Barack Hussein Obama, aka, Hitler Jr. is not the President of the United States of America. He will now be known as King Hitler Jr., the renowned King of America. Think about it.
When you parallel the King or even Queen of a country to how King Hitler Jr. is operating it's easy to see how he can be seen as a King, not a President. Notice I said operating, and not leading. This individual in our White House has no leadership skills. He's just a talking puppet, or better, a figurehead for the Democrat party.
Go down the list of events that have occurred since January 2009. Beginning with his infamous Obamacare of 2,977 pages. The King never wrote a word of this horrible disaster. His only contribution was to "read" about it from a teleprompter. And now we're discovering Obamacare is a disaster, and may contrbute to economically setting America back twenty years.
When Obamacare fully implodes I wonder who the King will blame then. You can bet he won't take any responsibility for its failure. The King will most likely mimic the famous TV Sargent Schultz, "I know nothing". And now we discover the King's Obamacare is so bad that millions are being spent to teach young school children to sing the praises of Obamacare to their parents. Didn't Adolph Hitler do that in the '30's where he started youth programs to teach young children the ways and benefits of the Reich. Way to operate King.
Heck, we couldn't even find him during the Benghazi massacre. Of course we all know that a King is above any skirmishes or disputes. He has underlings to attend to these lowly matters. A King is to be a figurehead only to show the "masses" that he loves them. The King must also show his masses that he is happy in his duties as their King by golfing, vacationing, playing basketball, and even hosting Hollywood celebrities in his large palace at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Someone dared to question the King on his IRS targeting conservative groups to deny them any Constitutional benefits. His response was, "Gee, I just found about it when you did....don't know anything about it". When the King was asked about Eric Holder's involvement in Fast & Furious, he just cut the reporter off with, "I have all the confidence in Eric Holder's decisions in this matter".
But have you noticed how the King "owns" his kingdom masses by always saying, "I", "me", "mine", "my", while he is hosting weekly celebrations in HIS 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue palace.
This man completely believes he is the self-proclaimed King of America, and the "trivials" of operating his kingdom are beneath him.
When members of Congress would not approve more money for the King to lavishly spend he punished the masses of the kingdom by completely closing down palace tours at 1600. He closed down U.S. national parks. Not only did the King reduce warm meals for our fighting military, he went so far as to cease any military parades or celebrations including the famous Fourth of July Marine Parade.
And what does the King of America do while he is closing down military and civil operations in his kingdom? Well, of course, he takes up to $100.Million of the kingdom's taxes and enjoys a lavish vacation in Africa. Why not? After all, he is the King of America.
Then King Hitler Jr. was questioned about the NSA spying on citizens of his kingdom. When he was challenged that the spying was used for political gain for the Democrat party, the King denied the allegations, even when his own supporters reported differently. His only vague response was, "We need security to keep America safe".
Many in the King's kingdom are joyous that this dictator will be gone in January, 2017, even though there are some underling followers in his kingdom that want the King to reign longer. However, the people in the kingdom must now work hard to assure there will never be another King for this great country. Just a strong, honest, and truthful leader that this great country fought and died for; a leader that will honor our great Constitution.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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