Friday, April 10, 2015

Hillary is more Barry

Really, is there anyone out there who thinks Hillary will be any different than Barry Soetero if she makes it to our White House? What may even be worse is  Barry was, and still is, so ignorant, that it was easy for America to catch on to him early on in his presidency. Yeah, I know, he still got elected again. But that's only because he and his corrupt lib party convinced the minorities that if Barry isn't reelected then all their freebies will be taken away by Republicans. However, some of Slick Willy has rubbed off on the lying, deceitful Hillary.

Hillary will carry on in Barry's footsteps in so many many ways. She has done so much damage in the area of trust, honesty, and integrity that how can anyone perceive that if she sits in America's White House she'll do her job with the American people's best interest at heart?

Benghazi and her e-mail server fraud debacles should be enough for all of America to sit up and take notice of this dishonest self-serving woman. She actually has not done a note of accomplishment for the people of this country to warrant a single vote next November.

However, she keeps reminding us that "I have paid my dues in public service, and I deserve to be the first woman president".  Well Hillary, America is waiting, and to date, you have not named a single concrete accomplishment. Well, there is that ......or was it that....or maybe when you....Gee Hillary what was that accomplishment that so resounded through America that makes us all want to vote for you? Was it when you said, "What difference does it make?"

Folks, maybe the one single most devastating reason not to vote for Hillary is her association with foreign countries and their donations to her "charity". She accepts millions upon millions from foreign countries that actually hate us, and want to destroy us. She then takes that money and filters it into her personal and campaign account.

And did you hear what Slick Willy, her husband, had to say about those donations? "Doesn't matter about the philosophy of the matters that their donations helped our charity".
Really Willy, do you think Americans are that stupid. Those donations are going straight to yours and Hillary's coffers to use in her campaigning.

And just what do you think those foreign countries will want in return for their large donations if Hillary sits in America's oval office? Their requests may be worse that Iran's demands on Barry. With Hillary repaying favors to these foreign donations I can see more ISIS groups sprouting up. Yes, and old Hillary will make excuses why we can't wipe them out. Just like Barry is doing now with Iran and ISIS.

If anyone thinks she's going to be any more transparent that the radical Islamist Muslim that's on the golf course now, just think again. She hates the press and the media, which means Americans will never know what's going on. She'll owe so many favors to the wrong people that donated that we'll never know who's truly the leader of this country.

Does all of this seem familiar to you folks? This is what we have today in our White House. Please let's not make the mistake of repeating the mistakes we made in '08 and '12.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
(Please follow me on my video blog, Politics with Pete ....on my You Tube site)

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