Friday, October 19, 2012

If election held today...

A few months ago Mr. Obama was leading in all the polls, even by large margins in some swing states. All the left wing pundits would say on and on, "if the election were held today Mr. Obama would win in a landslide".  On a CNN Sunday morning talk show the consensus among the talk show panelists was that the Republican party should, "throw in the towel...the race is over".

Then some strange and weird things started to happen. The good American people in this country started to wonder why the media and left wing journalists would call the race over and declare Mr. Obama the clear winner when there were still many unanswered questions.

Mr. Obama, in his campaign stump speeches kept telling Americans about all the jobs he created, but Americans kept wondering, "then why are there still 23 million Americans out of work?"

When Mr. Obama took office gas was $1.84 a gallon. Today gasoline is over $4.00 a gallon, and close to $5.00 in some states. Mr. Obama kept saying on his campaign stumps that he was all for oil drilling here in the contiguous U.S. and Alaska, but then vetoed the keystone pipeline, and put drilling moratoriums on oil wells here.  Then Americans began to ask, "why did Mr. Obama veto the Keystone pipeline, while he loaned Brazil $2.Billion to drill for oil"?

Mr. Obama overtly claims we "should spread the wealth".  Well, Mr. Obama is certainly living up to that promise, as Americans want to know, "how come our country's largest expenditure last year was over $1.Trillion for welfare?", and this does not include Social Security or Medicare.  Welfare and food stamps have grown over 33% under Mr. Obama.

Americans began to foresee what the U.S. would become if Mr. Obama was given four more years, and without a plan to lay out for Americans. He hasn't even passed a budget in over three years. Americans finally decided we could not afford four more years of what has been done the last four years.

Suddenly on Sept. 11th. of this year our Libya consulate in Benghazi was attacked, and along with Ambassador Stevens three other Americans were slain by terrorists. What does Mr. Obama do? He travels to Nevada for a fund raiser. He then goes on the Dave Letterman show, the Jimmy Kimmel show, does a radio interview with the "Pimp with a Limp", and visits with the ladies on The View.

When Mr. Obama was pressed for an answer he claimed the "protest" was because of a video in California by an American citizen. He even spoke to that claim on the Dave Letterman show in view of millions of Americans. He then repeated the claim of the video on The View.

Well, suddenly Americans began to pay attention to all these facts and filtered out what the main stream media was reporting. And then the polls began to shift. Governor Romney is now leading in several states, with the recent Gallup poll claiming Romney-52%, and Obama-45%.

Now we're not hearing from the left wing pundits that "the race is over....Romney is finished".
In fact we're not hearing much at all from the silent left wing progressive Dems. Where are you now folks? I've noticed the silence from my blog critics from the left. All is quiet.

Yes, as one of my favorite Presidents, Abe Lincoln, said so resoundingly , "you can't fool all the people all the time". 

God bless the American people.  Yes, it took a while, but they are now starting to ignore a lot of what is coming out of the White House and the main stream media. Americans are now making up their own minds, and it is being reflected in the latest polls.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country.....and our troops.


  1. Well stated. However, Mr. C. you neglected to mention that Obama had Decocratic control of Congress for the first two years of his presidency - an excellent climate to pass a budget and he failed to do so.

    Obama has also abused executive priviledge - 923 times since being sworn in - more than the combined presidents since George Washington. We lost the 3 branches of government when Obama took office.

    Also, write about the UN Treaty coming up which gives the UN control over the Internet and can tax as such. Very frightening.

    Thank you for your articles. They're right on!

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