I'm smart enough to realize that with only eleven days left the time for changing anyone's mind is long over. As a conservative Republican I'm not going to change any progressive lib's mind, and not any Democrat is going to convince a Republican from changing their vote., so I'm just going to vent. Bear with me OK?
My ire and dismay is directed at the man who expects us to give him another four years to repeat what he's done over the past four years. I could write a ten-page blog on why this man does not deserve our vote of confidence, and I've written many blogs about it, so I'll just vent a little.
What started me was the media bias yesterday coming from Cleveland, Ohio's largest newspaper. Not allowed to mention their name. I'll just say I'm so grateful to the paper that I do blog for that is "fair & balanced...The News-Herald. Anyway this other paper, that is just "plain" had an article in yesterday's front page, above the fold. the article's headline read, "Romneys Tied to Voting Machines".
When I read the article the facts in the article reflected that one of Romney's son is invested in a company that manufactures voting machines. The truth is that the Romney family has no ties whatsoever to any voting machine manufacturer.
A friend of mine was incensed and telephoned this "plain", newspaper and left a message. He was called back and received a Steve Martin, "I'm Sorry". I guess this newspaper feels they can print anything, create as much damage as they want, and just say, "We're sorry...it was wrong to put that on the front page..should've been in the op-ed section."
Really? I guess if you lie to the public, all will be OK, if you just say, "I'm sorry". By the way two days before this same "plain" newspaper endorsed Mr. Obama. Gee what a coincidence. Today the "plain" newspaper retracted the story and printed an apology, after they did some research and found the article to be completely false. Yeah, after the horses left the barn, they decided to close the gates.
More bias: There are so many proven lies coming from the White House and State Department regarding the massacre of four Americans in Libya. There are e-mails warning of the pending riots dating back to August. There is so much cover up going on, even to the point of our Secretary of State laughing about the e-mails being on Facebook. Now they're saying the investigation will begin November 15th., nine days after the election. Gee, wonder why.
Does anyone know the TV coverage the Libya massacre received from the major networks?
Well, let me enlighten you; CBS, 23 minutes, ABC, 19 minutes, NBC, 0 (zero) minutes. This is the broadcast time these networks have devoted, since September 11th. of this year, to this tragic massacre in Libya that took the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. In fact NBC did an interview with "Snooki", and another interview with a vacuum cleaner inventor rather than broadcast any news of the slaughter of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans when it became hard news to the public.
On the day, just hours before the massacre unfolded, Ambassador Stevens sent a cable to the State Department stating his concern for security, as a uprising may occur. He asked for military support, and was completely denied any support. Is this the leadership you want in our White House and State Department?
Would you like to read a true fact about the Libyan massacre? IT TOOK NEARLY SEVEN HOURS AFTER THE TERRORIST ATTACK BEGAN FOR THE MURDERING TERRORISTS TO KILL THE LAST TWO AMERICANS. OVERHEAD WERE TWO UNARMED DRONES PHOTOGRAPHING THE ENTIRE MASSACRE. AN HOUR AWAY MILITARY SUPPORT WAS STANDING BY TO ASSIST, AND THEY WERE ORDERED TO "STAND DOWN". ALSO THERE WAS A LASER SIGNAL ON THE ROOF OF THE CONSULATE THAT COULD HAVE DIRECTED MILITARY SUPPORT TO THE CONSULATE. As I asked before; is this the type of foreign policy leadership you want for another four years, while the middle east uprisings are growing? This weekend Fox News is airing a true factual documentary about the massacre in Libya that the major networks won't broadcast. I encourage all to watch it.
Even after Mr. Obama was given solid factual information that the massacre in Libya was a terrorist attack, he showed his true lack of leadership by flying off to Nevada for a fund raiser just hours after knowing of the tragedy in Libya. Subsequently he went on The View and blamed the attack in Libya on a stupid video from an American citizen. Then he went on the Dave Letterman show and said the same thing. He even visited the UN, and six times blamed the massacre in Libya on a 14-minute video in front of the UN council. Do you really trust this man with another four years of not showing leadership?
Thank God there's Fox news, and the newspaper I blog for, The News-Herald, for broadcasting and printing all the news "fair & balanced". The polls are reflecting the Presidential that the race is tight, and just about tied. Can you imagine what the polls would be if all news outlets broadcasted and printed the news "fair & balanced"? Do you ever wonder why Fox News is number one, and the other news outlets are so far behind.
Mr. Obama has lied in all three debates, while making personal attacks on Governor Romney.
His latest, and maybe biggest lie is after proclaiming his defense budget cuts, he actually lied about the sequestration of our military in last week's debate. In a documentary, "2016", in Mr. Obama's own words, he stated that he wanted to "weaken America's military to show other countries we want to encourage peace". I like Reagan's approach better; "in strength there is peace".
Does America want a man to lead this country that has taken a complete reversal from his 2008 campaigning? Don't think so. If anyone wants to do a little research you will find that just about all the promises Mr. Obama made in '08 he has not lived up to.
What is Mr. Obama doing now on his final campaign push? It's openly obvious that he has no accomplishments to run on. So he continues to resort to lying and personal attacks on Governor Romney with stupid names like "Romnesia", and the killing of Big Bird. Mr. Obama vilifies Governor Romney about his income tax returns, but won't divulge any information about his college life. He accuses Governor Romney of "contributing to the cancerous death of a former Bain employee". That was proven to be a lie, but you know the media won't report it.
Let me sign off with some facts that you can bet CBS, NBC, or ABC will not broadcast: On Mr. Obama's "watch" we now have 23 million Americans out of work. On Mr. Obama's watch we now have 47 million Americans on welfare/food stamps. On Mr. Obama's watch gasoline prices have risen from $1.84 to nearly $4.00 per gallon, while he refuses to drill for oil here and open the Keystone Pipeline.
Mr. Obama lied and tried to convince Americans that unemployment has dropped to 7.8% under his watch, however mysteriously California was ommitted from that tally, and the true unemployment is over 10%. If Mr. Obama gets another four years the Congressional Budget Office claims with Obamacare and his reforming of the corporate tax plan, we will lose over 6 million jobs.
Mr. Obama is promising continued welfare and extended unemployment for his next four years, but has yet to show America a plan how he intends to pay for these programs. And of course, the media won't report any of this, well except for Fox News. You know who Fox News is don't you? That's the number one cable news network. Did you know who the cable news network whose ratings are at the bottom? It's MSNBC, who is openly in the tank for Mr. Obama. Go figure.
Thanks for reading this and letting me vent. Eleven days left for you to make a difference.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.
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