Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wanna be a Gizzillionaire

We've all sat around fantasizing about what we'd do if ever won the big lottery, and suddenly became a multi-millionaire.  Buddy of mine jumped back when I told him I want to be a Gizzillionaire. He just laughed and asked, "what the hell are you going to do with a gizzillion dollars"?

I answered that I would rent out the country's largest arena, and send out notices to all who voted for Barry Soetero both times, 2008 and 2012. I would notify them that I will pay each one if they'll sit down for a 5-minute conversation with me. At this point my buddy was rolling on the floor laughing and telling me how crazy I was.

My buddy wanted to know "what are you gonna talk to these people about in five minutes"? I said I would qualify that it must be short quick answers so I can complete my survey in time.
Of course I would have this gigantic computer to tally all their responses into categories of gender, age, and race, but not their names.

First question (1) Yes or No.. did you vote for Barry both times? (2) Yes or No..any regrets for not voting for McCain or Romney? (3) Yes or No..did you ever serve in the military? (4) Yes or No..did you sign up for Obamacare? (5) Yes or No..did Barry give you the "hope & change"he promised you? (6) Yes or No..are you gainfully employed now? (7) Yes or No..are you on any type of welfare/food stamp/subsidized housing/unemployment program? (8) Looking for Better or Worse answer..If elected, do you think Hillary will be better or worse than Barry in our White House? Last question...(9) Yes or No..did race have anything to do with your vote?

And if I have any time left over of course I'll ask what their political affiliation is. 

Then I would tally all these answers, and with the millions  remaining, I would buy a television network. I would then broadcast all the results from my tally, and host a gigantic talk show to invite people of all different walks of life to discuss what this man has drastically done to this country in such a short period of time.

When he announced to the U.S. Coast Guard graduating class that "climate change is the biggest national security threat our country faces today", I realized this man is either stupid or is an ISIS plant in our White House, is extremely incompetent, or all of the above. He tells Americans on memorial Day that "for the first time in fourteen years America is no longer at war". Really Barry? Tell that to all the families that your ISIS friends are raping,  torturing and beheading every day.

Many also believe Barry Soetero is a criminal. He has waged war against our Founding Fathers, and against our Constitution. He doesn't even care what the Supreme Court has decided on his immigration and Obamacare policies.  If this man were a White Republican he would already be in handcuffs.  

Let's face it folks. We have a criminal living in our White House, and his name is Barry Soetero.

And that's Politics with  Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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