Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Oh, we know you Mr. Obama

During all of Mr. Obama's campaign speeches lately he's been yelling to his audiences, "you know me...I mean what I say....I say what I mean...and I do what I say". Oh really?  Better be careful Mr. Obama your Pinocchio nose is never going to stop growing. Have you heard his latest, "we've come too far to turn back now".

 Please Mr. Obama enlighten us on what we've come so far on. Is it the 23 million Americans out of work? Have we come so far as to have 47 million Americans on food stamps/welfare?
How far have you brought us with our unemployment over 8% for 43 straight months, and today's true unemployment hovers at 10%?

Mr. Obama, do you really expect any of us to believe anything you say? I've asked some of your supporters to give me one scenario of what you accomplished in your first term that they want you to repeat if you were reelected. I haven't got a reply yet.

Mr. Obama you have been lying to American people for nearly four years, and you still want us to believe that we know you, and you say what you mean, or the other big joke of coming so far to turn back now. 

Mr. Obama, the truth is we are going to stop you next Tuesday.  That 52% that voted you in for the '08 election has stopped drinking your Kool-Aid. In fact, Mr. O, you're gonna have enough Kool-Aid left over to ship to your home country of Kenya to make a private lake for you. 

Now, there's a rumor you want to delay the election because of Hurricane Sandy. The conservative Republicans hope you do that, as your approval ratings are dropping by the hour, and Governor Romney is pulling ahead in the polls. So any election delays really means higher poll rankings for Governor Romney.

Mr. Obama your time is running out. The election is a week from today, and yet you keep preaching, and preaching, and preaching to your base. There is a blatant fact emerging, and that is you definitely care more about yourself than you do about the American people. And we're all finding that out in time for next week's election.

You have broken every promise you made to the American people in '08, and yet have the gall to ask us,  "don't turn back now...we've come too far". No, no Mr. Obama, you don't get to insult us anymore with that unintelligible rhetoric. You have been discovered. Hurts huh?

Even if you had kept any of the promises you made, how you turned your back on our heroes in Benghazi is reason enough for you not to receive a single vote. As a proud veteran who was grateful enough to wear "the uniform" for four years I would even like to see you impeached.
I know many agree with me as many feel you were complicit in the deaths of those heroes at Benghazi.

No, we can't do anything about your actions surrounding Benghazi, but make no mistake Mr. Obama we're going to do plenty just seven short days from today.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Seven hours, Mr. Obama

Mr. Obama have you ever wondered how long seven hours is? Do you know the number of things you can accomplish in seven hours? Let me help you out, and shed some light on this subject for you OK?  It seems the length of seven hours is a mystery for you.

First of all, in seven hours you have more than enough time to play a round of golf. In seven hours you can tape seven episodes on The View. In seven hours you can tape over three sessions on the Dave Letterman show.  

Also, Mr. Obama, seven hours will give you time to fly to Vegas and schmooz at a fund raiser.
Oh, and yes, in seven hours you can tape many interviews on MTV.

Yes, Mr. Obama, you certainly had ample time in any of those seven hour scenarios to do things for your own personal benefit or for the advancement of your reelection campaign.

Would you like to know what Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty did for seven hours?  Do you even know these two men? They are former Navy Seals that disobeyed your orders to "stand down", and went to the Benghazi, Libya consulate, rescued thirty people, went back to try to defend the consulate, and ended up being massacred by jihadi terrorists.

There is also speculation that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked for permission to send in military support, and you said "NO".

Of course the tragedy is that these brave American heroes were slaughtered by jihadi terrorists.
But what is also tragic is that after you gave the orders that there was to be no military support or intervention, you viewed the massacre of these American heroes live with your State Department and White House staff.

Would you please explain to America how you coped with the massacres of Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Stevens and his aid? Did you stay, organize your staff, hold meetings to better understand this tragedy?

No, of course not. What you, in fact, did was abandon  the responsibility of the office of the Presidency, and immediately began to think only of yourself and your campaign by jumping on Air Force One and flying to Las Vegas for a fund raising event.  Didn't seem like you were very concerned to find out what happened in Benghazi, or the events leading up to the slaughter of four Americans.

To add insult to injury, you began your "Teflon-in-chief" marathon. You appeared on The View, Dave Letterman's Show, and even the UN Council,  telling everyone that the uprising in Benghazi was caused by a 14-minute video produced in California.  Your comment on the Jon Stewart Daily show was priceless.  You said the slaying of these Americans "was not optimal".

 You even went so far as to say the slayings by jihadi in Benghazi, Libya was just "a bump in the road".  Really, Mr. Obama? You watch four Americans that were fathers and husbands get massaacred and to you it was just a mere "bump in the road"?

But oh boy, you sure took advantage of a great photo shoot for yourself, and of course, for your campaign. When the caskets of our four brave Americans landed at Andrews Air Force Base, you were on hand to offer a fantastic, wonderful, meaningful speech honoring our heroes. What great solace to the families of these slain heroes. Did you feel better after your speech?

Did you ever think that if maybe you would have acted like the presidential leader that America voted into office in 2008, just maybe those Americans would be alive today?

With the increase in middle east uprisings, along with the anticipation of more uprisings, do you honestly believe that the American people are going to allow you another four years to make this horrific mistake again?  I don't think so Mr. Obama.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hey media....what then?

I'm old enough to remember when America tuned into ABC, CBS, and NBC to get the unbiased up-to-date news. Most of us remember Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley, and Murrow on the daily and weekend news. When these icons of journalists spoke you couldn't tell what their political affiliation was.  Their reportings were always fair and balanced, with no bias.

These great news-reporting icons never campaigned for a presidential candidate. They never slanted their news reporting towards their own personal view. In short, they reported and you decided. Kind of what Fox News does today, and why Fox News is number one and climbing.

But I digress. To continue, American families believed the news that Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley, and Murrow was honest, forthright, and factual.  They never seemed to deceive Americans. And maybe the greatest gift they gave us is our belief in them.

Then, along the way the networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC began to slant their news leaning towards promoting the Democrat liberal progressive party.  The networks did this in such a smooth subtle way that Americans kept believing that everything the networks reported was true, and didn't even see their bias coming.

Then came the advent of certain cable news networks; the likes of MSNBC, CNN, and PBS.
These networks brought more biased newscasters that were also biased and slanted in their news reporting. Enter Christ Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, Ed Schultz, Martin Basir, Rachel Maddow, Kieth Olberman,  and others in news reporting. These newscasters downgraded themselves from honest journalists to opinion reporters. The honest news wasn't and still isn't their main agenda.

My critics are always so very critical, and call me names that I can't write here. These "names" actually bring a smile to my face. Mainly because I know I've reached a sore spot. The most flattering name my critics have bestowed on me is "Fox News Junkie".

I always remind my critics that Fox News is the number one network in news reporting. Even Democrat professionals have reported that when they want news reported from all points of view they tune into Fox. I often wonder why any of these other networks, whose ratings are so far behind Fox, haven't changed their agenda to follow Fox to report the daily news more fair and balanced.

It's openly obvious to the American people that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC started in 2008 to support Mr. Obama, and only reported news that promoted his rise to the office of the Presidency. And they were successful. The result was that 52% of America "drank the Kool-Aid" and elected Mr. Obama, a former community organizer, to the highest office in the land.

Then strangely Americans early on began to realize Mr. Obama was not intent on keeping any of his campaign promises. Oh, he was, and still is, a great speaker, handsome, looks good in a blue suit, has a great personality. But the more Mr. Obama did nothing but stand in front of microphones, telepromters, uttering "I", "me", and "mine" the more Americans began to question this smooth talker.

The morose of all this is that for whatever reason known only to them, these biased networks, even with their ratings sinking, they kept "carrying the water" for Mr. Obama.  Coincidentally, as the American people started to question, more and more, the validity of their reporting, the ratings of our fair and blanced news network Fox News began to skyrocket and continues to skyrocket more and more every day.

The biased networks only reported Mr. Obama's "fun and popular exploits"; like appearing on the talk shows and TV networks that portrayed Mr. Obama as a "cool" popular individual loved by celebrities, athletes, and well-known people. Mr. Obama seems to be more concerned with his fellow "celebrities" than the American people, and the failing American economy.

The networks never reported that Mr. Obama was  more concerned about his popularity than his policies. But that still didn't stop the networks. They continued to report just the flattering images of Mr. Obama. The networks refused to report that 23 million Americans were out of work. They wouldn't report that 47 million Americans are now on food stamps/welfare.  The networks reported that Mr. Obama created 5 million jobs, but what they didn't report was that for every job created, five Americans left the work force.

Enter Governor Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee challenging Mr. Obama.  Did this stop the biased networks? Of course not. The biased networks began the attacks on Governor Romney, much in the same manner they attacked former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin.
The networks started with lies about his business success stating he ruined peoples' lives while he was at Bain Capital. They continued attacks on Governor Romney's family, his Mormon religion. 

One network went so far as to call Governor Romney's Mormonism a cult. They lied about his financial holdings. They even attacked his wife Ann's illness. The sadness was that many Americans believed the lies and slanders they reported about the Governor and his family.  All this while Mr. Obama, the "celebrity-in-chief" continued his likeability tours, skipping intelligence meetings, refusing to hold news conferences. The biased media continued to broadcasting Mr. Obama's own lies about how great the economy was doing under his watch.

Then ironically two scenarios occurred. One scenario was the three debates in which people began to really see the real Governor Romney, and began to question the reporting of the biased networks of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Beginning with the first debate on October 3rd., Americans began to scratch their head, began to dismiss the news reporting of these biased networks, and even went so far as to picture Governor Romney as the next President in January, 2013, and someone they could follow and believe in.

The second scenario that occurred was the massacre of Ambassador Stevens in Libya, along with three other Americans. Our "teflon-in-chief", along with his Tonto sidekick Biden profusely expressed that no one contacted them to ask for any military help to the consulate in Benghazi. The State Department, along with the White House called the terrorist attack a "spontaneous assembly" spurred on by a 14-minute video from an American citizen from California.  

Suddenly factual news began pouring out, with Fox News reporting the honest facts.  When the biased networks began to see the news from Benghazi that Fox was factually reported they did the only thing they could to protect Mr. Obama. They refused to report the news at all, and while they were refusing to report the honest news eminating from Benghazi the same networks continued to report lies and personal attacks on Governor Romney, of course with the help of their chief campaigner Mr. Obama. They tried the "cloud cover" approach to get the American people to focus on other issues rather than issues stemming from Benghazi, Libya.

However, not so strangely, two things began to emerge. First of all more Americans turned to Fox News for the true and honest broadcasting on the tragic massacre, and their ratings are now at an all time high. Most Americans don't know that in fact Bill O'Reilley's "Factor" garnered a higher audience than Brian Williams "The Rock", even with Mr. Obama appearing on the Rock for a softball interview with Brian Williams.

Another phoenomena occurred; as Fox News' ratings skyrocketed and more peopled tuned in, Governor Romney began to close and even surpass Mr. Obama in the polls, especially in the swing states.

My question to the biased media in the tank for Mr. Obama, namely ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC; what are you going to do after November 6th., when Mr. Obama is no longer your savior and messiah? And was your fawning over him worth your careers and ratings?

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless America....and our troops.



Friday, October 26, 2012

Just gotta vent!

I'm smart enough to realize that with only eleven days left the time for changing anyone's mind is long over. As a conservative Republican I'm not going to change any progressive lib's mind, and not any Democrat is going to convince a Republican from changing their vote., so I'm just going to vent. Bear with me OK?

My ire and dismay is directed at the man who expects us to give him another four years to repeat what he's done over the past four years.  I could write a ten-page blog on why this man does not deserve our vote of confidence, and I've written many blogs about it, so I'll just vent a little.

What started me was the media bias yesterday coming from Cleveland, Ohio's largest newspaper. Not allowed to mention their name. I'll just say I'm so grateful to the paper that I do blog for that is "fair & balanced...The News-Herald. Anyway this other paper, that is just "plain" had an article in yesterday's front page, above the fold. the article's headline read, "Romneys  Tied to Voting Machines".

When I read the article the facts in the article reflected that one of Romney's son is invested in a company that manufactures voting machines.  The truth is that the Romney family has no ties whatsoever to any voting machine manufacturer.

A friend of mine was incensed and telephoned this "plain",  newspaper and left a message. He was called back and received a Steve Martin, "I'm Sorry". I guess this newspaper feels they can print anything, create as much damage as they want, and just say, "We're sorry...it was wrong to put that on the front page..should've been in the op-ed section."

Really? I guess if you lie to the public, all will be OK, if you just say, "I'm sorry".  By the way two days before this same "plain" newspaper endorsed Mr. Obama. Gee what a coincidence. Today the "plain" newspaper retracted the story and printed an apology, after they did some research and found the article to be completely false. Yeah, after the horses left the barn, they decided to close the gates.

More bias: There are so many proven lies coming from the White House and State Department regarding the massacre of four Americans in Libya. There are e-mails warning of the pending riots dating back to August. There is so much cover up going on, even to the point of our Secretary of State laughing about the e-mails being on Facebook. Now they're saying the investigation will begin November 15th., nine days after the election. Gee, wonder why.

Does anyone know the TV coverage the Libya massacre received from the major networks?
Well, let me enlighten you; CBS, 23 minutes, ABC, 19 minutes, NBC, 0 (zero) minutes. This is the broadcast time these networks have devoted, since September 11th. of this year, to this tragic massacre in Libya that took the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. In fact NBC did an interview with "Snooki", and another interview with a vacuum cleaner inventor rather than broadcast any news of the slaughter of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans when it became hard news to the public.

On the day,  just hours before the massacre unfolded, Ambassador Stevens sent a cable to the State Department stating his concern for security, as a uprising may occur. He asked for military support, and was completely denied any support. Is this the leadership you want in our White House and State Department?

Would you like to read a true fact about the Libyan massacre?  IT TOOK NEARLY SEVEN HOURS AFTER THE TERRORIST ATTACK BEGAN FOR THE MURDERING TERRORISTS TO KILL THE LAST TWO AMERICANS.  OVERHEAD WERE TWO UNARMED DRONES PHOTOGRAPHING THE ENTIRE MASSACRE. AN HOUR AWAY MILITARY SUPPORT WAS STANDING BY TO ASSIST, AND THEY WERE ORDERED TO "STAND DOWN". ALSO THERE WAS A LASER SIGNAL ON THE ROOF OF THE CONSULATE THAT COULD HAVE DIRECTED MILITARY SUPPORT TO THE CONSULATE. As I asked before; is this the type of foreign policy leadership you want for another four years, while the middle east uprisings are growing? This weekend Fox News is airing a true factual documentary about the massacre in Libya that the major networks won't broadcast. I encourage all to watch it.

Even after Mr. Obama was given solid factual information that the massacre in Libya was a terrorist attack, he showed his true lack of leadership by flying off to Nevada for a fund raiser just hours after knowing of the tragedy in Libya. Subsequently he went on The View and blamed the attack in Libya on a stupid video from an American citizen. Then he went on the Dave Letterman show and said the same thing. He even visited the UN, and six times blamed the massacre in Libya on a 14-minute video in front of the UN council. Do you really trust this man with another four years of  not showing leadership?

Thank God there's Fox news, and the newspaper I blog for, The News-Herald, for broadcasting and printing all the news "fair & balanced". The polls are reflecting the Presidential that the race is tight, and just about tied. Can you imagine what the polls would be if all news outlets broadcasted and printed the news "fair & balanced"?  Do you ever wonder why Fox News is number one, and the other news outlets are so far behind. 

Mr. Obama has lied in all three debates, while making personal attacks on Governor Romney.
His latest, and maybe biggest lie is after proclaiming his defense budget cuts, he actually lied about the sequestration of our military in last week's debate. In a documentary, "2016", in Mr. Obama's own words, he stated that he wanted to "weaken America's military to show other countries we want to encourage peace". I like Reagan's approach better; "in strength there is peace".

Does America want a man to lead this country that has taken a complete reversal from his 2008 campaigning? Don't think so. If anyone wants to do a little research you will find that just about all the promises Mr. Obama made in '08 he has not lived up to. 

What is Mr. Obama doing now on his final campaign push?  It's openly obvious that he has no accomplishments to run on. So he continues to resort to lying and personal attacks on Governor Romney with stupid names like "Romnesia", and the killing of Big Bird.  Mr. Obama vilifies Governor Romney about his income tax returns, but won't divulge any information about his college life. He accuses Governor Romney of "contributing to the cancerous death of a former Bain employee". That was proven to be a lie, but you know the media won't report it.

Let me sign off with some facts that you can bet CBS, NBC, or ABC will not broadcast: On Mr. Obama's "watch" we now have 23 million Americans out of work. On Mr. Obama's watch we now have 47 million Americans on welfare/food stamps. On Mr. Obama's watch gasoline prices have risen from $1.84 to nearly $4.00 per gallon, while he refuses to drill for oil here and open the Keystone Pipeline. 

Mr. Obama lied and tried to convince Americans that unemployment has dropped to 7.8% under his watch, however mysteriously California was ommitted from that tally, and the true unemployment is over 10%.  If Mr. Obama gets another four years the Congressional Budget Office claims with Obamacare and his reforming of the corporate tax plan,  we will lose over 6 million jobs. 

Mr. Obama is promising continued welfare and extended unemployment for his next four years, but has yet to show America a plan how he intends to pay for these programs. And of course, the media won't report any of this, well except for Fox News. You know who Fox News is don't you? That's the number one cable news network. Did you know who the cable news network whose ratings are at the bottom? It's MSNBC, who is openly in the tank for Mr. Obama. Go figure.

Thanks for reading this and letting me vent. Eleven days left for you to make a difference.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

If I had just landed

I must have a weird roving mind. It seems I'm always conjuring up scenarios. Maybe I'm the reincarnation of Walter Mitty. You old timers, like me, remember him don't you?

I remember distinctly looking at the TV clock, it was 9:18 PM when it happened, as I was watching Governor Romney, Mr. Obama, and moderator Scheiffer.

Then my "Walter Mitty" scenario kicked in. I transformed into this long-lost war hero that had been stranded on a remote island for five years. Then I was rescued by a military recovery team. I was whisked back to the the United States and was  welcomed with parades, awards, and notoriety.

Then before my reeling mind could comprehend all this I was rushed to Boca Raton Florida to watch a Presidential debate. I was told there were two men running for the Presidency of our great country, and tonight was the final debate. My military escorts forgot to tell me what candidate was the incumbent President, and what candidate was the challenger.

So, I just sat there, listened to the moderator ask questions, and listened attentively to the answers from the two candidates. It was so interesting to watch these two candidates in action presenting their opposing views to current topics.

I guessed the older gentleman with the thick head of hair was the President, and the younger candidate seemed to be struggling, and therefore I just assumed he was the challenger to the President, and was seeking to unseat him for the office of the Presidency.

The younger man seemed to be smarmy, condescending, and unwilling to really debate an item. He seemed content to just attack his opponent, the President, with unnecessary attacks, some even personal. It just didn't seem like this was the way a debate should go.

The man, who I figured was the President, seemed so confident, professional, and was straight forward in his demeanor. He was very respectful to the young challenger and the moderator, but he did not waiver in his beliefs. His answers were more crisp and to the point, whereas the challenger couldn't engage in any professional responses, so he continued with his personal attacks and constant condescending remarks.

The man I presumed was the President laid out a detail of what he was going to do as the President in the next four years. He certainly portrayed a grasp of the business world. the challenger didn't seem to have much experience in anything, and instead of speaking of his accomplishments he kept pressing on with personal attacks on the man I thought was the President. He referred to the man I felt was the President to "be old, archaic, and out of touch".

I had been on a deserted island for the past five years, so knew very little about the challenger.
When I mentioned this to my escort, a military man, he responded, "don't feel alone...not too many people know anything about him...other than he was a community organizer". I did notice, however, that the challenger did seem like a well dressed person, looking handsome in his nice blue suit, and certainly spoke well. However, it seemed those were his only attributes.


Then my wife woke me and said," the debate's over...Romney won... go to bed now..I'm going to watch Keeping Up with the Kardahians...that Obama was a boring disaster".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



Monday, October 22, 2012

If it were Bush

In 1998 there was a movie  called "Sliding Doors", in which the main character had two different scenarios in her life throughout the entire picture. It started where she entered the last subway train to her destination through the subway's sliding doors,  and proceeded with the plot of the movie.

The next scenario was she actually missed the subway train and the "sliding doors" closed before she had a chance to enter into the train. Then another different scenario of her life unfolded. Very interesting movie. I highly recommend renting it.

My crazy mind started to unravel some scenarios regarding the tragic situation in Libya at Benghazi. My wife, who had just finished watching the Fox news special with Bret Baier on the Benghazi massacre of our Ambassador and three other Americans.

My wife yelled, "boy if Bush was in the White House now, and made all those trips to Nevada, Dave Letterman, Jay-Z & Beyonce while this was going on in Libya, instead of staying in the Oval Office,  he'd be impeached". At that point my crazy mind started to wander into many different situations. 

How about this: George W. Bush is President, the House and the Senate are Democrat-controlled. There's a terrorist attack on our consulate in Libya in June, 2012. In this attack the terrorists blast a hole in the wall big enough for forty men to go through. News of this is sent to the White House, and nothing is done.

Again in August, 2012 another attack on the American consulate in Libya takes place, and again news is forwarded to the White House.  Nothing is done.

Subsequently the American Ambassador in Libya asks for more military support as there seems to be some unsettling unrest stimulated by terrorists, maybe he Taiban. the State department responds that not only will there be no additional aid, the American consulate may have to reduce their protective forces.

Then on the day of the terrorist attack on our American consulate in Libya, just hours before the attack itself, the Ambassador wired for additional military assistance, as a terrorist uprising was about to take place. Again, the news fell on deaf ears. In fact a drone was overhead watching the terrorist attack and did absolutely nothing to intervene.

Also, no military support was sent to aid in the terrorist attack on the Ambassador and the American consulate. The ambassador, along with three Americans, was murdered and dragged through the streets in Benghazi.

Now back to my "Sliding Doors" scenario; if this were President Bush, with a Democrat-controlled House and Senate we can all imagine the Impeachment process beginning to unfold.

Back to reality: Mr. Obama blames it on Secretary Clinton and some outrageous film clip that was disrespectful to Muslims. And guess what? He gets away with it. Only in America.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Transparent taxes?

OK...will someone please explain the meaning of transparency to Mr. Obama. Never mind, I will. Mr. Obama, transparency in Government means you're supposed to be up front with the American people and explain, in advance, everything you're going to do, including legislation on ALL. tax increases.

Mr. Obama has no desire to be a transparent resident of the White House. Oh, he'll tell you he will, but as we're all starting to find out; talk is cheap. We should've caught on when he passed his Obamacare behind closed doors shutting out all Republican House and Senate members.  Can you imagine what the media would have done if President Bush did that?

I'll give it to Mr. Obama. He is slick and smooth. While he's smiling on the Dave Letterman show, or hangin' with Jay-Z and Beyonce, or handling softball questions from the ladies on The View. America is being lulled into a false sense of security. Everything is OK right?

Wrong...Mr. Obama is taxing, taxing, taxing all Americans regardless of their incomes. Mr. Obama keeps touting his "fair share" mantra, but if you look at the process you'll easily see he wants to tax everybody on everything. Mr. Obama claims he wants to raise taxes on only those "rich" individuals grossing over $200,000. per year or families grossing over $250,000. per year.

That is one of the biggest mis-truths coming out of the White House. The truth is we're all getting taxed, taxed, taxed unless we get this man out of our White House.

Have you heard about HR-4646? I didn't think so. This is a bill put forth by Democrat Representative Chaka Fattah from Pennsylvania. It is a 1% tax on all incoming bank deposit transactions, regardless of any Americans' gross yearly income.

What this simply means is that if your employer gives you a check for $1,000. per week, and you take that check to the bank you will be charged a 1% tax just for putting that check in your bank. Now, to me $1,000. per week is a long way from $200,000., and it gets worse.

To all us senior citizens that receive a monthly social security check that is direct deposited or mailed directly to us, whenever that check enters the banking system you will pay a 1% tax.
How about if you want to deposit $1,000. CASH, yes CASH, into your banking account? well, you will be assessed a 1% tax. 

If you should receive a $5,000. yearly dividend check from your stock broker you will pay Mr. Obama $50.00. So, when Mr. Obama says he's only raising taxes on those individuals making $200,000. or families making over $250,000. per year....he is just flat out lying. Hey, don't take my word for it....please research HR-4646. 

Want to see some more hidden taxes that do not pertain to yearly gross incomes? Mr. Obama is proposing Income/Payroll tax be hiked from 37% to 52% regardless of income. Mr. Obama is proposing Capital Gains taxes be hiked from 15% to 28%. Mr. Obama is proposing Dividends taxes be hiked from 15% to 39%. And let's not leave out that currently we pay no estate tax, but Mr. Obama wants the estate tax be hiked to 55%.

So when Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden are campaigning that taxes will only be on the "rich", just remember that they are not giving Americans the full picture, and of course they have the media shielding this news from Americans.

But there is a definite sure way to stop these tax increases, and it's very simple. Just don't vote Mr. Obama into our White House for another four years. Let's face it folks; we can't afford this man in the White House to repeat his failed policies for another four years. We can stop this.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.


Friday, October 19, 2012

If election held today...

A few months ago Mr. Obama was leading in all the polls, even by large margins in some swing states. All the left wing pundits would say on and on, "if the election were held today Mr. Obama would win in a landslide".  On a CNN Sunday morning talk show the consensus among the talk show panelists was that the Republican party should, "throw in the towel...the race is over".

Then some strange and weird things started to happen. The good American people in this country started to wonder why the media and left wing journalists would call the race over and declare Mr. Obama the clear winner when there were still many unanswered questions.

Mr. Obama, in his campaign stump speeches kept telling Americans about all the jobs he created, but Americans kept wondering, "then why are there still 23 million Americans out of work?"

When Mr. Obama took office gas was $1.84 a gallon. Today gasoline is over $4.00 a gallon, and close to $5.00 in some states. Mr. Obama kept saying on his campaign stumps that he was all for oil drilling here in the contiguous U.S. and Alaska, but then vetoed the keystone pipeline, and put drilling moratoriums on oil wells here.  Then Americans began to ask, "why did Mr. Obama veto the Keystone pipeline, while he loaned Brazil $2.Billion to drill for oil"?

Mr. Obama overtly claims we "should spread the wealth".  Well, Mr. Obama is certainly living up to that promise, as Americans want to know, "how come our country's largest expenditure last year was over $1.Trillion for welfare?", and this does not include Social Security or Medicare.  Welfare and food stamps have grown over 33% under Mr. Obama.

Americans began to foresee what the U.S. would become if Mr. Obama was given four more years, and without a plan to lay out for Americans. He hasn't even passed a budget in over three years. Americans finally decided we could not afford four more years of what has been done the last four years.

Suddenly on Sept. 11th. of this year our Libya consulate in Benghazi was attacked, and along with Ambassador Stevens three other Americans were slain by terrorists. What does Mr. Obama do? He travels to Nevada for a fund raiser. He then goes on the Dave Letterman show, the Jimmy Kimmel show, does a radio interview with the "Pimp with a Limp", and visits with the ladies on The View.

When Mr. Obama was pressed for an answer he claimed the "protest" was because of a video in California by an American citizen. He even spoke to that claim on the Dave Letterman show in view of millions of Americans. He then repeated the claim of the video on The View.

Well, suddenly Americans began to pay attention to all these facts and filtered out what the main stream media was reporting. And then the polls began to shift. Governor Romney is now leading in several states, with the recent Gallup poll claiming Romney-52%, and Obama-45%.

Now we're not hearing from the left wing pundits that "the race is over....Romney is finished".
In fact we're not hearing much at all from the silent left wing progressive Dems. Where are you now folks? I've noticed the silence from my blog critics from the left. All is quiet.

Yes, as one of my favorite Presidents, Abe Lincoln, said so resoundingly , "you can't fool all the people all the time". 

God bless the American people.  Yes, it took a while, but they are now starting to ignore a lot of what is coming out of the White House and the main stream media. Americans are now making up their own minds, and it is being reflected in the latest polls.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country.....and our troops.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Candy Crowley for Vice Pres

This news flash just in: Mr. Obama fires Joe Biden and hires Candy Crowley as his Vice President.  After last night's debate Mr. Obama feels Ms. Crowley can help him more than Gaffer Biden to win reelection.

Of course this is not true, but the way Ms. Crowley facilitated the debate last night the idea of her being on Mr. Obama's team seems plausible.

First of all there were 82 questions submitted, and one of her duties was to pick the 15 questions that were to be asked Governor Romney, and Candy's hero Mr. Obama.  Of the 15 questions selected only 4 were presented to the candidates. I sure would've liked to see the other 11 questions that Ms. Crowley selected.

Is it true that Ms. Crowley quickly chewed and swallowed the remaining questions from the 82 submitted, as they were not flattering to her hero Mr. Obama?  Didn't you just love the "softball" questions that were slanted toward Mr. Obama? Examples: "Mr. Obama, why should I vote for you"?, "Mr. Obama should we ban AK-47's"?  I was expecting Ms. Crowley to ask how Mr. Obama's steak was prepared.

It was obvious that Ms. Crowley's favorite five words last night were, "Let's move along Governor Romney".  Ms. Crowley not only allowed Mr. Obama 4 more minutes of debating time, but interrupted Governor Romney 37 times with only 8 interruptions for Mr. Obama. Fair & Balanced huh folks?

Ms. Crowley also showed she's the master of "calling the fire department after she watches the house burn down".  When Governor Romney caught Mr. Obama in a lie regarding the attack on our ambassador in Benghazi, she quickly interrupted Governor Romney and said Mr. Obama was correct. Later in the evening on CNN she admitted Governor Romney was correct, and Mr. Obama was wrong in his statement. Yeah, Candy nice of you to admit your bias AFTER the debate.

Here's something interesting though; during the exchange of Mr. Obama lying about Benghazi and Ms. Crowley support of Mr. Obama's lie, Mr. Obama quickly spoke, "Show him the transcript Candy". Now how did Mr. Obama know that Ms. Crowley would have the transcript in her possession that reflected the terror statement made in the Rose garden? Hmmm.

The important topics that Americans wanted to hear about from the candidates were completlely ignored by this biased moderator.  She just would not allow any decent discussions on the topics that would allow Americans to evaluate each candidate. We all know why....Mr. Obama had nothing to say, report, or discuss that would turn to any of his accomplishments.
He just looked smug, and let Candy "carry" him.

It seemed Ms. Crowley did not choose any questions relating to 23 millions Americans out of work, the high rate of food stamps issued, Mr. Obama's raising the national debt to $16.Trillion, the true unemployment at 15%, and his refusal to drill for oil here in the U.S.

Ms. Crowley allowed Mr. Obama to brag about all the jobs he supposedly created, but would not allow any rebuttals reflecting that for every job created in the past four years there have been ten Americans leaving the work force.

The great news is that the American people saw through all the biased garbage, and polls showed Mr. Obama did a great job in his speaking, but Americans still trust the future of this country in the hands of Governor Romney, our next President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October surprise???

I have many reasons why I early voted for the Romney-Ryan ticket, and would definitely not vote to allow Mr. Obama back into our White House for another four years. However, there is one strong impactful reason regarding our country's national security reason that has made my decision to vote for Governor Romney so decisive for me.

I have written many times in my blogs that Mr. Obama is certainly more concerned about getting elected for another four years than he is about doing what is good for our country. Please read the rest of this blog, rent the movie "2016", and I assure you the rest of this blog will make sense to you.

A few months ago it was discovered that Mr. Obama was coming out with an "October Surprise" when there is two weeks left before the Presidential election. Well, the so-called "October Surprise" details have surfaced.

I'm putting this in caps and color in hopes that every interested reader and voter will see the details before the voting begins.





Of course this information will never be reported by the main stream media, nor will it ever be printed in newspapers like the New York Times or the L.A. Times.

In Mr. Obama's own words in the movie "2016" he states that he wants to weaken the power of the United States so that middle eastern countries will see us as people who want to have peace between our countries. I am not fabricating any of this. If you don't believe me please go to Redbox today, rent "2016", and listen to Mr. Obama speak these words.

There is a segment in the movie that explains how Iran intends to erase Israel from the face of the earth. When you add that information to how Mr. Obama has virtually turned his back on Israel in his term in office you begin to wonder.

It's clear that Mr. Obama has done nothing to improve our foreign policy, and in fact, has hindered our national security. I know you'll agree with me if you see the movie "2016".

We cannot afford another four years of a man like Mr. Obama to be the leader of the free world. In three weeks we can definitely do something about it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.



Monday, October 15, 2012

Obamacare and the media

I want to visit Mr. Obama's health care plan again OK?  Has anyone noticed why the main stream media is not reporting on Obamacare anymore?  There are many very factual reasons why they won't report on it. 

One reason the media is not reporting on it is because since Nancy Pelosi stood at the podium and giggled as she said, "you have to read the bill to see what's in it", many Americans are now finding many flaws in the bill. Yes, Nancy, we remember your condescending words when you told us we have to read all 2,977 pages. What is so tragic is that nearly all members of the House and Senate haven't read it either. How could they; Obamacare was drafted behind closed doors with only select Democrats in attendance.

Well, here's a news alert...many Americans have taken the time to dig into the 2,977 pages of Obamacare, and what has been found has been so disturbing to Americans that many Americans are now questioning their voting for Mr. Obama.

What prompted me to look into the facts of Obamacare was a phone call from my daughter in California. Having a son in college and a son in high school it was necessary for her to return to work. She works a 40-hr. week, but received some disturbing news from her employer just last week. 

She was informed that if she didn't purchase a health care plan she would be placed on a 30-hr. work week. She told her employer she was on her husband's health care plan, and it wasn't necessary to spend the money to buy additional coverage. 

Her employer further explained that if an employee works a 40-hr week, and does not purchase a health care plan then the employee is fined under the Obamacare law. 

The latest news reported is the Darden Corporation, the holding company for food organizations such as Olive Garden, Burger King, Hardees, and many others, are now experimenting with downsizing the hours of their 40-hr week employees to 30 hours or less.
This will prevent Obamacare from penalizing companies that do not have a healthcare plan for 40-hr week employees. This was buried in the 2,977 pages of Obamacare.

I spent thirty years working for two major medical equipment producing companies, so this next Obamacare fact hits home and hard with me.  Every time a medical instrument of any type rolls off the assembly line it is taxed 2.3% under Obamacare. It's obvious medical equipment manufacturers are going to pass this tax burden onto hospitals and clinics, who will, in turn, pass them on to Americans receiving medical treatment. Another item missed by the media.

Another fact not reported by the media is with Obamacare the President will appoint a fifteen-member panel, that have no medical training,  who will make decisions as to the extent of advanced medical treatment for patients. This Presidential panel will have the final word in medical treatment, and will not be challenged regardless of the findings of the hospital or doctor regarding the care of the patient.
With Obamacare in place  the U.S. will need an additional 14,000 Doctors by the year 2014. if this goal isn't meant it will mean much longer waiting times. Where are we going to get an additional 14,000 Doctors in less than two years? Of course the media won't report this.

More and more Americans are getting the facts of the 2,977 pages of Obamacare, even if our media won't report any of the pertinent facts about it. I'm sure the media, that is in the tank for Mr. Obama, feels if they don't report the facts then Americans won't know about it.

Well, here's a news flash for the media: Americans are doing their own research and finding out what's really in the 2,977 pages of Obamacare, and Americans do not need the media.

A great example of that is the senior citizens of Florida are now finding that Obamacare will be a strong deterrent to receiving proper medical care. This is reflected in the latest polls that show Governor  Romney now leads Mr. Obama by 4 points in Florida. After the DNC Mr. Obama enjoyed a lead of 7 points or more depending on the poll. 

Another fact the media won't report is that in all the swing states the Presidential race is now in a dead heat. Mr. Obama had a comfortable lead in all swing states just a few weeks ago, but of course the media will not report this.

Another piece of information hidden in the 2,977 pages is if a Doctor or hospital readmits a patient before the allotted wait time has expired the hospital will be penalized under Obamacare, regardless of the health of the patient. Why isn't the media reporting this?

If Obamacare is so good for all of us why are so many waivers given? Oh yes mostly to Mr. Obama's union contributors. If Obamacare is so good why is Obamacare being sued by so many corporations, universities, along with many religious organizations? Of course the media won't report this.

With Obamacare we are going to add several million uninsured people to healthcare insurance rolls.  Yes, there are some we need to help get proper health insurance coverage. However, to give a blanket approval for millions while taxpayers go broke paying  for it, makes the Dodd-Frank housing debacle appear like a garden party.

To all seniors: Governor Romney will repeal Obamacare before anyone can rob $716.Billion from Medicare. We must help Governor Romney accomplish this in 22 days.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Joe Wilson knew

Remember when, during Mr. Obama's State of the Union delivery, Congressman Joe Wilson from Florida yelled out, "you lie"?

Congressman Wilson was ridiculed and even forced to apologize. It seems now that Congressman Wilson was definitely telling the truth calling Mr. Obama a liar.

I am going to go a step further; I would like to write that Mr. Obama is a liar, Joe Biden is a liar, Hillary Clinton is a liar, Jay Carney is a liar, Janet Napolitano is a liar, Susan Rice is a liar, Katherine Sebilius is a liar,  Eric Holder is a liar, Harry Reid is a liar,  Nancy Pelosi is a liar, David Axelrod is a liar, and yes even Stephanie Cutter is a liar.

Having said (written) that I am not only encouraging, but urging, any critic of my blog to please respond and tell me where I'm wrong. Now, don't waste time telling me what you think of Governor Romney, or other personal attacks. Just stick to my request and answer my accusations of calling the above individuals a bunch of liars. Any takers?

Mr. Obama is lying to the American people every time he discusses Obamacare, medicare, and
his tax cuts. Joe Biden told numerous lies during last Thursday's debate on many topics, especially the attack on the Libyan consulate. Hillary Clinton is lying as we speak discussing the fiasco at the Libyan consulate. Jay Carney is lying during all his coverups at press conferences.

Janet Napilatano is consistently lying about our border security. Eric Holder is lying about the Fast & Furious program. Susan Rice is lying about the basics of the Libyan attack. Katherine Sebilius is lying about campaigning for Mr. Obama using taxpayers money. Harry Reid consistently lies about Governor Romney. Nancy Peolosi lied to the American people when she discussed Obamacare. And of course Stephanie Cutter and David Axelrod lie just by opening their mouths. 

Mr. Obama claims he respects and honors our military service men and women. Yet, Mr. Obama fully knows the overwhelming majority of our military do not want to vote for him, so he is making sure our brave service men and women are being blocked in their absentee voting.

So I'll close with asking the voters do you want this current administration that is full of liars back into the White House for another four years? And led by a man who will not recognize our military enough to allow them to vote? 

I certainly won't vote for a group of liars like this....will you?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Clint was right-on!

As we look back and re-visit Clint Eastwood's "empty chair/empty suit" portrayal of Mr. Obama it  now appears that Mr. Eastwood could not have been more accurate. It's also pretty obvious now that the empty chair at the RNC was more responsive than Mr. Obama himself at the debate last Wednesday.  At least the empty chair didn't say "um-ah" when asked to respond.

Mr. Obama not only failed miserably in the debate last Wednesday, he quickly showed his cowardice tendencies immediately following the debate. When a person shrinks back, refuses to challenge his opponent, won't even look his opponent in the eye, and yet goes out the very next day, and spews personal attacks on his opponent, it's clear he is definitely a coward. That's just what cowards do...they don't have the guts to stand up to you...they wait till you're not around, then they call you names. Yep, that's our celebrity-in-chief for you.

I can just imagine the meeting Mr. Obama had with all his minions the day after the debate. He contacted them all through Skype, Internet, and phone meetings, and said, "OK, here's the plan...all of you go on TV and the radio talk shows and start making up stuff about Romney, and start calling him a liar".  Just more of what cowards do.

Am I the only one that can see this scenario? Nah, we all see it, and the lies and name calling are starting to backfire on Mr. Obama's campaign for reelection. 

Mr. Obama has even gone so far to say that Governor Romney's tax plan is refuted by a Princeton University professor.  However, when the professor was contacted he said he never made that refuted comment.  The professor went on further to sayf that Governor Romney's tax plan would, in fact, work.  Bet the media won't report this though.

Most of Mr. Obama's supporters started to complain, "What happened...where was our real Mr. Obama?....he got clobbered tonight". Mr. Obama himself spoke to his Hollywood donors and elitists that he "just had a bad night".  The truth to Mr. Obama supporters: you did see the real Mr. Obama. This is how he reacts to questions he doesn't know up front. This is how he truly reacts when there's no teleprompter. This is how he really reacts when there's no one around to tell him what to say.

Did you notice how professional, even Presidential, Governor Romney acted during the debate, and how he has conducted himself since the debate?  He hasn't called Mr. Obama a liar, or used personal attacks against the President. And there are plenty of Mr. Obama lies that Governor Romney could have used. Instead Governor Romney is staying steadfast on his plans and goals for the American people when he's in office next January. Now that's a man I want in our White House....how about you?

I think the nation consensus is that Mr. Obama has failed and is continuing to fail in his mid- east policies. The tragedy in our Libyan consulate is certainly proof. And what is Mr. Obama's reaction to  this tragedy? He calls the Libyan slaughter on our Americans as " just bumps in the road".  This is how cowards react when they have no accomplishments to talk about and praise.

On October 22nd., the final debate between Mr. Obama and Governor Romney will be on foreign policy. Is it true that Mr. Obama will not even show up? I heard he's contacting Mr. Eastwood to send the chair instead.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country....and our troops.

Capitalism(Romney) vs. Socialism(Obama)

So much has been made of Governor Romney's wealth and his ties to Bain Capital. All the attacks on Governor Romney have been brutal. He's been called a felon because we don't know where all his wealth is "hidden". Then he caused a woman to die of cancer, and later the dead woman's husband died. The left wing progressives want you to believe Governor Romney is at fault for these catastrophes.

Before last week's debate Governor Romney was called an extremist by the left wing liberals.
Then Governor Romney overwhelmingly defeated Mr. Obama in the debate by simply laying out a better case to the American people. Of course the left wing liberals quickly changed course from Governor Romney being an extremist to quickly calling him a liar during the debate. 

 Mr. Obama and his "minions" think they can convince Americans that Governor Romney is a liar, but that concept is quickly fading and actually harming Mr. Obama's reelection bid. 

Let's face some facts that are truly generations old in our country. Capitalism is what this country is based on. Free trade and competition are what truly make our private enterprise flourish, not a growing Government to move toward Socialism.

Through the years Governor Romney has used private funds to grow private companies, and each of these companies have prospered. The key operative word here is PRIVATE money. Whereas Mr. Obama has used TAXPAYER funds for several business that have drastically failed since he's been in office.

Here's a look at the truthful settings:

       ROMNEY/BAIN                                                                     OBAMA
    AMC Entrtainment -          Successful                     Solyndra -           Bankrupt
    Burger King -                      Successful                     Ener 1 -                Bankrupt
    Burlington Coat Factory - Successful                     Beacon Power -   Bankrupt
    Clear Channel Commun. -Successful                     Abound Solar     Bankrupt
    Dominos Pizza -                  Successful                     Amonix Solar -   Bankrupt
    Dunk 'n Donuts -                Successful                     Spectra Watt -    Bankrupt
    Guitar Center -                   Successful                     Eastern Energy - Bankrupt
    Staples -                               Successful
    Toys 'R Us -                         Successful
    Warner Music Grp. -          Successful

Only one more step in this analysis; all of these companies that went bankrupt with Mr. Obama using taxpayers money were heavy contributors to Mr. Obama's campaign. 

To me this simply means Mr. Obama used OUR money to finance these failed companies, who in turn used much of the same money to give back to Mr. Obama. so, folks, even if you're a strong conservative just know that some of your taxpayer money was used to finance Mr. Obama's campaign.

Before you walk into the voting booth in 29 days ask yourself if you want a successful business man in the White House, or do you want to reelect a man who has a track record of using someone else's money to stimulate failing companies that will use much of their money in donations to Mr. Obama.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Oh goody...7.8%

Wow, I know everyone woke up yesterday feeling great when they saw the unemployment dip under 8%. John and Jane Doe's all over the country started to get ready to go back to work Monday morning. It's a miracle folks...HALLELUJAH!!

Well folks, hold up a second before you get too excited. The unemployment was +8% for 44 consecutive months, and history will show that no President has ever been reelected when unemployment was 8% or higher. Hmmm, see what's unfolding here?

Pundits,  most economic experts, and even Rush Limbaugh months ago predicted that Mr. Obama's administration and campaign team would use all their "questionable" gimmicks and tricks to show the American people that unemployment fell below 8%, and jobs are being created. Wow, yipee for this Administration.

Here's the truth people, supported by facts. These past three months we have averaged more than 350,000 Americans per week filing for first term unemployment aid. We also have a net job loss these past three months, simply meaning for every job created, two jobs are lost.

Our gross domestic product remains steady at a low 1.3% average for the past three months.
Just last month 114,000 jobs were lost in the manufacturing industry. Just maybe you would think that would tick up a little when unemployment went from 8.1% way down to 7.8%.

Unemployment among women, along with the Hispanic and African-American communities remain above the national unemployment average for the past several months. Among Mr. Obama's largest supporters, African-American males between the ages of 18-29, unemployment is 20% or higher.  Household incomes are still down over $5,000. per year since Mr. Obama has been in office. Still think 7.8% is accurate?

In this month's calculation of 7.8% unemployment companies with payrolls were not surveyed.
Want to know what was surveyed? Households and self-employed individuals were mostly surveyed. If Jane Doe started to bake cookies to sell for extra income that was considered a job created under Mr. Obama's administration. Really? You call that a created job?

The true realistic figures for unemployment and underemployment is between 11% and 15%.

All this writer can garnish from this is that Mr. Obama is truly more interested in getting reelected than explaining the truth and helping Americans climb out of this economic disaster we are now in. Like maybe creating jobs by opening the Keystone Pipeline, or drilling for oil to create jobs.  Do you really want this man back in the White House to continue doing this for another four years? Remember this in thirty-one days.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.

Friday, October 5, 2012

It's the climate stupid!

OK, I'll admit I'm old enough to remember Frank Valli's song of 1963..."Oh What A Night".
I started to sing it immediately after Wednesday's debate, and I haven't stopped singing it since.

I don't know what amused me more; the way Governor Romney performed in the debate, or the way the liberal progressives started to make excuses immediately following the debate.

Of course I was extremely proud of the way Governor Romney performed and presented his ideas and policies. He exuded strong leadership, and laid out specific plans to lift our country out of the economic crisis we're currently suffering.

However, I was almost just as amused by the way Mr. Obama's supporters, and the main stream media offered excuses as to why Mr. Obama did so poorly.  No one would dare admit that Mr. Obama was just outclassed, and with no accomplishments to focus on he just sulked, smirked, and looked lost for the entire debate.

An MSNBC journalist said Mr. Obama performed poorly on purpose because he didn't want to portray himself "as an angry black man". Another Democrat pundit said a backstage noise distracted Mr. Obama, and "threw him off his game".

Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, and Ed Schultz went into attacking tirades that most people can't even understand. Matthews went so far as to "demand" Mr. Obama start watching MSNBC, and start attacking, "with guns blazing and with knives" in his next debate .  
Yeah, you can bet Mr. Obama will take that helpful advice. Especially since your cohort at MSNBC claimed Mr. Obama doesn't want to appear as an angry black man. You guys should talk to one another.

Did anyone tell MSNBC that over 70 million people tuned into the debate, and Fox garnered over 40% of the viewers, and MSNBC was at the bottom or the viewing list. Oh yeah, he's sure going to take the advice of those at MSNBC. 

Of course my favorite excuse was from former Vice President Al Gore, on Network TV. He offered that Mr. Obama was "out of sorts" because he flew into Denver just a few hours before the debate, and the high altitude disoriented him.  Way to go Al.  You sounded as logical as your global warming theories.

I've had some strong critics of my conservative blogs. One in particular, who believed in the falsely reported polls, and repeatedly kept answering my blogs with comments as to how far ahead Mr. Obama was compared to Governor Romney. In his responses he kept writing, "goodbye Willard...goodbye Ryan". Well, where are you now Mr. Critic?

It was discovered that the latest Washington Post poll only polled 160 people, of which 40% are registered Democrats. Subsequently the poll reported Mr. Obama was up by ten points. Polls also reflected Mr. Obama with large leads in Florida, Virginia, and a ten point lead in Ohio.

I wonder why I haven't heard from my liberal progressive critics since Wednesday. Today's polls showed Mr. Obama up only a point in Ohio, and Governor Romney actually ahead in Florida and Virginia. Where are you critics?  Nothing to say now?

I am actually having a great time writing my blogs, and look forward to writing 32 more.

Hey, do you thing my great blogs are turning things around for the Romney-Ryan ticket? Yeah, probably.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country and our troops.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Racist follow up Mr. Obama

Just a short follow up to add  to yesterday's blog.  This is short, but important, especially since Mr. Obama's performance in last night's debate.

During a speech to African-American pastors in 2007, Senator Barack Obama  claimed that the Stafford Act was to aid the hurricane Katrina victims, but was very slow to respond and was not helpful enough in the funding.  Mr. Obama claimed the aid to the 9-11 victims and hurricane Andrew victims received more aid than the hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans.

Now would you like some truthful facts that show Mr. Obama is once again distorting the truth? First the financial aid given to the hurricane Katrina victims is more than the financial aid given to the victims of 9-11 and hurricane Andrews COMBINED. Now that is a fact that I welcome my critics to dispute, and offer their "facts".

And now the most disturbing fact of all.  Just two weeks before Senator Obama stood in front of the African-Americans pastors in Virginia a vote was taken on the Senate floor to release funds to the victims of hurricane Katrina. The vote was passed overwhelmingly on the Senate floor with only 14 Senators voting to oppose releasing funds to the victims in New Orleans. Would you like to know the name of that U.S. Senator that voted against releasing the funds? Yes, you guessed right....U.S. Senator Barack Hussein Obama.

Now, I'm urging any critic of my blogs to please respond and tell me if this is wrong. Please.

Kind of gives you the real picture of Mr. Obama.

In tomorrow's blog we'll cover the Wednesday night debate. Please "tune in"...you'll love it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mr.Obama...are you racist?

It seems that the left wing liberal media and Mr. Obama's supporters would have all of us believe that if anyone disagrees, or even debates Mr. Obama's policies then you are labeled a racist.

There is even a journalist at the liberal progressive MSNBC network that will  attack you for being a racist if you use words like Chicago, food stamps, stimulus, or even unemployment.  It doesn't matter in what context you use these words. You're a racist if you use these words in any sentence. The MSNBC journalist went into a tirade against a Republican guest on his show for using these words.

Of course my favorite is when a conservative guest on a liberal radio talk show used the term "the blacks", instead of just saying "blacks".  The liberal talk show host called his guest a racist because the host felt using the word "the" put African-Americans into a definitive category.

It's  truly amazing that anytime anyone disagrees, debates, or argues against any of Mr. Obama's politics or policies you can bet the media will jump in to call the individual a racist. Critics of my daily blogs, who do not even know me, will respond to my blogs calling me "whitey", "racist", and other names not fit to write here.

Let me draw attention to then-Senator Barack Obama on June 5, 2007 when he addressed a large group of African-American pastors. Then-Senator Obama was berating the federal government for not giving enough aid to the survivors of the Katrina hurricane in New Orleans. He went so far as to accuse the federal government of being unwilling to help the people of New Orleans because they were black. Now is that racist Mr. Obama?

Mr. Obama supposedly was born in Hawaii, raised in Chicago, and educated at Harvard. Yet I'm sure everyone that watched the speech noticed that Mr. Obama spoke with a strong African-American southern drawl. What happened to his normally elegant speaking delivery?
Of course it was because he was pandering to the crowd, and wanted them to think "he was one of them".

Mr. Obama further went on to outwardly praise his pastor Rev. Wright, who has blasphemed the United States, on several occasions, spewing out words and phrases also not fit to write here. Rev. Wright's tirades were so vile against our country that Mr. Obama found it necessary  just ten months later to "throw the Rev. under the bus", and disavow him.

Mr. Obama's June, 2007 racist speech was forty minutes long, and if I could wave a magic wand I would have everyone watch Mr. Obama's speech before voting. I can assure everyone that the American people  would clearly see how Mr. Obama is the most divisive President this country has ever known. Are you a racist Mr. Obama?

Does this country want a President for another four years that derides our federal government, and racially accuses our government of ignoring our African-American community? Mr. Obama's actions will surely incite racism in our country. Don't give this man another four years.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

We need truthful research

We all know, including many Democrat leaders, that Mr. Obama cannot get reelected by running on what he's accomplished these past four years. So, he and his supporters, along with the media are going the only path they can, and that is to demolish Governor Romney by any means available.

Some of the comments in today's blog are recycled from my previous blogs, but with only thirty-five days left in this critical election many of these comments bears repeating. Remember, folks, the futures of our children and grandchildren are at stake.

So many Americans continue to do little or no research on the values of both of the candidates. Instead, they choose to drink the Kool-Aid provided by our main-stream media. The media continues to downgrade and humiliate Governor Romney, and readily broadcast any alleged mistakes, lies, and deceptions concerning his financial success, his family, and even his religious beliefs.

However, the media, along with the New York Times, L.A. Times, Washington Post, and other liberal publications will never bring to light the mishaps of the Mr. Obama's lack of leadership, and how he's handling today's critical areas in our economy and foreign policies.

Mr. Obama is a big proponent of the entitlement process. He continually preaches, "fair share".
Mr. Obama feels we should give up America's free enterprise and capitalism way of life, and turn to growing a welfare Socialist state. He throws his "poison arrows" at big, medium, and small businesses, and wants to heavily tax them to continue his aid to the welfare state.

Giving aid to the downtrodden appears to be a honorable humane road to take, and I'm sure everyone, including me, would like to wave a magic wand and take care of everyone on welfare, unemployment, and food stamps.  Just two questions though: (1) When is the last time someone on welfare, food stamps, or unemployment ever created a job? (2) Without big, medium, and small businesses investing to create jobs to stimulate revenue what does the United States do when the money to take care of our welfare state is all dried up?

Mr. Obama wants to raise taxes on everyone making over $200,000. per year, along with the very businesses that invest to create jobs. With this policy is it any wonder that  investing corporations will hold steadfast to their investment money, knowing that Mr. Obama's tax increases are on the way.

During President Bush's eight years in office his administration spent a total $4.9 Trillion. This includes financing the Iraq war.  Mr. Obama, along with his media support claimed President Bush was "unpatriotic" in spending the taxpayers' money. During the 2008 campaign the mainstream media led with that story everyday in their broadcasts and news prints.

What the media will not broadcast or print today is that in less than four years,. yes LESS than four years, Mr. Obama has spent $5.6 Trillion, and he's still going strong in spending, with more outrageous spending on the way if he's reelected.

Mr. Obama has convinced his followers on welfare, unemployment, and food stamps that if Governor Romney is elected, then all of their entitlements will be taken away. With that scare tactic, of course this 47% will vote to reelect the man that's giving them their entitlements.

The media will not report the failed policies of Mr. Obama. They will not truthfully report that, in fact, Mr. Obama does not have a net gain in jobs created, but in reality a net LOSS in jobs created since he's been in office. The 386,000 jobs Mr. Obama has allegedly created is a falsehood. The just are no 386,000 jobs created by Mr. Obama.  The media will also not report that under Mr. Obama's watch unemployment has been over 8% for over 44 months. 

The media will not report that the welfare and food stamp state has been the highest it's been since WWII, but they will go out of their way to report about Ann Romney's horse. the media will not report that our economy has had the slowest growth since the great depression, but they will give front page coverage calling Governor Romney's Mormon religion a cult.

The polls are full of skewed lies, the media is full of lies, and will not report the news truthfully for the American people. I urge all Americans to stop drinking the main stream media's Kool-Aid, and do your own research on truthful facts before you walk into that voting booth. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mr. Obama..patriotic?

There are so many narratives, speeches, and gaffes presented by Mr. Obama, Joe Biden, and their minions that the main stream media will keep from the American people. But there is one story, among others, deeply covered by the media that rings a deafening bell to me, that I want to share with you.

First, I'd like to preface my story by simply asking, is there any red-blooded patriotic American that doesn't love our American flag? Is there any red-blooded American that won't perform the patriotic symbolic gestures at all of our American flag displays, be it singing the national anthem or placing your hand over your heart?  Is there any patriotic American who isn't proud to wear the flag pin in their lapel?

Well, I am aware of one person that at times does not want to wear the American flag lapel pin. I also know of one person who, at times, does not want to place their hand over their heart during flag ceremonies, or the American pledge to our American flag.

That person currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. His name is Mr. Barrack Obama. 

In a 2008 "Meet the Press" TV show, then-Senator Obama, was asked by USAF Retired General Bill Gann to explain why he doesn't follow American protocol when the National Anthem is played, nor say the words during the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Mr. Obama was also asked why he refused to wear the American flag pin in his lapel.

He first spoke to the absence of the flag pin in his lapel. His exact words, "I don't want to be perceived as taking sides....there are a lot of people in the world in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression....the National Anthem itself conveys a war-like message...you know...bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing". Really Mr. Obama?

Mr. Obama continued, the National Anthem should be swapped out for a song like 'I'd  Like To Teach The World To Sing' to better offer our enemies hope and love". Really Mr. Obama?
Mr. Obama actually said,  "the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard are Muslims at prayer".
If that wasn't enough then-Senator had the audacity to continue, "if I'm elected it is my intention to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethern. America is a nation of warring people, and if we conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails, perhaps mutual peace and accord can exist between our governments". And just whose side are you on Mr. Obama...ours or your Muslim brethern?

Oh, there's more...there's more quotes from Mr. Obama which should scare all Americans from voting him another term in OUR  White House.  These are quotes from Mr. Obama that was never, and will never be broadcasted in our main stream media.

Allow me the space in my blog to give another quote from then-Senator Obama in 2008. "We, as a nation have placed an unfair justice upon the nations of Islam, which is why my wife disrespects the flag....she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past'.

If those quotes weren't bad enough, President-elect Obama said, "Michelle and I look forward to becoming the First Black Family for our country....indeed change is about to overwhelm the United States of America".

Yes, these quotes went unnoticed by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC during the 2008 campaign, and 52% of Americans let this man  into OUR  White House.

With no more campaigning to do, and not worrying about unlimited spending for the entitlement communities can you imagine what another term by this man will do to our great country? Our best economists say if Mr. Obama stays on this path for only two more years we'll be the United States of Greece.

There are 36 days left folks. Please research before you vote, and pay attention. Do you want this man and his wife, who at times display un-Americanism,  in OUR White House for four more years? I pray not.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.