Today's blog is a very insightful transition from yesterday's blog. Yesterday we reviewed the enormous payouts by states to welfare recipients. As I wrote yesterday, Hawaii is leading this payout "race" with $60,590. per year per recipient This calculates to $29.13 per hour. One scenario that came to light was a couple that secretly, without the government's knowledge, moved in together and their gross was over $121,000. per year. Wow!!
Today there are thousands of jobs available for Americans. One of the problems is that the majority of welfare recipients are not qualified to apply for these available jobs. Many of the jobs re technical and above manual labor skills. However, there is another factor/problem, which may be the most dangerous facing our nation today involving jobs.
Maybe the largest problem/question to be addressed is where is the incentive for welfare recipients to better learn and prepare themselves for the available jobs in society today?
In many cases technology and automation in manufacturing today may be forcing manual workers to become obsolete.
And I'm sure in many, many cases you hear the echo, "why should I get a job, or try to learn some new technical job when I'm making more on welfare"? Is this great country creating a population of lazy shiftless people?
This great country was built on creativity, learning, and a constant pride in trying to do better for one's self and family. Are we destroying this philosophy? Are we going to stand by and watch other countries pass us by in growth, technology, and an overall well being?
Of course I place the majority of blame on Barry Soetero's administration. Barry and the media have these welfare recipients fooled into believing that the Republican party wants to take these "freebies' away from them. What's tragic is many welfare recipients believe this.
Barry and his minions are telling people to stay on welfare, don't bother working or getting educated for a better job. Why should they? In this manner Barry and the liberal progressive party can better control their welfare masses. And with ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN supporting this ideology they have been succeeding since Barry has been in office.
Since January, 2009 the welfare rolls have increased to 50 million, while minimum wages have escalated to surpass the average income of hard working Americans. I mean, this can be very hard to banter against. To know that a young man/woman in many states can sleep till noon, and spend the day watching TV and heading for the beach without even trying to work for a living can cause the U.S. to follow the downfall of the Roman Empire.
Take a journey with me please. Have you wondered if Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell, and many other American inventors and entrepreneurs had the chance to get welfare, food stamps, and other government freebies equivalent to todays welfare payouts? Sad huh? And the poor sad labor unions today. How can they unionize workers when the 50 million welfare recipients do better by just staying at home? What are unions supposed to protect today?
Final question folks: When is the last time someone on welfare, unemployment, or food stamps ever created a job?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my Your Tube video blogs...Politics with Pete)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Why work?
I just have to tell this story to open today's blog. My buddy and I, both assembly line foremen at a auto assembly plant, stopped at an all-night diner for some eggs after we got off the night shift. We just finished about twelve hours of work, and we were whipped. We could hardly stab our eggs to eat.
As we were swapping stories of our twelve hours on the assembly line, two robust looking African-American young men walked past us and slid in the the booth behind us. We didn't have to eavesdrop because they were loud enough to be heard throughout the diner. It was almost that they wanted to be heard.
Their conversation went like this: One said: "Ain't no friggin' way I be getting' a job. My bi**h
at home be collecting' welfare for her three kids she got from these two other brothers, and she also gettin' food stamps with some gov-ment housing' stuff. And we both getting' unemployment. That's some serious coin.
His friend then prompted, "I hear ya man. Why's a brother gotta work, when he can just stay home and play, and let Sam (Uncle Sam) be takin' care of us. My woman be fixin' my unemployment card so it looks like I be lookin' for work. Getting' up around noon tomorrow and headin' for Sam's office to show dem I been lookin' " With that they both laughed and guffawed loud enough for all in the diner to hear.
Of course there were a lot of expletive words mixed into their two-way conversation that I can't repeat in the blog. They got up, and left the restaurant. When they were out of ear-shot I said to my foreman buddy Charley, "Ain't it great to know that some of the taxes they take out of our pay this Friday will go to support those guys"?
The most tragic thing about this story, and it's a true story, happened in 1968. What's more tragic is that I could have said this story happened last week. Yeah, some things never change. History has this way of repeating itself.
OK, what's my point? There a jobs out there for the unemployed, but with our welfare structure why would they want a job? Today there are thirty-three states that pay out welfare and other freebie entitlement benefits that total more than the minimum wage. What's worse, in thirteen states welfare recipients receive more than $15.00 per hour. Statistics have documented that welfare benefits have increased faster than the minimum wages.
Do you know what some of the states are paying out to welfare recipients from your tax dollars? Hawaii leads the pack with $60,590 yearly to each welfare individual. That comes to $29.13 per hour. Wouldn't it be great to sleep till noon, grab your surfboard and head for the beaches at $60,590. free money?
Next on our hit parade of freebie money is our nation's capital D.C., which pays out $50,820 per year, or $25.30 per hour to each welfare recipient. I could go on and on through all thirty-three states, but I'll just end with the state with the least welfare yearly payment, South Carolina, at $21,910, or $10.91 per hour.
Just as a point of reference, the middle class income for all tax paying people in the U.S. is $50,000. That means we have some states that pay more in yearly welfare payments than the average working, tax paying folks make in this country.
And our Dear Leader Barry Soetero is doing a great job of convincing our 50+ million on welfare that the GOP wants to take their freebies away from them. He says it's his way of making sure everyone is getting their fair share of money to spend and enjoy life with.
No folks, it's Barry's way of controlling the masses, just like Adolph did in the '30's. America is virtually broke and bankrupt. We need monumental changes, and we need them now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
As we were swapping stories of our twelve hours on the assembly line, two robust looking African-American young men walked past us and slid in the the booth behind us. We didn't have to eavesdrop because they were loud enough to be heard throughout the diner. It was almost that they wanted to be heard.
Their conversation went like this: One said: "Ain't no friggin' way I be getting' a job. My bi**h
at home be collecting' welfare for her three kids she got from these two other brothers, and she also gettin' food stamps with some gov-ment housing' stuff. And we both getting' unemployment. That's some serious coin.
His friend then prompted, "I hear ya man. Why's a brother gotta work, when he can just stay home and play, and let Sam (Uncle Sam) be takin' care of us. My woman be fixin' my unemployment card so it looks like I be lookin' for work. Getting' up around noon tomorrow and headin' for Sam's office to show dem I been lookin' " With that they both laughed and guffawed loud enough for all in the diner to hear.
Of course there were a lot of expletive words mixed into their two-way conversation that I can't repeat in the blog. They got up, and left the restaurant. When they were out of ear-shot I said to my foreman buddy Charley, "Ain't it great to know that some of the taxes they take out of our pay this Friday will go to support those guys"?
The most tragic thing about this story, and it's a true story, happened in 1968. What's more tragic is that I could have said this story happened last week. Yeah, some things never change. History has this way of repeating itself.
OK, what's my point? There a jobs out there for the unemployed, but with our welfare structure why would they want a job? Today there are thirty-three states that pay out welfare and other freebie entitlement benefits that total more than the minimum wage. What's worse, in thirteen states welfare recipients receive more than $15.00 per hour. Statistics have documented that welfare benefits have increased faster than the minimum wages.
Do you know what some of the states are paying out to welfare recipients from your tax dollars? Hawaii leads the pack with $60,590 yearly to each welfare individual. That comes to $29.13 per hour. Wouldn't it be great to sleep till noon, grab your surfboard and head for the beaches at $60,590. free money?
Next on our hit parade of freebie money is our nation's capital D.C., which pays out $50,820 per year, or $25.30 per hour to each welfare recipient. I could go on and on through all thirty-three states, but I'll just end with the state with the least welfare yearly payment, South Carolina, at $21,910, or $10.91 per hour.
Just as a point of reference, the middle class income for all tax paying people in the U.S. is $50,000. That means we have some states that pay more in yearly welfare payments than the average working, tax paying folks make in this country.
And our Dear Leader Barry Soetero is doing a great job of convincing our 50+ million on welfare that the GOP wants to take their freebies away from them. He says it's his way of making sure everyone is getting their fair share of money to spend and enjoy life with.
No folks, it's Barry's way of controlling the masses, just like Adolph did in the '30's. America is virtually broke and bankrupt. We need monumental changes, and we need them now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Wipe it clean Hillary
All we're hearing on the news from the lame stream media lately is that Hillary has over 86% approval rating from her Democrat party. Well, it's pretty obvious isn't it? First of all, of course this 86% is a lie, but how do we challenge ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC on this lie?
And even if it wasn't a lie, who else can the Democrats run? Sure they're going to put all their eggs in Hillary's basket. Does anyone think the Dems are stupid enough to run the Cherokee Warren, or the hot weather man Gore, or Lurch Kerry? Don't think so. Oh yes, might as well throw Holder, Sharpton, and even Michael Obama in that mix.
But one of the many things I love about this country is that no matter the lies that the lame stream media, and the Clintons throw at us, it's still the American people who will decide who sits in our White House in January, 2017.
Hillary actually believes, and very strongly I might add, that she is entitled to the presidency of this great country. Americans want to know from Hillary why she believes she's entitled. Lately she's been traveling around the country giving her $250,000 "donation" speeches, and starts each speech with, "isn't about time the U.S. elects a woman president"?
Well Hillary, you may be right on that quote, but we Americans sure don't want you as the first woman president, and what have you accomplished that is convincing enough to make us vote for you?
Before we visit your Benghazi mess, your illegal donations from foreign countries to your charity that you rob from, or your e-mail "wipe-out", there is one major reason why you should never get one American vote.
March 11, 2014 on national TV someone asked you what did you feel was your major accomplishment as our Secretary of State. Your answer was, and still is one of the most mind numbing quotations ever made.
Here's your quote verbatim" "I'm glad you asked about my accomplishments as Sec'y of State. My proudest accomplishment in which I take most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know, the remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused on in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture, and we didn't do that, and I'm proud of that, very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment.
Really Hillary, do you think this "accomplishment" is one of the reasons we should vote for you? Heck, we're even having trouble understanding just what you said. And let's not forget when you were a 27-year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.
The Watergate investigation was led by lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When Mr. Zeifman was asked why he fired you from the committee he was quoted verbatim: "She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer....she also conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the Judiciary Committee, and the rules of confidentiality".
Again I say, really Hillary? Is this another reason we should vote for you? And what the heck were you doing during the Benghazi massacre? You won't even tell us, and then you tell congress, "what difference does it make?"
And how many years now has it been that the charity operated by you, your husband Slick Willie, and your daughter Chelsea that has been receiving large monitary donations from foreign country leaders whose names you refuse to disclose? And how much of this money finds its way to your campaign pocket, or to Slick's pocket?
And what did we discover just yesterday. Hillary's "home-grown" computer server has had all its emails wiped clean. Hillary recently proclaimed on TV that she owned two cell phones, a traveling computer tablet, an iPad, and a Blackberry. Then she tells the press reporters that she only had one cell phone and "it was convenient to run everything with just one apparatus".
The convenient part is when she called everything on her home-grown server as private emails and she wiped them all clean, so she won't have to testify about them. She wants us to believe those home-grown emails were private, and no one will have access to them. Do ya think she erased them only because they were private, or was she hiding something. You'll make the ultimate decision in November, 2016.
This woman should not be America's president. She should be fitted for an orange pants suit and put in a cell for all the white collar crimes she has committed, and still continues to commit.
Wake up America. Hillary just may be worse than Barry Soetero, if that's possible.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
And even if it wasn't a lie, who else can the Democrats run? Sure they're going to put all their eggs in Hillary's basket. Does anyone think the Dems are stupid enough to run the Cherokee Warren, or the hot weather man Gore, or Lurch Kerry? Don't think so. Oh yes, might as well throw Holder, Sharpton, and even Michael Obama in that mix.
But one of the many things I love about this country is that no matter the lies that the lame stream media, and the Clintons throw at us, it's still the American people who will decide who sits in our White House in January, 2017.
Hillary actually believes, and very strongly I might add, that she is entitled to the presidency of this great country. Americans want to know from Hillary why she believes she's entitled. Lately she's been traveling around the country giving her $250,000 "donation" speeches, and starts each speech with, "isn't about time the U.S. elects a woman president"?
Well Hillary, you may be right on that quote, but we Americans sure don't want you as the first woman president, and what have you accomplished that is convincing enough to make us vote for you?
Before we visit your Benghazi mess, your illegal donations from foreign countries to your charity that you rob from, or your e-mail "wipe-out", there is one major reason why you should never get one American vote.
March 11, 2014 on national TV someone asked you what did you feel was your major accomplishment as our Secretary of State. Your answer was, and still is one of the most mind numbing quotations ever made.
Here's your quote verbatim" "I'm glad you asked about my accomplishments as Sec'y of State. My proudest accomplishment in which I take most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know, the remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused on in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture, and we didn't do that, and I'm proud of that, very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment.
Really Hillary, do you think this "accomplishment" is one of the reasons we should vote for you? Heck, we're even having trouble understanding just what you said. And let's not forget when you were a 27-year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.
The Watergate investigation was led by lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When Mr. Zeifman was asked why he fired you from the committee he was quoted verbatim: "She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer....she also conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the Judiciary Committee, and the rules of confidentiality".
Again I say, really Hillary? Is this another reason we should vote for you? And what the heck were you doing during the Benghazi massacre? You won't even tell us, and then you tell congress, "what difference does it make?"
And how many years now has it been that the charity operated by you, your husband Slick Willie, and your daughter Chelsea that has been receiving large monitary donations from foreign country leaders whose names you refuse to disclose? And how much of this money finds its way to your campaign pocket, or to Slick's pocket?
And what did we discover just yesterday. Hillary's "home-grown" computer server has had all its emails wiped clean. Hillary recently proclaimed on TV that she owned two cell phones, a traveling computer tablet, an iPad, and a Blackberry. Then she tells the press reporters that she only had one cell phone and "it was convenient to run everything with just one apparatus".
The convenient part is when she called everything on her home-grown server as private emails and she wiped them all clean, so she won't have to testify about them. She wants us to believe those home-grown emails were private, and no one will have access to them. Do ya think she erased them only because they were private, or was she hiding something. You'll make the ultimate decision in November, 2016.
This woman should not be America's president. She should be fitted for an orange pants suit and put in a cell for all the white collar crimes she has committed, and still continues to commit.
Wake up America. Hillary just may be worse than Barry Soetero, if that's possible.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Traitor in White House?
I will never forget February 26, 1954 when I raised my right hand and swore an oath when I enlisted into the U.S. Air Force. I'm a few weeks of turning 80, but will always honor my dedication, honor, and loyalty to this country. Heck, if the Air Force would take me today I'd go back in.
I never saw combat, but realized my duties as a cyrptographer as a vital contribution to the country I served. I still feel that way. I still get a thrill to stand for our national anthem. I would still do anything to protect my country. This is the greatest country to live in by any measure.
My point in today's blog is directed at our military leaders; our Generals and Admirals. You Generals and Admirals also took an oath to serve, honor, and protect our country at all costs.
You are to take all measures and means available to protect our country.
You also swore an oath to prosecute all matters of treason and traitorship directed at our great country. You have more than enough information at your disposal today to arrest Barry Soetero for failing to honor our Constitution, to which he was sworn to uphold.
His most recent act is the most horrendous, blatant act of treason by a president that this country has ever known. Barry Soetero knew full well that Sgt. Beau Bergdahl was a deserter and was consorting with the enemy even before he made the illegal trade. He knew this, and used it as a means to send five terrorists back to continue their war against the country he was sworn to protect.
It has now been authentically documented that three of these five released Gitmo terrorists are right now, today back on the battlefield murdering Jews, Christians, and any American military personnel they can.
This radical Islamist Muslim posing as our president stood on national TV at the White House with Burgdahl's parents proudly stating this man was an American hero, and welcomed him back to our country. He even smiled and warmly hugged Burgdahl's mother as Bergdahl's father spoke in Arabic welcoming his traitor son back home.
Barry then directed his NSA Director, Susan Rice, to go on national TV and proudly state that Sgt. Bergdahl was an American hero and served our country with honor and distinction.
When you add this treasonous act to what this president did to our best mid east ally Israel there is certainly more than enough evidence to show the man in America's White House is a traitor and needs to be removed from office.
My question is to the Generals, Admirals, and other military leaders of our country. Why are you not marching into our White House and putting the hand cuffs on this traitor? By Barry's last act he consorted with the enemy as much as Burgdahl did.
History will show in years to come that Barry Soetero actually made an illegal unconstitutional exchange with the radical Islamist Muslims. This definitely makes him a man at war against the U.S. of America.
Again, why are we not arresting this man? We cannot afford to have him loophole and dance around this terrorist act of his. Arrest him now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
I never saw combat, but realized my duties as a cyrptographer as a vital contribution to the country I served. I still feel that way. I still get a thrill to stand for our national anthem. I would still do anything to protect my country. This is the greatest country to live in by any measure.
My point in today's blog is directed at our military leaders; our Generals and Admirals. You Generals and Admirals also took an oath to serve, honor, and protect our country at all costs.
You are to take all measures and means available to protect our country.
You also swore an oath to prosecute all matters of treason and traitorship directed at our great country. You have more than enough information at your disposal today to arrest Barry Soetero for failing to honor our Constitution, to which he was sworn to uphold.
His most recent act is the most horrendous, blatant act of treason by a president that this country has ever known. Barry Soetero knew full well that Sgt. Beau Bergdahl was a deserter and was consorting with the enemy even before he made the illegal trade. He knew this, and used it as a means to send five terrorists back to continue their war against the country he was sworn to protect.
It has now been authentically documented that three of these five released Gitmo terrorists are right now, today back on the battlefield murdering Jews, Christians, and any American military personnel they can.
This radical Islamist Muslim posing as our president stood on national TV at the White House with Burgdahl's parents proudly stating this man was an American hero, and welcomed him back to our country. He even smiled and warmly hugged Burgdahl's mother as Bergdahl's father spoke in Arabic welcoming his traitor son back home.
Barry then directed his NSA Director, Susan Rice, to go on national TV and proudly state that Sgt. Bergdahl was an American hero and served our country with honor and distinction.
When you add this treasonous act to what this president did to our best mid east ally Israel there is certainly more than enough evidence to show the man in America's White House is a traitor and needs to be removed from office.
My question is to the Generals, Admirals, and other military leaders of our country. Why are you not marching into our White House and putting the hand cuffs on this traitor? By Barry's last act he consorted with the enemy as much as Burgdahl did.
History will show in years to come that Barry Soetero actually made an illegal unconstitutional exchange with the radical Islamist Muslims. This definitely makes him a man at war against the U.S. of America.
Again, why are we not arresting this man? We cannot afford to have him loophole and dance around this terrorist act of his. Arrest him now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Monday, March 23, 2015
Now do you believe me?
About four years ago film maker Dinesh Disooza produced a film, "2016". This is a great film depicting the woes of the middle east and the dangers of radical Islamic overtaking our greatest democratic mid east ally Israel.
Of course the main stream media did not give the film any credence or credibility. What may be even worse the "lame" stream media gave it virtually no coverage on their networks. And to many Americans that may be the biggest and most significant tragedy of all; not to report ALL aspects of the news, and the facts surrounding it.
In the movie 2016 it was shown in a cartoon makeshift on the screen a giant barbed wire fence strangling Israel. This was shown by exactly what Barry Soetero is doing right now. Barry is secretly negotiating with Iran promising them to lift sanctions against Iran, and also allowing them to keep many centrifuges for their nuclear arms program.
It is no secret Iran is giving arms, money, and support to the radical terrorists in the mid east, Hezbollo, ISIS, and the Taliban terrorists. It is also no secret that Iran is continuing to claim they will eradicate Israel off the face of the earth. All this is occurring while Barry is making nice and playing footsie with the Iranian leaders.
Barry Soetero is acting like a spoiled brat on the playground. He lost the Israelian election battle with Netanyahu, and how does he react? Well, he takes his ball and runs home to the White House crying to his mama Valerie. Barry sent one of his leader campaigners to Israel, along with nearly $400,000. to help promote the campaign of Netanyahu's rival in the campaign.
Iranian military leaders, along with the chief leader Ayatollah Khomeini, are chanting "death to America", while we send our most irrelevant insignificant representative, Lurch Kerry , to sit down with these people "to iron out a deal". Does anyone in this great country have any faith that Kerry can be a useful negotiator for us? Anyone?
Right now Israel is facing one of its greatest survival challenges to democratically exist and survive for its people. It is a critical time when America must stand and support its most important mid eastern ally. And what is Barry doing instead of helping to protect Israel's back? He continues to cozy up to gain favor with Iran, promising Iran conditions that Americans know nothing about. Why is America being kept from the details of the Iranian negotiations? Don't you want to know why?
Barry is trying to lift sanctions from Iran, and even allowing them to maintain a modicum amount of centrifuges for their nuclear efforts. Does anyone in the U.S. trust this man that all world leaders are beginning to hate. Even his strongest supporters from the Democrat House & Senate are now threatening to supply enough votes to continue sanctions against Iran to make the vote veto-proof.
The most tragic thing ever, regarding this man in our White House, is that he doesn't care what anyone says or does. He listens to no one but his radical side-kick Valerie. Barry Soetero has no concerns for the American people he swore to protect from all adversaries foreign and domestic. He has no respect for our Constitution laid before us by our Founding Fathers.
I've said many, many times that this man, Barry Soetero, is a radical Islamic Muslim, and is on a mission to do all he can to bring down our great country. Of course I've been strongly criticized for writing such things in my blogs. So now, I just ask you all; DO YOU BELIEVE ME NOW?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my video You Tube..."Politics with Pete")
Of course the main stream media did not give the film any credence or credibility. What may be even worse the "lame" stream media gave it virtually no coverage on their networks. And to many Americans that may be the biggest and most significant tragedy of all; not to report ALL aspects of the news, and the facts surrounding it.
In the movie 2016 it was shown in a cartoon makeshift on the screen a giant barbed wire fence strangling Israel. This was shown by exactly what Barry Soetero is doing right now. Barry is secretly negotiating with Iran promising them to lift sanctions against Iran, and also allowing them to keep many centrifuges for their nuclear arms program.
It is no secret Iran is giving arms, money, and support to the radical terrorists in the mid east, Hezbollo, ISIS, and the Taliban terrorists. It is also no secret that Iran is continuing to claim they will eradicate Israel off the face of the earth. All this is occurring while Barry is making nice and playing footsie with the Iranian leaders.
Barry Soetero is acting like a spoiled brat on the playground. He lost the Israelian election battle with Netanyahu, and how does he react? Well, he takes his ball and runs home to the White House crying to his mama Valerie. Barry sent one of his leader campaigners to Israel, along with nearly $400,000. to help promote the campaign of Netanyahu's rival in the campaign.
Iranian military leaders, along with the chief leader Ayatollah Khomeini, are chanting "death to America", while we send our most irrelevant insignificant representative, Lurch Kerry , to sit down with these people "to iron out a deal". Does anyone in this great country have any faith that Kerry can be a useful negotiator for us? Anyone?
Right now Israel is facing one of its greatest survival challenges to democratically exist and survive for its people. It is a critical time when America must stand and support its most important mid eastern ally. And what is Barry doing instead of helping to protect Israel's back? He continues to cozy up to gain favor with Iran, promising Iran conditions that Americans know nothing about. Why is America being kept from the details of the Iranian negotiations? Don't you want to know why?
Barry is trying to lift sanctions from Iran, and even allowing them to maintain a modicum amount of centrifuges for their nuclear efforts. Does anyone in the U.S. trust this man that all world leaders are beginning to hate. Even his strongest supporters from the Democrat House & Senate are now threatening to supply enough votes to continue sanctions against Iran to make the vote veto-proof.
The most tragic thing ever, regarding this man in our White House, is that he doesn't care what anyone says or does. He listens to no one but his radical side-kick Valerie. Barry Soetero has no concerns for the American people he swore to protect from all adversaries foreign and domestic. He has no respect for our Constitution laid before us by our Founding Fathers.
I've said many, many times that this man, Barry Soetero, is a radical Islamic Muslim, and is on a mission to do all he can to bring down our great country. Of course I've been strongly criticized for writing such things in my blogs. So now, I just ask you all; DO YOU BELIEVE ME NOW?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my video You Tube..."Politics with Pete")
Thursday, March 19, 2015
House of Cards is real !!
OK, I admit it I'm addicted to Netflix's House of Cards starring Kevin Spacey. My wife and I haven't missed an episode since it started. We don't "binge-watch" like my crazy sister-in-law does. We kind of savor it through a few months to get all thirteen episodes. We're on episode five in the current year.
Netflix is broadcasting this very popular TV series as pure fiction. I for one have always believed that there is always some truth in fiction. The more I watch the fictional "president" Francis Underwood on the House of Cards TV series I clearly see the stark similarities between his character and the real life man in our White House today.
Kevin Spacey does a magnificant job of portraying the U.S. president. I'm in the third season, episode 5, and by now I have grown a strong TV hatred for the character Spacey displays. His character has an absolute lust for power, and the TV series does a great job of showing "president" Underwood on the TV screen as a corrupt back room dealing man that cares nothing at all for the American people, only for his own preservation of power.
Seem familiar to you? I keep cheering at all the setbacks Spacey endures, and despising him as he destroys anyone who does not agree with him to advance his own self-power agenda. As a strong conservative it's so easy for me to meld Spacey's character and Barry Soetero as one.
To the few of you that read my blog occasionally and follow "House of Cards" on Netflix I don't want to give away any story plots if you're behind season 3, episode 5. But just a little tease OK? Well the TV president has a strange crude plan to create jobs. It's very entertaining to watch to see the similarity between Spacey's character and Barry as he tries to enforce the corrupt under-handed deals to accomplish his job creating task.
Getting a little more familiar to you? Yes, this TV character has Barry written on him so indelibly that I won't be surprised if Soetero tells Holder and the FCC to get it pulled of the air.
In fact, if I were the GOP presidential nominee I would flood this TV series into all American homes during the presidential campaign. Whether it's fiction or not this TV series correctly displays just how a corrupt, self-centered, power hungry selfish man with power can act.
I don't want to appear as a commercial TV ad for this TV series on Netflix, but I strongly suggest that all Americans watch this depiction of how someone can harm the Constitution and the American people if given the power to do so.
I've watched this TV president destroy the character of people against him, even to the point of "physically" removing his dissidents from the scene. Barry Soetero certainly has a TV "brother' in Kevin Spacey's character. Who knows; maybe in years to come this series will be changed to "a true documentary of Barry Soetero". Watch the series people, I know you'll agree with me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on You Tube...."Politics with Pete")
Netflix is broadcasting this very popular TV series as pure fiction. I for one have always believed that there is always some truth in fiction. The more I watch the fictional "president" Francis Underwood on the House of Cards TV series I clearly see the stark similarities between his character and the real life man in our White House today.
Kevin Spacey does a magnificant job of portraying the U.S. president. I'm in the third season, episode 5, and by now I have grown a strong TV hatred for the character Spacey displays. His character has an absolute lust for power, and the TV series does a great job of showing "president" Underwood on the TV screen as a corrupt back room dealing man that cares nothing at all for the American people, only for his own preservation of power.
Seem familiar to you? I keep cheering at all the setbacks Spacey endures, and despising him as he destroys anyone who does not agree with him to advance his own self-power agenda. As a strong conservative it's so easy for me to meld Spacey's character and Barry Soetero as one.
To the few of you that read my blog occasionally and follow "House of Cards" on Netflix I don't want to give away any story plots if you're behind season 3, episode 5. But just a little tease OK? Well the TV president has a strange crude plan to create jobs. It's very entertaining to watch to see the similarity between Spacey's character and Barry as he tries to enforce the corrupt under-handed deals to accomplish his job creating task.
Getting a little more familiar to you? Yes, this TV character has Barry written on him so indelibly that I won't be surprised if Soetero tells Holder and the FCC to get it pulled of the air.
In fact, if I were the GOP presidential nominee I would flood this TV series into all American homes during the presidential campaign. Whether it's fiction or not this TV series correctly displays just how a corrupt, self-centered, power hungry selfish man with power can act.
I don't want to appear as a commercial TV ad for this TV series on Netflix, but I strongly suggest that all Americans watch this depiction of how someone can harm the Constitution and the American people if given the power to do so.
I've watched this TV president destroy the character of people against him, even to the point of "physically" removing his dissidents from the scene. Barry Soetero certainly has a TV "brother' in Kevin Spacey's character. Who knows; maybe in years to come this series will be changed to "a true documentary of Barry Soetero". Watch the series people, I know you'll agree with me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on You Tube...."Politics with Pete")
Monday, March 9, 2015
Did ya hear about Harrison Ford?
Oh my God....did you hear about Harrison Ford? He skidded his plane on a golf course, got a few scratches and had to go to the hospital. But don't worry folks. His scratches were not "life-threatening", and he's going to be just fine. He's resting comfortably in an upgraded private room in the hospital, and is being watched by a very competent nursing and medical staff around the clock. Gotta be ready for that next multi-million movie.
And please folks don't worry about Harrison's progress. The media will be following this story non-stop. It will be the opening dialogue in most all media outlets, especially ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. Very soon now Harrison will most likely be on 60-Minutes with a gut-wrenching heroic story about how he saved countless lives by maneuvering his plane onto a golf course, rather than downtown Santa Monica.
Isn't he just a true modern day hero? He's making us believe that he's really Indiana Jones. I can see Steven Spielberg getting the documentary together now. I think we should start calling him "IJ" Ford, for Indiana Jones. Sounds good huh?
By the way did you happen to hear on the news that about the same time our "hero" IJ was skidding his plane on the golf course ISIS was dousing an 11-year old boy with gasoline, putting him in a cage and setting him on fire in front of his family? You mean you haven't heard about it? And has the news reported yet about the young teen-age girl in Iraq that committed this dastardly crime against Allah, she just wanted to get educated, and what did ISIS do? They dragged her to the middle of town and beheaded her.
Can you guess who the only network was that carried the Kayla Mueller memorial? Wait, first of all, does everyone know who Kayla Mueller was? She was the young woman doing charity work in Afghanistan that ISIS executed. Recently someone asked me, "how can you watch Fox all the's so depressing....I gotta laugh when I watch TV".
Guess what I said....absolutely nothing. If an individual wants to watch Seinfeld and King of Queen re-runs that's certainly their choice and I respect that. But for me, I want to know what's going on in the world today. I'm very close to 80, and as long as I can speak, write, and pray I'll do all I can for this great country. Heck, if the USAF would take me back I'd re-enlist.
It's about now that I have this strong "movement" in my mind and body to push back against all those that rag on me for being a Fox News Junkie. Yes, I am, and if there ever comes another network that will start reporting the news honestly and truthfully I'll be a news junkie for them too.
ISIS is slaughtering hundreds of Jews and Christians every week, and ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN refuses to mention a word of it on their broadcasts. Why? Because it just may upset their beloved leader Barry Soetero. Barry himself, and his merry gang of Jarrett, Biden, and Kerry are labeling these slaughterings as just "random acts". Really Barry? Random?
ISIS is slaughtering Jews and Christians, Supreme Court is about to debunk Obamacare, Hillary won't come clean on her e-mails, Barry won't even speak to Israel while he plays "footsie" with Iran, Holdr wants a Federal Police force starting in Ferguson, and this is all going on behind the scenes because Americans will never be told what's happening to our great
You'll never hear about this on ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN, and you wonder why I watch Fox?
But don't worry folks; stay tuned to the major networks to find out all the news on IJ Ford.
Can I get an address for him? Want to send flowers and a get-well card.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog, "Politics with Pete")
And please folks don't worry about Harrison's progress. The media will be following this story non-stop. It will be the opening dialogue in most all media outlets, especially ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. Very soon now Harrison will most likely be on 60-Minutes with a gut-wrenching heroic story about how he saved countless lives by maneuvering his plane onto a golf course, rather than downtown Santa Monica.
Isn't he just a true modern day hero? He's making us believe that he's really Indiana Jones. I can see Steven Spielberg getting the documentary together now. I think we should start calling him "IJ" Ford, for Indiana Jones. Sounds good huh?
By the way did you happen to hear on the news that about the same time our "hero" IJ was skidding his plane on the golf course ISIS was dousing an 11-year old boy with gasoline, putting him in a cage and setting him on fire in front of his family? You mean you haven't heard about it? And has the news reported yet about the young teen-age girl in Iraq that committed this dastardly crime against Allah, she just wanted to get educated, and what did ISIS do? They dragged her to the middle of town and beheaded her.
Can you guess who the only network was that carried the Kayla Mueller memorial? Wait, first of all, does everyone know who Kayla Mueller was? She was the young woman doing charity work in Afghanistan that ISIS executed. Recently someone asked me, "how can you watch Fox all the's so depressing....I gotta laugh when I watch TV".
Guess what I said....absolutely nothing. If an individual wants to watch Seinfeld and King of Queen re-runs that's certainly their choice and I respect that. But for me, I want to know what's going on in the world today. I'm very close to 80, and as long as I can speak, write, and pray I'll do all I can for this great country. Heck, if the USAF would take me back I'd re-enlist.
It's about now that I have this strong "movement" in my mind and body to push back against all those that rag on me for being a Fox News Junkie. Yes, I am, and if there ever comes another network that will start reporting the news honestly and truthfully I'll be a news junkie for them too.
ISIS is slaughtering hundreds of Jews and Christians every week, and ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN refuses to mention a word of it on their broadcasts. Why? Because it just may upset their beloved leader Barry Soetero. Barry himself, and his merry gang of Jarrett, Biden, and Kerry are labeling these slaughterings as just "random acts". Really Barry? Random?
ISIS is slaughtering Jews and Christians, Supreme Court is about to debunk Obamacare, Hillary won't come clean on her e-mails, Barry won't even speak to Israel while he plays "footsie" with Iran, Holdr wants a Federal Police force starting in Ferguson, and this is all going on behind the scenes because Americans will never be told what's happening to our great
You'll never hear about this on ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN, and you wonder why I watch Fox?
But don't worry folks; stay tuned to the major networks to find out all the news on IJ Ford.
Can I get an address for him? Want to send flowers and a get-well card.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog, "Politics with Pete")
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