In 1998 there was a movie called "Sliding Doors", in which the main character had two different scenarios in her life throughout the entire picture. It started where she entered the last subway train to her destination through the subway's sliding doors, and proceeded with the plot of the movie.
The next scenario was she actually missed the subway train and the "sliding doors" closed before she had a chance to enter into the train. Then another different scenario of her life unfolded. Very interesting movie. I highly recommend renting it.
My crazy mind started to unravel some scenarios regarding the tragic situation in Libya at Benghazi. My wife, who had just finished watching the Fox news special with Bret Baier on the Benghazi massacre of our Ambassador and three other Americans.
My wife yelled, "boy if Bush was in the White House now, and made all those trips to Nevada, Dave Letterman, Jay-Z & Beyonce while this was going on in Libya, instead of staying in the Oval Office, he'd be impeached". At that point my crazy mind started to wander into many different situations.
How about this: George W. Bush is President, the House and the Senate are Democrat-controlled. There's a terrorist attack on our consulate in Libya in June, 2012. In this attack the terrorists blast a hole in the wall big enough for forty men to go through. News of this is sent to the White House, and nothing is done.
Again in August, 2012 another attack on the American consulate in Libya takes place, and again news is forwarded to the White House. Nothing is done.
Subsequently the American Ambassador in Libya asks for more military support as there seems to be some unsettling unrest stimulated by terrorists, maybe he Taiban. the State department responds that not only will there be no additional aid, the American consulate may have to reduce their protective forces.
Then on the day of the terrorist attack on our American consulate in Libya, just hours before the attack itself, the Ambassador wired for additional military assistance, as a terrorist uprising was about to take place. Again, the news fell on deaf ears. In fact a drone was overhead watching the terrorist attack and did absolutely nothing to intervene.
Also, no military support was sent to aid in the terrorist attack on the Ambassador and the American consulate. The ambassador, along with three Americans, was murdered and dragged through the streets in Benghazi.
Now back to my "Sliding Doors" scenario; if this were President Bush, with a Democrat-controlled House and Senate we can all imagine the Impeachment process beginning to unfold.
Back to reality: Mr. Obama blames it on Secretary Clinton and some outrageous film clip that was disrespectful to Muslims. And guess what? He gets away with it. Only in America.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.
What's not to understand, when you put it like this? Very discouraging. It's really very simple, though...Two reasons we don't's so close to an election...the violent riots in the streets by people who don't have a clue would be 'bad!'They are already concerned about this WHEN Romney wins...America is not as she once was...but hopefully that will change soon.