An old timer once told me When you listen to someone, there are four words they will keep on saying that describes them as a very insecure person. Those words; "I", "me", "mine", and ""my". The old timer went on further to say the insecure person will go to any lengths to get approval of whomever they are communicating with, and agrees with them, offering no criticism.
The insecure person does not care about what's good for those he's communicating with, or ever leading. He or she will continue to brag, tout, and bloviate about all their individual accomplishments. At times they will even lie, embellish, or fabricate accomplishments just to be accepted and approved by others, caring little or nothing for the truth.
The insecure person will not compromise, reason, or even listen to any subject that doesn't fall in line with the insecure person's beliefs about how great he or she is. The insecure person can and will always be found hiding behind their lies and fabrications.
Many people, like the old timer, strongly believe that we should actually feel sorry for the insecure person, for they must rely on the praises and adulations of others to make them feel good about themselves. The insecure person does not possess the inner belief in themselves to step up and attempt to accomplish any deeds. Their insecurity is so strong they have an overwhelming fear of failure.
And this fear of failure prompts the insecure person to surround him/her self with only those who will agree and praise them. However, today there is a great prevailing fear surrounding the most visible insecure leader this country has ever known.
When the insecure person gains power than those that disagree or speak negatively about the insecure person will be chastised and dealt with unfairly. It will not be whether the insecure person is right or wrong. It will be solely based on the "hurt" feelings of the insured one.
Today, Americans are witnessing the most insecure leader this country has ever known, Barry Soetero. This man is extremely dangerous to our great country. Right now the evil Barry Soetero is even attempting to over-throw our great country to honor his Allah, Islam, along with all of his Muslim brothers and sisters.
This man cares nothing for our country. His only interest is his own failed legacy. And he's not all that bright. You've heard him with a teleprompter right? He needs his Iranian advisor Valerie Jarrett to prop him up for all his decisions.
Just want to end by commenting that we should all thank God he's out of our hair in 2017. Also, I don't agree with the old-timer's philosophy that we should feel sorry for this insecure ignorant man. I feel nothing but disdain and disrespect for this radical Islamist Muslim.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on You Tube, on my video blog...Politics with Pete)
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