By now we're all so tired of all the race baiting speeches regarding George Zimmerman, by King Hitler Jr., Holder, Jackson, and my favorite, the all time "racial arsonist", Al Sharpton. I cannot and will not call this man a Reverend. I'm as much a Reverend as he is. At least I graduated from college with a major in Marketing and a minor in Sociology.
Poverty Pimp Sharpton actually dropped out of college after two years to go on the road with soul singer James Brown. Yeah, that really helped his Divinity education.
Today's blog is about what Bill O'Reilly spoke to last night in Bill's Factor Talking Points. I'm sure Mr. O'Reilly won't mind if I use some of his talking points in my blog today, as he was so succinct, adept, and passionate in driving home his points to all Americans.
I was so impressed at what Bill said last night that I want to pass his main ideas along to anyone who reads my blog today. Yes, I'm going to paraphrase, but his message is worth repeating again and again.
Why is the Poverty Pimp, Sharpton, spending so much unnecessary time trying to incite Blacks to war against Whites? What is that going to prove? How is trying to wedge more of a divide between Blacks and Whites going to help? It doesn't help for the "racial arsonist" to inflame more hatred of Whites by Blacks. What will that accomplish?
Taxes of Whites, along with taxes of hard working Blacks help to sustain the welfare, food stamp, and government subsidized housing programs that help Blacks in the inner cities of Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, L.A. etc.
So why would the likes of the Poverty Pimp want to incite Blacks to "bite the hand" that helps feed them? Isn't it about time that people like Jackson, Holder, Jealous, Obama, and the "racial arsonist" get to the core of what's causing many inner city African-American youths to follow a life of crime and drugs.
When is the last time our country's president, and other prominent African-American leaders traveled to our inner city ghettos to speak to Black youths that live a life of crime and drugs?
When is the last time anyone spoke to that horrible issue among young Black girls of "babies having babies"? Why won't African-American leaders talk to young Black girls about the pitfalls of having babies instead of pursuing a proper education?
Where is the talk about Black men taking responsibility for the babies they create out of wedlock? Why doesn't Obama, Holder, Jackson, Jealous, and Sharpton address the fact that many young Black youths on the streets living a life of crime and drugs have no idea who their father is?
Why doesn't the "racial arsonist" address the facts that in inner city crimes 93% of murdered Blacks are committed by other Blacks....NOT WHITES. So why does Sharpton want Blacks to start a war against Whites?
Instead of African-American leaders helping to stop the crime and drugs among Black youths in our inner cities, they want to convince Blacks that their life of crime is because of Whites, and therefore deserve to feel they are victims. We all know what a life of self-victimizing will lead to; drugs and crimes.
This is the greatest country our world has ever known. There is much we owe to our African-American populus. But what is more important is what our African-American populus can contribute to and benefit from this great country. It appears that any greatness of our African-American heritage is being replaced with Black thugs living lives of crimes and drugs.
Living a life of crime, drugs, and babies born out of wedlock and assuming the role of victim, will not help the African-American race of our great country. There are so many great African-Americans that Blacks should aspire to emulate; too many to name here. But surely not some of the rap and entertainment African-Americans that are in today's spotlight.
It's so easy to blame others for your misfortunes, however it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to succeed. It starts in the family unity and progresses on to education, and then good old fashioned hard work. You cannot succeed living on welfare and food stamps.
I implore the likes of Jackson, Sharpton, Jealous, and even the president to push the message to the Black community to quit blaming the Whites for your misfortunes, and a life of crime and drugs are not the answers.
And never, ever forget the greatest helping hand you will ever find is at the end of your arm, and don't use that hand to take from others. Use it to pull yourself up. These are topics that Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, Jealous, and others should be addressing to the Black youth of our great nation.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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