I'm old enough to remember when America tuned into ABC, CBS, and NBC to get the unbiased up-to-date news. Most of us remember Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley, and Murrow on the daily and weekend news. When these icons of journalists spoke you couldn't tell what their political affiliation was. Their reportings were always fair and balanced, with no bias.
These great news-reporting icons never campaigned for a presidential candidate. They never slanted their news reporting towards their own personal view. In short, they reported and you decided. Kind of what Fox News does today, and why Fox News is number one and climbing.
But I digress. To continue, American families believed the news that Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley, and Murrow was honest, forthright, and factual. They never seemed to deceive Americans. And maybe the greatest gift they gave us is our belief in them.
Then, along the way the networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC began to slant their news leaning towards promoting the Democrat liberal progressive party. The networks did this in such a smooth subtle way that Americans kept believing that everything the networks reported was true, and didn't even see their bias coming.
Then came the advent of certain cable news networks; the likes of MSNBC, CNN, and PBS.
These networks brought more biased newscasters that were also biased and slanted in their news reporting. Enter Christ Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, Ed Schultz, Martin Basir, Rachel Maddow, Kieth Olberman, and others in news reporting. These newscasters downgraded themselves from honest journalists to opinion reporters. The honest news wasn't and still isn't their main agenda.
My critics are always so very critical, and call me names that I can't write here. These "names" actually bring a smile to my face. Mainly because I know I've reached a sore spot. The most flattering name my critics have bestowed on me is "Fox News Junkie".
I always remind my critics that Fox News is the number one network in news reporting. Even Democrat professionals have reported that when they want news reported from all points of view they tune into Fox. I often wonder why any of these other networks, whose ratings are so far behind Fox, haven't changed their agenda to follow Fox to report the daily news more fair and balanced.
It's openly obvious to the American people that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC started in 2008 to support Mr. Obama, and only reported news that promoted his rise to the office of the Presidency. And they were successful. The result was that 52% of America "drank the Kool-Aid" and elected Mr. Obama, a former community organizer, to the highest office in the land.
Then strangely Americans early on began to realize Mr. Obama was not intent on keeping any of his campaign promises. Oh, he was, and still is, a great speaker, handsome, looks good in a blue suit, has a great personality. But the more Mr. Obama did nothing but stand in front of microphones, telepromters, uttering "I", "me", and "mine" the more Americans began to question this smooth talker.
The morose of all this is that for whatever reason known only to them, these biased networks, even with their ratings sinking, they kept "carrying the water" for Mr. Obama. Coincidentally, as the American people started to question, more and more, the validity of their reporting, the ratings of our fair and blanced news network Fox News began to skyrocket and continues to skyrocket more and more every day.
The biased networks only reported Mr. Obama's "fun and popular exploits"; like appearing on the talk shows and TV networks that portrayed Mr. Obama as a "cool" popular individual loved by celebrities, athletes, and well-known people. Mr. Obama seems to be more concerned with his fellow "celebrities" than the American people, and the failing American economy.
The networks never reported that Mr. Obama was more concerned about his popularity than his policies. But that still didn't stop the networks. They continued to report just the flattering images of Mr. Obama. The networks refused to report that 23 million Americans were out of work. They wouldn't report that 47 million Americans are now on food stamps/welfare. The networks reported that Mr. Obama created 5 million jobs, but what they didn't report was that for every job created, five Americans left the work force.
Enter Governor Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee challenging Mr. Obama. Did this stop the biased networks? Of course not. The biased networks began the attacks on Governor Romney, much in the same manner they attacked former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin.
The networks started with lies about his business success stating he ruined peoples' lives while he was at Bain Capital. They continued attacks on Governor Romney's family, his Mormon religion.
One network went so far as to call Governor Romney's Mormonism a cult. They lied about his financial holdings. They even attacked his wife Ann's illness. The sadness was that many Americans believed the lies and slanders they reported about the Governor and his family. All this while Mr. Obama, the "celebrity-in-chief" continued his likeability tours, skipping intelligence meetings, refusing to hold news conferences. The biased media continued to broadcasting Mr. Obama's own lies about how great the economy was doing under his watch.
Then ironically two scenarios occurred. One scenario was the three debates in which people began to really see the real Governor Romney, and began to question the reporting of the biased networks of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Beginning with the first debate on October 3rd., Americans began to scratch their head, began to dismiss the news reporting of these biased networks, and even went so far as to picture Governor Romney as the next President in January, 2013, and someone they could follow and believe in.
The second scenario that occurred was the massacre of Ambassador Stevens in Libya, along with three other Americans. Our "teflon-in-chief", along with his Tonto sidekick Biden profusely expressed that no one contacted them to ask for any military help to the consulate in Benghazi. The State Department, along with the White House called the terrorist attack a "spontaneous assembly" spurred on by a 14-minute video from an American citizen from California.
Suddenly factual news began pouring out, with Fox News reporting the honest facts. When the biased networks began to see the news from Benghazi that Fox was factually reported they did the only thing they could to protect Mr. Obama. They refused to report the news at all, and while they were refusing to report the honest news eminating from Benghazi the same networks continued to report lies and personal attacks on Governor Romney, of course with the help of their chief campaigner Mr. Obama. They tried the "cloud cover" approach to get the American people to focus on other issues rather than issues stemming from Benghazi, Libya.
However, not so strangely, two things began to emerge. First of all more Americans turned to Fox News for the true and honest broadcasting on the tragic massacre, and their ratings are now at an all time high. Most Americans don't know that in fact Bill O'Reilley's "Factor" garnered a higher audience than Brian Williams "The Rock", even with Mr. Obama appearing on the Rock for a softball interview with Brian Williams.
Another phoenomena occurred; as Fox News' ratings skyrocketed and more peopled tuned in, Governor Romney began to close and even surpass Mr. Obama in the polls, especially in the swing states.
My question to the biased media in the tank for Mr. Obama, namely ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC; what are you going to do after November 6th., when Mr. Obama is no longer your savior and messiah? And was your fawning over him worth your careers and ratings?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless America....and our troops.
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