C'mon now, do you really think Barry Soetero cares what anyone is saying, writing, or printing about him? And I mean ANYONE! Even those in his own political party are scratching their heads over his words, actions, and (executive action) deeds. An as the 2016 presidential draws closer and closer each day, the leaders in his own party are moving farther and farther away. But do you think he cares?
Even new upcoming Senator minority leader, Chuck Schummer, is calling for a total transparency of the "deal" made with Iran, with a strong message that this "deal" must go through the House and the Senate. But do you think he cares?
Have you figured it out yet? He just doesn't care. When you research and examine what this man has done to our great country, really all that's left is for him to do is announce to the American people that he's out to destroy our country, and he is a radical Islamist Muslim. I can just see and hear him now smirking into the teleprompter announcing this and then uttering, "so what....you can't do a thing about it...I'll be outta here soon, living the good life on the taxpayers' dollars". And do you think he cares?
As if his hatred of Netanyahu and Israel, and allowing Iran to go ahead with their nuclear program wasn't enough, he recently made it clear how he feels about Americans, Christians, the Constitution, and our cherished and sacred way of American life. And do you think he cares?
Long before he made the Gitmo for Bergdahl evil swap he knew that Bergdahl was in contact with the terrorists. He knew Bergdahl had made arrangements and told his parents he hated America for the war, and he was going to "the other side to fight with them". Barry even knew this even before six soldiers lost their lives looking for Bergdahl. And do you think he cares?
Barry knew all this while he was making plans for Bergdahl's parents to come to the Rose garden to celebrate the release and homecoming of this evil AWOL traitor. Barry and his sidekick NSA's Rice called Bergdahl "a hero that served his country with honor and distinction".
While he was doing this do you think he cared at all for the American people?
Recently Barry said Americans should understand that radical Islamist Muslim terrorists "are only doing what the Christians in their Crusades did...and what the 'Jim Crows' did with enslaving of Blacks". Then after the terrorists in Kenya slaughtered over 100 Christians in a Kenyan college Barry never acknowledged those slain were singled out as Christians. But do you think he cares?
Then on Easter Sunday, the day Christians celebrate the death and rebirth of Jesus Christ, what does this evil man say at the breakfast meeting? "I get a lot of unkind things said to me by Christians, but that's a subject for another day". Are you finally seeing his evil writing on the wall? This man just doesn't care about America. He wants our Constitution and our America destroyed and overrun by his Islamist Muslim people. And what is really tragic in all this is he doesn't care what you think? While Barry is playing footsie with Iran and allowing them to build their nuclear arms Barry will not utter a word about the Americans being held in captivity in Iran, even a U.S. Marine. Do you think he cares?
Barry knows he can say, do, write, bloviate, order, and dictate anything he chooses to without worrying about the outcome. He just stands there and smirks at America, with a challenging aura about him like he's saying, "I just don't care...what are you gonna do about it"?
It's too late for impeachment, and our Generals and Admirals fear Barry so much so they won't march into the White House and arrest him for treason. So it seems we just have to wait him out, pray that he doesn't do too much damage his remaining time. But most of all we have to assure our great country that Barry won't be replaced by another "Barry in a pants suit".
Why? Because Hillary cares for America, our Constitution, and the American people about as much as Barry Soetero does. Both of them just do not care.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
(please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)
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