to tell our police departments to "back off". What a great idea. Did Barry get that from Sharpton?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on m video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)

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