OK...will someone please explain the meaning of transparency to Mr. Obama. Never mind, I will. Mr. Obama, transparency in Government means you're supposed to be up front with the American people and explain, in advance, everything you're going to do, including legislation on ALL. tax increases.
Mr. Obama has no desire to be a transparent resident of the White House. Oh, he'll tell you he will, but as we're all starting to find out; talk is cheap. We should've caught on when he passed his Obamacare behind closed doors shutting out all Republican House and Senate members. Can you imagine what the media would have done if President Bush did that?
I'll give it to Mr. Obama. He is slick and smooth. While he's smiling on the Dave Letterman show, or hangin' with Jay-Z and Beyonce, or handling softball questions from the ladies on The View. America is being lulled into a false sense of security. Everything is OK right?
Wrong...Mr. Obama is taxing, taxing, taxing all Americans regardless of their incomes. Mr. Obama keeps touting his "fair share" mantra, but if you look at the process you'll easily see he wants to tax everybody on everything. Mr. Obama claims he wants to raise taxes on only those "rich" individuals grossing over $200,000. per year or families grossing over $250,000. per year.
That is one of the biggest mis-truths coming out of the White House. The truth is we're all getting taxed, taxed, taxed unless we get this man out of our White House.
Have you heard about HR-4646? I didn't think so. This is a bill put forth by Democrat Representative Chaka Fattah from Pennsylvania. It is a 1% tax on all incoming bank deposit transactions, regardless of any Americans' gross yearly income.
What this simply means is that if your employer gives you a check for $1,000. per week, and you take that check to the bank you will be charged a 1% tax just for putting that check in your bank. Now, to me $1,000. per week is a long way from $200,000., and it gets worse.
To all us senior citizens that receive a monthly social security check that is direct deposited or mailed directly to us, whenever that check enters the banking system you will pay a 1% tax.
How about if you want to deposit $1,000. CASH, yes CASH, into your banking account? well, you will be assessed a 1% tax.
If you should receive a $5,000. yearly dividend check from your stock broker you will pay Mr. Obama $50.00. So, when Mr. Obama says he's only raising taxes on those individuals making $200,000. or families making over $250,000. per year....he is just flat out lying. Hey, don't take my word for it....please research HR-4646.
Want to see some more hidden taxes that do not pertain to yearly gross incomes? Mr. Obama is proposing Income/Payroll tax be hiked from 37% to 52% regardless of income. Mr. Obama is proposing Capital Gains taxes be hiked from 15% to 28%. Mr. Obama is proposing Dividends taxes be hiked from 15% to 39%. And let's not leave out that currently we pay no estate tax, but Mr. Obama wants the estate tax be hiked to 55%.
So when Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden are campaigning that taxes will only be on the "rich", just remember that they are not giving Americans the full picture, and of course they have the media shielding this news from Americans.
But there is a definite sure way to stop these tax increases, and it's very simple. Just don't vote Mr. Obama into our White House for another four years. Let's face it folks; we can't afford this man in the White House to repeat his failed policies for another four years. We can stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
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