I grew up in the '40's and '50's, so in middle school and high school a lot was spoken in our classrooms of Naziism and the onslaught of the Jews, concentration camps, etc. I remember a teacher asking the class "why do you think General D.D. Eisenhower ordered pictures be taken and documents written as he examined the concentration camps after the war"? No one in class knew the answer, so the teacher quoted General Eisenhower when he said, "so that history and future generations will not only ever forget what happened here, but will do everything to assure mankind that it will never happen again".
That was in 1945 when the Allies freed the remaining Jews from Nazi-made concentration camps where bodies of dead Jews were scattered. Eisenhower wanted the world to see what was done to a people mainly because of their religious beliefs.
Today the world is experiencing another Holocaust. This one is being committed by radical Islamist Muslim rebels against ALL Christians. Every day news is being broadcasted of the beheadings of Christians by ISIS and their followers. Well, not all the news outlets are reporting these atrocities. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC give little or no air time to these every day tragedies and massacres.
Why do you suppose that is? Well, it's very simple. These fawning networks are preaching the words of Barry Soetero, "the world has never known the peace that prevails today". Really Barry? Maybe if you were a Christian instead of a Muslim you would acknowledge these slaughtering of Christians, and maybe do something about it.
Barry Soetero won't even acknowledge there is an ISIS. Why do you suppose that is? How many more Christians need to be slaughtered before this inept president takes a stand against these evil deeds? This man must be removed from our White House and removed now!
To show just how inept and useless Barry is, he has even gone so far as to "justify" and condescend over the subject of Christians being slaughtered by radical Islamist Muslims.
This evil man wants us to give ISIS a pass because "Christians must not forget killings in the name of Christ during the Inquisition". He followed that up with, "slavery and Jim Crow philosophies were in the name of Christ in years past".
All the lies and scandals, all the Obamacare mismanagement, Fast & Furious, the IRS debacle, and the countless other mishaps this man has created pale in comparison to his refusal to launch an all-out war for the killing and dismantling of these ruthless evil radical Islamist Muslims. This man in America's White House won't even say this group is ISIS.
This man in America's White House called the Ft. Hood terrorist attack "workplace violence".
This man said the Benghazi massacre was perpetrated by an anti-Muslim video that less than 300 people viewed. This man released five high level terrorists from Gitmo in exchange for a U.S. Army soldier that was a known traitor who wanted to become a Muslim terrorist himself.
Now, maybe, just maybe people will believe just where Barry Soetero's true allegiance lies.
What are we going to do about it? Are we going to follow up with another Barry Soetero, but in a pants suit in 2016? Wake up America.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my video blog Politics with Pete on You Tube)
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