Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Race this Al

Initially, I felt that the Zimmerman trial is over, and it's time to move on. I wanted to forget the whole incident and move on to other issues of political interest to investigate, research and use for my political blogs.  

My big mistake is I thought others would also feel the same way. Of course I was greatly mistaken as events throughout the country have pointed out. Riots and beatings by black thugs on innocent white people have occurred. There has even been occasions where the U.S. American flag is being burned by African-American youths.

There have been many African-American politicians, athletes, and even Hollywood types fanning the flames of violent protests and riots. But to me the main person behind all these senseless riots, beatings, and protests is the loser Reverend Al Sharpton.

Therefore I have decided that until Rev Al Sharpton backs off, and tells his black community followers to stop the riots and show peace to all fellow Americans, I'm going to bring to light all of his misguided deeds. This man has a reputation of inciting riots, protests, and beatings while he hides behind his lies of "civil rights leadership".

This evil man is not trying to do any good deeds for his African-American race. He is out only to draw attention to himself. He is an angry man that feels justified in inciting riots and protests in our country. Just tune in sometime to his 6:00 EST, MSNBC program.

As long as this man continues this outrageous inciting of riots I am going to write blogs about all the evil deeds he is inciting against the Caucasian race. This evil man actually he feels he is promoting justice for the African-American community by inciting them to riot, and attack anyone in the Caucasian community.

I guess old Rev Al thinks all these riots are in retaliation to the way Whites rioted, protested, trashed buildings and cars after the O.J. Simpson trial. Oh wait....were there any riots aftr the O.J. trial? I guess not, cause you can bet the media would have broadcasted it. 

During that period of time I was the media relations spokesperson for the California Branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, formerly The Adam Walsh Center. After O.J.'s acquittal I was asked to speak at a peaceful gathering honoring Parents Of Murdered Children (P.O.M.C.) After the speakers finished; there were three of us, I was approached by Fred Goldman, the father of murdered Ron Goldman, the 25-year old that had his throat cut open by O.J. Simpson, bleeding to death.

He embraced me and thanked me for speaking on behalf of all parents of murdered children. The gathering was about 1,500 to 2,000 in attendance. It was a peaceful, quiet, and respectful gathering of Americans that love Americans. No one was there to incite any type of misbehavior, riots, burnings, or vandalism.

I predicted two things; Zimmerman would be acquitted, and secondly MSNBC would boot Sharpton out the front door because they will see he's nothing more than a loser that incites riots.  

This evil man supported the Twana Brawley fiasco and lost. This evil man supported the prostitute in the Duke lacrosse fiasco and lost. This evil man carried banners for the support of Trayvon Martin and lost. MSNBC should face it; they're backing an evil loser.

This evil man has gone so far as to incite the New Black Panthers to go into suburbs and burn down houses of Caucasians.  I want Al Sharpton and his rioters to explain to me and the rest of America, just what do they hope to accomplish by property burning, beating, and rioting other Americans.

As long as Al Sharpton continues to incite unlawful and brutal riots, beatings, and burnings against white Americans, I am going to continue to write blogs taking this evil man to task.

Because there have been so many riots and threats against Whites, before I started today's blog I called our local police department. I informed the officer that I spoke with  I was a licensed conceal-carry-weapon holder in all states except Illinois, California, and New York. 

The helpful police officer, on the telephone, reaffirmed my right, under Ohio's CCW law to "outside carry"my firearm, as long as I abide by any requests by banks, churches, libraries, and certain businesses that have signs posted prohibiting guns on the property.

I love this great country of ours, and as the son of an immigrant I was taught to love all Americans; white, black, brown, or any other skin color. I implore Al Sharpton, as a civil rights broadcaster, to urge the African-American community to accept the jury's findings in the George Zimmerman trial just like Caucasians did in the O.J. Simpson trial. 

Stop it Al, before we have a civil race war on our hands that we will all lose.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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