Monday, July 15, 2013

Let it go will ya!

Will someone tell Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson, MSNBC, and the Hollywood icons that the Zimmerman trial is over. And there's not going to be a trial for any civil rights violations. The FBI has already concluded that.

And as soon as a judge rules in favor of Florida's "stand your ground" ruling there will be no civil suit against the Zimmerman family by the Martin family. It's a waste of time anyway. Please don't forget O.J. lost a civil suit initiated by the Goldman family, and O.J. has yet to pay a dime to the Goldman family.

Jessee Jackson bloviated that Trayvon Martin didn't have a jury of HIS peers. Hey Jessee, Trayvon wasn't on trial....Zimmerman was. By the way Jessee, Sanford, Florida's population breakdown is 78% Caucasian, approximately 15% Hispanics, and less than 10% African-American. Let's face it; if George Zimmerman were black and Trayvon Martin had been white then George would have been hailed a hero by the black community, and there would have been no trial at all.

Sharpton and Jackson seem to have very short memories. I lived in L.A. when O.J. Simpson brutally murdered his wife and 25-year old Ron Goldman in the L.S. suburb of Brentwood, California. Brentwood is an upscale suburb with a Caucasian population of nearly ninety per cent. The L.A. District Attorney then was Gil Garcetti. 

D.A. Garcetti received enormous pressure from the African-American community leaders to move trial proceedings from Brentwood to L.A. The trial was in fact moved to L.A., and we all know O.J. was acquitted Later, three African-American women later, while being interviewed, remarked, "we knew O.J. was guilty, but we wanted to send a message to all white people".

So because the verdict in the Zimmerman case didn't go in favor of the deceased Trayvon Martin many African-American leaders, Hollywood types, and even some Black athletes are "seeking justice for Trayvon" through rioting.  

African-Americans like Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Russell Simmons, and Spike Lee are trying to call themselves civil rights leaders, when in truth they are nothing more than racists, attempting to stir up riots led by the black community against whites.

If Jackson, Sharpton, Simmons, and Lee want to help the African-American community, why don't they focus on the very high unemployment among blacks? Why don't they focus on the low education among blacks? Why don't they focus on the abnormally high crimes among blacks? Will they ever report the extremely high percentage of blacks that populate our prisons?

Will Jackson or Sharpton ever discuss the extreme high rate of crime of blacks on blacks? will they discuss the horrid crimes that blacks commit on whites?  Why won't the media report that originally the local D.A. didn't even want to file charges? Instead the Florida state attorney, Angela Corey,  filed charges against Zimmerman, AFTER she saw to it the police chief was fired. The state attorney even bypassed the grand jury to indict George Zimmerman.

Under the guise of civil right leadership Jackson and Sharpton are doing nothing more than inciting riots, which are already starting to take place. You can bet they, along with the media won't report that riots and ugly protests are starting all across this country, and the flames of riots are being fed through these so called civil right leaders, Jackson and Sharpton.

Just yesterday a group of black teen-age youths in Toledo, Ohio attacked and beat a 78-year old man. They were heard saying, "just beat him, don't kill him, so we won't go to jail". The only area outside of crime that blacks are leading in is athletics. 

Jackson and Sharpton should focus on helping young blacks through education to honor and respect the Constitution and laws of this country. Through education blacks can achieve anything they want, instead of rioting against the Caucasian race.

Jackson and Sharpton should seek to help young black youths not to grow up into New Black Panthers. As you know the New Black Panthers have vowed, after the verdict acquitted Zimmerman, said they would "go  to whitey's suburbs, and burn their houses down so they can feel pain...we ain't burnin' our communities....we burnin' whitey's house".

I would like to caution these New Black Panthers to stay away from "whitey's" suburbs in Northeast Ohio. Many, many of us have licenses to legally own and carry firearms. We all also believe in our Second Amendment rights. Just so you know Panthers. I certainly don't want to start any troubles, however, I would ask the New Black Panthers to read page 23 of Ohio's firearms laws; the part that covers the "Castle Doctrine".

The altercation, resulting in a legal self-defense, should never have even been brought to trial. This was race-based initiated by the black civil right leaders, the media and certain Hollywood icons, and athletes.  Don't forget, a black youth paid the ultimate price for an altercation he started.

Let it go folks. It's over. The jury has spoken. Our country has bigger issues facing us now. What does Jackson and Sharpton hope to accomplish by inciting riots? It won't bring back a deceased black youth. It just may cause more killings.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops



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