I want to visit Mr. Obama's health care plan again OK? Has anyone noticed why the main stream media is not reporting on Obamacare anymore? There are many very factual reasons why they won't report on it.
One reason the media is not reporting on it is because since Nancy Pelosi stood at the podium and giggled as she said, "you have to read the bill to see what's in it", many Americans are now finding many flaws in the bill. Yes, Nancy, we remember your condescending words when you told us we have to read all 2,977 pages. What is so tragic is that nearly all members of the House and Senate haven't read it either. How could they; Obamacare was drafted behind closed doors with only select Democrats in attendance.
Well, here's a news alert...many Americans have taken the time to dig into the 2,977 pages of Obamacare, and what has been found has been so disturbing to Americans that many Americans are now questioning their voting for Mr. Obama.
What prompted me to look into the facts of Obamacare was a phone call from my daughter in California. Having a son in college and a son in high school it was necessary for her to return to work. She works a 40-hr. week, but received some disturbing news from her employer just last week.
She was informed that if she didn't purchase a health care plan she would be placed on a 30-hr. work week. She told her employer she was on her husband's health care plan, and it wasn't necessary to spend the money to buy additional coverage.
Her employer further explained that if an employee works a 40-hr week, and does not purchase a health care plan then the employee is fined under the Obamacare law.
The latest news reported is the Darden Corporation, the holding company for food organizations such as Olive Garden, Burger King, Hardees, and many others, are now experimenting with downsizing the hours of their 40-hr week employees to 30 hours or less.
This will prevent Obamacare from penalizing companies that do not have a healthcare plan for 40-hr week employees. This was buried in the 2,977 pages of Obamacare.
I spent thirty years working for two major medical equipment producing companies, so this next Obamacare fact hits home and hard with me. Every time a medical instrument of any type rolls off the assembly line it is taxed 2.3% under Obamacare. It's obvious medical equipment manufacturers are going to pass this tax burden onto hospitals and clinics, who will, in turn, pass them on to Americans receiving medical treatment. Another item missed by the media.
Another fact not reported by the media is with Obamacare the President will appoint a fifteen-member panel, that have no medical training, who will make decisions as to the extent of advanced medical treatment for patients. This Presidential panel will have the final word in medical treatment, and will not be challenged regardless of the findings of the hospital or doctor regarding the care of the patient.
With Obamacare in place the U.S. will need an additional 14,000 Doctors by the year 2014. if this goal isn't meant it will mean much longer waiting times. Where are we going to get an additional 14,000 Doctors in less than two years? Of course the media won't report this.
More and more Americans are getting the facts of the 2,977 pages of Obamacare, even if our media won't report any of the pertinent facts about it. I'm sure the media, that is in the tank for Mr. Obama, feels if they don't report the facts then Americans won't know about it.
Well, here's a news flash for the media: Americans are doing their own research and finding out what's really in the 2,977 pages of Obamacare, and Americans do not need the media.
A great example of that is the senior citizens of Florida are now finding that Obamacare will be a strong deterrent to receiving proper medical care. This is reflected in the latest polls that show Governor Romney now leads Mr. Obama by 4 points in Florida. After the DNC Mr. Obama enjoyed a lead of 7 points or more depending on the poll.
Another fact the media won't report is that in all the swing states the Presidential race is now in a dead heat. Mr. Obama had a comfortable lead in all swing states just a few weeks ago, but of course the media will not report this.
Another piece of information hidden in the 2,977 pages is if a Doctor or hospital readmits a patient before the allotted wait time has expired the hospital will be penalized under Obamacare, regardless of the health of the patient. Why isn't the media reporting this?
If Obamacare is so good for all of us why are so many waivers given? Oh yes mostly to Mr. Obama's union contributors. If Obamacare is so good why is Obamacare being sued by so many corporations, universities, along with many religious organizations? Of course the media won't report this.
With Obamacare we are going to add several million uninsured people to healthcare insurance rolls. Yes, there are some we need to help get proper health insurance coverage. However, to give a blanket approval for millions while taxpayers go broke paying for it, makes the Dodd-Frank housing debacle appear like a garden party.
To all seniors: Governor Romney will repeal Obamacare before anyone can rob $716.Billion from Medicare. We must help Governor Romney accomplish this in 22 days.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
October 16, 2012
ReplyDeleteHello, my fellow American voters!
I watched the Oct. 3rd and Oct. 16th presidential and Oct. 11th vice-presidential debates.
1st Romney-Obama debate covered 7 topics: jobs; budget deficit/debt; social security/entitlements; federal regulation of economy; healthcare; federal government role in economy; partisan gridlock.
2nd Romney-Obama debate covered 11 topics: college graduate jobs; gas prices; taxes; equal pay; Bush policies; Obama’s record; illegal immigrants; Libya; assault weapons; jobs; candidate misperceptions.
Ryan-Biden debate covered 10 topics: Libya; Iran; economy; medicare/social security/entitlements; taxes/tax reform/spending/budget cuts; military policy; Afghanistan; Syria; abortion; negative campaign tactics.
As an INDEPENDENT female feminist (egalitarian) voter, I support the Romney/Ryan ticket.
Romney and Ryan won all three debates, although Obama improved some in the 2nd debate.
Ryan won despite Biden’s consistently rude/disrespectful behavior during the debate
(Biden interrupted Ryan often, laughed often while Ryan was talking, pointed his finger often).
Biden’s tactics to evade issues/truth were disrespectful to Americans interested in facts, figures, forecasts, and solutions for real people with real problems.
Romney and Ryan won with substance, directness, integrity, respect, clarity, facts, commitment, inspiration, and leadership.
These debates confirm that Romney and Ryan are the best persons in terms of qualifications and character to lead our country to solve problems and make life better for all Americans.
I am inspired by Romney/Ryan, and I hope that you are too!
Best regards,
Cas Lee