Saturday, July 27, 2013

Give it up's over

Do you hear it folks? Listen closely; it's there. It's the eerie silence that has befallen us all. It's the silence surrounding the George Zimmerman trial. Yes, not only is it over, the news of the trial outcome is fast fading from the media.

Well, there are those few on MSNBC that keep rehashing it over and over.  Yes, but it's like anyone cares because who tunes into that network?  Our resident Poverty Pimp, racial arsonist Al Sharpton spent a whole hour with the one juror who felt Zimmerman was guilty. 

Hey Al, did she give you the name of the White person who barged through the deliberation room and held a gun to her head? What changed her mind Al? At least when juror B..whatever went on the ABC, Good Morning America show, they let her finish her statements.  She said the prosecution presented a very weak case. Gee, you and your posse on MSNBC didn't give her a chance to say that.

I was living in Southern California when the O.J. verdict was announced. Man, did you see all the rioting and protests by the Whites? Does anyone remember the three Black female jurors who went on the Larry King show to proclaim O.J. was guilty, but they voted him innocent to send a message to White people. Isn't that just great?

Looks like MSNBC isn't going down without a fight. I mean really, bringing on Star Parker to throw tirades against the Zimmerman jury? She's an irrelevant throw-away from The View. Who really cares what she has to say?

The Poverty Pimp, racial arsonist better find another "cause" to instigate young Black youths to start protests, riots, looting, etc., against Whites. Your stronghold of the George Zimmerman trial is fading fast with the media. 

There's very, very little media coverage now, and soon there will be none. Give it up Al; it's over.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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