Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Shame, shame, despicable shame on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and especially MSNBC for outwardly inciting riots within the United States due to their biased reporting of the George Zimmerman trial.

Not a single one of these networks reported that last Christmas Eve, 2012, an African-American woman kidnapped a nine-year old boy, bound him up in twine and tortured and burned him to death with a blow torch. Where was the ever-religious Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson then?  Not a single word from the likes of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, nor MSNBC either.

This past July Fourth holiday weekend on the streets of Chicago alone, there were nine gun slayings. I read three articles and one Internet outlet of these particular slayings. I read each article twice looking for the ethnic race of the victims and suspects. Never once was the race of the victims or the suspects ever mentioned. Was it because the slayings were "race on race"?  Not once was even a minute mentioned on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC of these slayings.

But today, as I'm typing this blog the George Zimmerman trial is being reported, in a biased nature, on all of these networks, just about twenty-four/seven. There's even a network, HLN, that broadcasts nothing else but the George Zimmerman trial. 

What if Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman were of the same ethnic race? You can bet ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC wouldn't give one minute of air broadcast time to the trial.
In fact, there probably wouldn't have even been a trial; just a plead-out. Then everything surrounding this scenario would quickly be forgotten.

So why is there so much interest in this trial? Why did our own United States president quickly remark, even before any evidence was brought out, :if I had a son, he would be just like Trayvon Martin". Why are Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton walking around carrying banners that have written JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON written on the banners?

Why did MSNBC broadcast on one of their shows, "it looks like there is little HOPE that George Zimmerman will be convicted"? There is only one reason for all this bias; these networks, along with King Hitler Jr. want to divide the African-American against the Caucasian race and incite riots in our streets should Mr. Zimmerman be acquitted.

I lived in Los Angeles during the Rodney King trial, where the police officers were acquitted of an alleged crime against Mr. Rodney King. When the police officers were acquitted horrible riots broke out in the streets of L.A.  The brother of a friend of mine had his entire store looted, vandalized, and burned to the ground.

It seems the networks, want to prove something, and would like to see something like that happen again. We would all like to know why are these networks doing this? It can't be just to create interest for ratings. 

Wonder why Fox News has just been declared number one in ALL news broadcasting; not just cable news, but even beating the major networks? Unlike the other biased networks, Fox News is just reporting the facts in evidence regarding the Zimmerman trial, and allows the viewers to decide. 

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are hoping to "rev up" any prospective viewers just to attempt to gain ratings. Yesterday, the infamous Rev Al Sharpton on MSNBC had a bias panel of liberal progressives on his show. They all agreed with one another that "the lawyer representing George Zimmerman was being dishonest in his delivery". Yes, that was aired on the infamous MSNBC, that is dropping drastically in ratings.

Are these biased networks attempting to "ready" the streets for rioting if George Zimmerman is acquitted of second degree murder?  The biased reporting of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC have already incited some, as there already are death threats levied at George Zimmerman and his family.

It is a shame that with all the challenges that face our great country today, it seems racial baiting seems to be at the forefront of these networks. They have shamed our entire country.

Pray, folks, pray, that whatever the jury decides, our great nation will not be turned to rioting in our streets. It will just set us back further than King Hitler Jr. has already done.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.

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