This news flash just in: Mr. Obama fires Joe Biden and hires Candy Crowley as his Vice President. After last night's debate Mr. Obama feels Ms. Crowley can help him more than Gaffer Biden to win reelection.
Of course this is not true, but the way Ms. Crowley facilitated the debate last night the idea of her being on Mr. Obama's team seems plausible.
First of all there were 82 questions submitted, and one of her duties was to pick the 15 questions that were to be asked Governor Romney, and Candy's hero Mr. Obama. Of the 15 questions selected only 4 were presented to the candidates. I sure would've liked to see the other 11 questions that Ms. Crowley selected.
Is it true that Ms. Crowley quickly chewed and swallowed the remaining questions from the 82 submitted, as they were not flattering to her hero Mr. Obama? Didn't you just love the "softball" questions that were slanted toward Mr. Obama? Examples: "Mr. Obama, why should I vote for you"?, "Mr. Obama should we ban AK-47's"? I was expecting Ms. Crowley to ask how Mr. Obama's steak was prepared.
It was obvious that Ms. Crowley's favorite five words last night were, "Let's move along Governor Romney". Ms. Crowley not only allowed Mr. Obama 4 more minutes of debating time, but interrupted Governor Romney 37 times with only 8 interruptions for Mr. Obama. Fair & Balanced huh folks?
Ms. Crowley also showed she's the master of "calling the fire department after she watches the house burn down". When Governor Romney caught Mr. Obama in a lie regarding the attack on our ambassador in Benghazi, she quickly interrupted Governor Romney and said Mr. Obama was correct. Later in the evening on CNN she admitted Governor Romney was correct, and Mr. Obama was wrong in his statement. Yeah, Candy nice of you to admit your bias AFTER the debate.
Here's something interesting though; during the exchange of Mr. Obama lying about Benghazi and Ms. Crowley support of Mr. Obama's lie, Mr. Obama quickly spoke, "Show him the transcript Candy". Now how did Mr. Obama know that Ms. Crowley would have the transcript in her possession that reflected the terror statement made in the Rose garden? Hmmm.
The important topics that Americans wanted to hear about from the candidates were completlely ignored by this biased moderator. She just would not allow any decent discussions on the topics that would allow Americans to evaluate each candidate. We all know why....Mr. Obama had nothing to say, report, or discuss that would turn to any of his accomplishments.
He just looked smug, and let Candy "carry" him.
It seemed Ms. Crowley did not choose any questions relating to 23 millions Americans out of work, the high rate of food stamps issued, Mr. Obama's raising the national debt to $16.Trillion, the true unemployment at 15%, and his refusal to drill for oil here in the U.S.
Ms. Crowley allowed Mr. Obama to brag about all the jobs he supposedly created, but would not allow any rebuttals reflecting that for every job created in the past four years there have been ten Americans leaving the work force.
The great news is that the American people saw through all the biased garbage, and polls showed Mr. Obama did a great job in his speaking, but Americans still trust the future of this country in the hands of Governor Romney, our next President.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.
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