I've got some new facts that I'd like to share with you. These facts do not come from the media. These facts do not come from surveys or polls. These facts do not even come from the CBO.
These facts originate from the President of the United States of America, B.H. Obama. These facts were submitted in the form of a budget proposal that was shot down by the Democrat controlled Senate. The score: 0-97.
Our President has proposed in his budge to the Senate the following:
1. Increase Income tax rate from 35% to 39.6%
2. Increase Payroll income tax from 37.4% to 52.2%
3. Increase capital gains taxes from 15% to 28%
4. Increase Dividends taxes from 15% to 39.6%
5. Increase Estate tax from 0% to 55%.
Is it any wonder that we're now getting Democrat leaders leaning away from our President? Who wants to claim any ownership to these proposals, and try to get reelected?
Also, for your information Senate leader, Harry Reid has yet to submit a budget to Congress and the CBO in nearly the entire four years of Obama's Presidency. I bet ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, & MSNBC has yet to report that to you.
I'm sure there are some, although I can't see how, that will dispute these facts. But honest folks I didn't make up these figures. They are straight from the head tax man himself.
Please stay tuned to my blogs folks. I've got more facts for you tomorrow. Gotta go to Mass now, and pray for the soul of our President.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Just the facts maam
Any out there who reads my blogs know that I lean to the right. While I try to research facts, there are some issues that are my own personal views.
I have endured some personal attacks by left-leaning liberals that take my views out of context.
Most retorts from my Democrat critics have been unfounded. Of course I will not call them lies.
So, today I wanted to publish a blog supported solely by facts. Some of the facts are from polls and educated surveys, however most of the facts are derived from the Congressional Budget Office. I think even my Democrat friends will believe the CBO. I mean, after all many of these facts come from Peter Orsag, one of Clinton's and Obama's strong supporters.
Let's get "W" out of the way immediately. The current administration began blaming Bush on January 22, 2009, when Obama was sworn in as our President. So before we go any further on the Bush blame let's look at pure facts.
On January 3, 2007 the House and the Senate became Democrat-controlled. Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and Hairless Reid was the Senate majority leader.
On January 3, 2007 the DOW closed at 12,621.77. GDP was 3.5, and unemployment was 4.6%
On that day Barney Frank & Chris took over the Financial Services Committe and the Senate Banking Committee.
These two members of Congress, trying to establish housing for all, managed to dump $6 Trillion Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
"W" was still the President and CBO facts bear out that he attempted seventeen times to stop this Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac process. He was shot down all seventeen times by a Democrat-controlled House & Senate. But because he was still the President, he was loaded up by Democrats and the media as the main blame for all this.
By the way there was a Democrat Senator from Illinois named Obama that voted to keep the Dodd-Frank fiasco in place. And it got worse because banks and lending institutions were threatened that they must approve loans that should never have been approved.
Well, we all know what happened within the following fifteen months. The housing bubble burst, thousands of homes became "under water", and were foreclosed upon. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost, and unemployment rose to 9%.
So, when President Obama claims he "inherited" an economic mess from Bush, maybe he should be honest with the American people, and come forth and say that he, along with the Democrat-controlled House and Senate are the major part of that inheritance for Americans.
Please save this blog. Starting tomorrow I will write more blogs that are related to the facts, just plain facts that has caused our great country to be in the shape we're in today. Just remember these pure facts every time you hear, "it's Bush's fault".
And that's Politics with Pete for today
I have endured some personal attacks by left-leaning liberals that take my views out of context.
Most retorts from my Democrat critics have been unfounded. Of course I will not call them lies.
So, today I wanted to publish a blog supported solely by facts. Some of the facts are from polls and educated surveys, however most of the facts are derived from the Congressional Budget Office. I think even my Democrat friends will believe the CBO. I mean, after all many of these facts come from Peter Orsag, one of Clinton's and Obama's strong supporters.
Let's get "W" out of the way immediately. The current administration began blaming Bush on January 22, 2009, when Obama was sworn in as our President. So before we go any further on the Bush blame let's look at pure facts.
On January 3, 2007 the House and the Senate became Democrat-controlled. Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and Hairless Reid was the Senate majority leader.
On January 3, 2007 the DOW closed at 12,621.77. GDP was 3.5, and unemployment was 4.6%
On that day Barney Frank & Chris took over the Financial Services Committe and the Senate Banking Committee.
These two members of Congress, trying to establish housing for all, managed to dump $6 Trillion Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
"W" was still the President and CBO facts bear out that he attempted seventeen times to stop this Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac process. He was shot down all seventeen times by a Democrat-controlled House & Senate. But because he was still the President, he was loaded up by Democrats and the media as the main blame for all this.
By the way there was a Democrat Senator from Illinois named Obama that voted to keep the Dodd-Frank fiasco in place. And it got worse because banks and lending institutions were threatened that they must approve loans that should never have been approved.
Well, we all know what happened within the following fifteen months. The housing bubble burst, thousands of homes became "under water", and were foreclosed upon. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost, and unemployment rose to 9%.
So, when President Obama claims he "inherited" an economic mess from Bush, maybe he should be honest with the American people, and come forth and say that he, along with the Democrat-controlled House and Senate are the major part of that inheritance for Americans.
Please save this blog. Starting tomorrow I will write more blogs that are related to the facts, just plain facts that has caused our great country to be in the shape we're in today. Just remember these pure facts every time you hear, "it's Bush's fault".
And that's Politics with Pete for today
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thank you Justice Roberts
On behalf of all conservative Republicans from Rush Limbaugh to the your humble blogger, me, I want to extend a gigantic debt of gratitude to Chief Justice Roberts.
By declaring Obamacare's mandate a TAX, yes a TAX the Chief Justice has fulfilled all the wishes of the RNC, and just about handed Governor Romney the keys to our White House.
Remember when this President went on the CBS and ABC television shows and declared the mandate of his Obamacare was not a tax, and Americans would actually see a decrease in their taxes when Obamacare is made into law?
Remember when Senator Obama in '07 and '08 campaigned that no one, I mean no one making under $200,000. would see a dime increase in their taxes?
Well, Justice Roberts was informed that it was really not a mandate, but a tax, so with that Roberts had no choice but to vote in favor of Congress's right to impose a tax on Americans. That's in the Constitution.
So now, all, yes ALL middle class Americans will experience the burden of a tax increase in these dire economic times. Do you think that maybe the President was positioning for his reelection rather than about the economic status of this country?
Now, the President has his Obamacare legacy to campaign on. He certainly can't run on anything else. Ironically, several Republican Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators uttered, that by falsifying the mandate into a tax, "Obama and his administration has awakened the sleeping giant similar to the 2010 mid-term election".
And now all the Democratic Congress will have to go back and listen to their constituents, and try to sell a middle class tax increase. How do you think that's going to fly?
Another piece of irony is that within a few short hours after American hearing that the mandate is a tax, and was passed through the Supreme Court, Governor Romney raised $1.5 million for his election campaign.
This is just one in a long, long, line of untruths told to the American people by this President.
I won't call the President a liar........but is it OK to say I agree with Congressman Joe Wilson from Florida?
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
By declaring Obamacare's mandate a TAX, yes a TAX the Chief Justice has fulfilled all the wishes of the RNC, and just about handed Governor Romney the keys to our White House.
Remember when this President went on the CBS and ABC television shows and declared the mandate of his Obamacare was not a tax, and Americans would actually see a decrease in their taxes when Obamacare is made into law?
Remember when Senator Obama in '07 and '08 campaigned that no one, I mean no one making under $200,000. would see a dime increase in their taxes?
Well, Justice Roberts was informed that it was really not a mandate, but a tax, so with that Roberts had no choice but to vote in favor of Congress's right to impose a tax on Americans. That's in the Constitution.
So now, all, yes ALL middle class Americans will experience the burden of a tax increase in these dire economic times. Do you think that maybe the President was positioning for his reelection rather than about the economic status of this country?
Now, the President has his Obamacare legacy to campaign on. He certainly can't run on anything else. Ironically, several Republican Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators uttered, that by falsifying the mandate into a tax, "Obama and his administration has awakened the sleeping giant similar to the 2010 mid-term election".
And now all the Democratic Congress will have to go back and listen to their constituents, and try to sell a middle class tax increase. How do you think that's going to fly?
Another piece of irony is that within a few short hours after American hearing that the mandate is a tax, and was passed through the Supreme Court, Governor Romney raised $1.5 million for his election campaign.
This is just one in a long, long, line of untruths told to the American people by this President.
I won't call the President a liar........but is it OK to say I agree with Congressman Joe Wilson from Florida?
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Monday, June 25, 2012
I promise..... nothing!
I know more people than me remember in 2007 and 2008 when Senator Obama was campaigning for President of the country when he made a startling promise.
He promised he would initiate policies and laws that would enable the U.S. to be free of importing oil from foreign lands.
Fifty-Two percent of the country believed him so much that he was voted as the number one leader of the free world; our United States President.
So, what say we review exactly what our President has done since January, 2009 to stop oil importing from foreign countries:
1. With pressure from the EPA he banned coal mining capacities in West Virginia.
2. Loaned over two Billion dollars to Brazil so they can drill for oil, and then promised that the
U.S. would be Brazil's biggest customer. George Soros owns the drilling company.
3. Will not allow the Keystone Pipeline to process oil to the U.S., forcing Canada to consider
selling its oil rights to China.
4. Is hold up oil lease distribution to areas in the the contiguous U.S.
5. Will not allow oil drilling in Alaska.
And maybe the most horrendous thing he has done for oil drilling for the United States is he gave, free of charge, seven islands off the coast of Alaska to Russia. Under some obscure maritime law, that he could have changed at any time, he granted these seven islands to Putin of Russia. All seven of these islands have large oil reserves under them.
Remember the microphone faux paux with Medvedev, when Obama whispered "After this election I will have more flexibility". Ever wonder what he meant by that statement?
Yes, Mr. President, I, along with millions of hard working Americans suffering from true 14% unemployment would like to thank you for all you've done to drill for oil and create jobs for fellow Americans. Any future plans to stop oil importing Mr. President?
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
He promised he would initiate policies and laws that would enable the U.S. to be free of importing oil from foreign lands.
Fifty-Two percent of the country believed him so much that he was voted as the number one leader of the free world; our United States President.
So, what say we review exactly what our President has done since January, 2009 to stop oil importing from foreign countries:
1. With pressure from the EPA he banned coal mining capacities in West Virginia.
2. Loaned over two Billion dollars to Brazil so they can drill for oil, and then promised that the
U.S. would be Brazil's biggest customer. George Soros owns the drilling company.
3. Will not allow the Keystone Pipeline to process oil to the U.S., forcing Canada to consider
selling its oil rights to China.
4. Is hold up oil lease distribution to areas in the the contiguous U.S.
5. Will not allow oil drilling in Alaska.
And maybe the most horrendous thing he has done for oil drilling for the United States is he gave, free of charge, seven islands off the coast of Alaska to Russia. Under some obscure maritime law, that he could have changed at any time, he granted these seven islands to Putin of Russia. All seven of these islands have large oil reserves under them.
Remember the microphone faux paux with Medvedev, when Obama whispered "After this election I will have more flexibility". Ever wonder what he meant by that statement?
Yes, Mr. President, I, along with millions of hard working Americans suffering from true 14% unemployment would like to thank you for all you've done to drill for oil and create jobs for fellow Americans. Any future plans to stop oil importing Mr. President?
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Name calling
Recently a critic of one of my blogs responded in the only way it seems he could; by name calling.
Kind of reminds me of another quote by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. Lincoln was verbally attacked by many, complaining Lincoln's top General U.S. Grant was nothing more than a drunkard. Lincoln's response, "Well, considering the success Grant is having in ending the war, find out what Scotch he's drinking and send a case to each of my other Generals".
I would like to suggest to my critical friend: When you are up against someone who is doing so much better than you, or those whom you have loyalty to, find some facts, or find out some useful information about your enemy. When you do nothing more than cast virile statements and lies you make yourself look so small.
Let's take a look at the journalists and broadcasters at the network that you seem to pledge your allegiance to. Of course I'm speaking (writing) about MSNBC. There's Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, Basir, Ratigan, Basir, and let's not forget Andrea Mitchell.
The ratings of these broadcasters are so poor, they barely are staying on the air. And they feel the only way Comcast allows them to continue is they get some attention with lies and personal attacks on the number one cable TV news network, and to help in any way they can to help get Obama reelected. Of course you know who that number one cable TV network is...Fox!
If Romney wins in November, and there are strong indications he will, I can only imagine, maybe predict, that Comcast will change the format at MSNBC, and your icons will most likely flee to Gore's network to join Olberman.
So, my dear liberal-progressive Democrat, find out what Fox is doing right, and try to understand why they are number one, rather than spewing lies and personal attacks at them.
Don't you find it interesting that the relatively new Fox show, The Five, has a very strong liberal Democrat on the show every day, and they have immediately jumped ahead of all the viewerships at MSNBC? What is Fox doing right? You think MSNBC can come up with a show like that? I think not.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
Kind of reminds me of another quote by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. Lincoln was verbally attacked by many, complaining Lincoln's top General U.S. Grant was nothing more than a drunkard. Lincoln's response, "Well, considering the success Grant is having in ending the war, find out what Scotch he's drinking and send a case to each of my other Generals".
I would like to suggest to my critical friend: When you are up against someone who is doing so much better than you, or those whom you have loyalty to, find some facts, or find out some useful information about your enemy. When you do nothing more than cast virile statements and lies you make yourself look so small.
Let's take a look at the journalists and broadcasters at the network that you seem to pledge your allegiance to. Of course I'm speaking (writing) about MSNBC. There's Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, Basir, Ratigan, Basir, and let's not forget Andrea Mitchell.
The ratings of these broadcasters are so poor, they barely are staying on the air. And they feel the only way Comcast allows them to continue is they get some attention with lies and personal attacks on the number one cable TV news network, and to help in any way they can to help get Obama reelected. Of course you know who that number one cable TV network is...Fox!
If Romney wins in November, and there are strong indications he will, I can only imagine, maybe predict, that Comcast will change the format at MSNBC, and your icons will most likely flee to Gore's network to join Olberman.
So, my dear liberal-progressive Democrat, find out what Fox is doing right, and try to understand why they are number one, rather than spewing lies and personal attacks at them.
Don't you find it interesting that the relatively new Fox show, The Five, has a very strong liberal Democrat on the show every day, and they have immediately jumped ahead of all the viewerships at MSNBC? What is Fox doing right? You think MSNBC can come up with a show like that? I think not.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
Friday, June 22, 2012
I just have to start this blog with perhaps Abraham Lincoln's most famous quote: "You can fool some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time"
We have major networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC that will not report the news fairly to the American people. And have you noticed how their ratings have continued to
drastically fall? Why is that? Could it be Americans are getting smarter?
I would, however, like to alert folks there is a network who will report the news objectively. It's called the Fox News Channel. And, also, have you noticed that Fox's ratings continue to climb.
What that means is that when Americans want the news reported objectively they will tune into Fox.
When Americans want to be "entertained" they will tune into their favorite journalist celebrities on the major networks. I am so amused that while Fox's ratings continue to climb the other networks, mainly MSNBC continue to spew personal attacks on the people at Fox, rather than spend energy to improve their format to improve their ratings.
People watch the news at Fox to watch and listen to the news objectively. Do these other networks, mainly MSNBC really think they can improve their ratings by telling lies and personally attacking Fox? It doesn't work that way.
Fox example, Americans want to know the complete true story on "Fast & Furious", but do most of you know that the major networks devote very little or no time to reporting it. Ever wonder why?
The easiest thing to do is to verbally attack someone else. Just ask Schultz, Matthews, Maddow, O'Donnel, Basir, and Sharpton at MSNBC. Is it any wonder that their ratings COMBINED don't even equal one show of O'Reilly and The Five. Ever wonder why?
One of the critique readers of my blog threw some verbal attacks at my blog, and even encouraged me to stop watching Fox. My only answer is I'm faithful to Fox because their format is to report the news "FAIR & BALANCED". Try it for one week. I guarantee you'll stay with Fox.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
We have major networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC that will not report the news fairly to the American people. And have you noticed how their ratings have continued to
drastically fall? Why is that? Could it be Americans are getting smarter?
I would, however, like to alert folks there is a network who will report the news objectively. It's called the Fox News Channel. And, also, have you noticed that Fox's ratings continue to climb.
What that means is that when Americans want the news reported objectively they will tune into Fox.
When Americans want to be "entertained" they will tune into their favorite journalist celebrities on the major networks. I am so amused that while Fox's ratings continue to climb the other networks, mainly MSNBC continue to spew personal attacks on the people at Fox, rather than spend energy to improve their format to improve their ratings.
People watch the news at Fox to watch and listen to the news objectively. Do these other networks, mainly MSNBC really think they can improve their ratings by telling lies and personally attacking Fox? It doesn't work that way.
Fox example, Americans want to know the complete true story on "Fast & Furious", but do most of you know that the major networks devote very little or no time to reporting it. Ever wonder why?
The easiest thing to do is to verbally attack someone else. Just ask Schultz, Matthews, Maddow, O'Donnel, Basir, and Sharpton at MSNBC. Is it any wonder that their ratings COMBINED don't even equal one show of O'Reilly and The Five. Ever wonder why?
One of the critique readers of my blog threw some verbal attacks at my blog, and even encouraged me to stop watching Fox. My only answer is I'm faithful to Fox because their format is to report the news "FAIR & BALANCED". Try it for one week. I guarantee you'll stay with Fox.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Don't buy it
I always enjoyed figuring out how a magic trick really works. The left hand distracts you while the right hand does the "magic". I've used these distraction tactics on my wife for years ...."honey, instead of cleaning the garage, why don't I check our computer to make sure it doesn't have a virus on it?"
Folks, that's exactly what the Obama administration is doing. They are making up all kinds of distractions so you won't focus on the real issue confronting Americans today; jobs and the economy.Don't buy it!
If they can get ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC to continue calling you a racist because you don't believe in Obama's policies, that's distracting you from focusing on what's really important to Americans; jobs and the economy. Don't buy it!
The media, especially MSNBC will serve up an entire program trying to convice you that if you don't vote for Obama it's because he's an African-American. While you're watching the program what is it you're not thinking about...jobs and the economy. Don't buy it!
One particular broadcaster from MSNBC stated on his show that Ann Romney rides horse only because she's a rich person who can't relate to the middle class. What this broadcaster failed to report was that horse riding has been proven to be extremely beneficial in many ways for patients who have multiple sclerosis. Just another distraction. Don't buy it!
Another MSNBC broadcaster lambasted Romney as being out of touch with the middle class because he didn't understand how the chain store deli Wa-Wa works. The broadcaster didn't finish the segment, which showed GOP hopeful Romney did understand how Wa-Wa works, and promoted how the private sector is having this success without government intervention. Just one more distraction. Don't buy it!
And now, maybe the biggest distraction of all. President Obama is so frightened that his close friend, Attorney General Holder, is in such deep trouble with "Fast & Furious" that he invoked Presidential Privilege so Holder wouldn't have to turn over documents that would seal Holder's doom, and maybe the President as well. Just another distraction. Don't buy it!
It's so obvious that the President cannot campaign on his record of failed policies. So what does he do? He uses more and more distractions, so you'll not focus on what is really troubling Americans today...jobs and the economy. Don't buy it!
John and Jane Doe are worried about jobs and the economy. They want to get back to work to take care of their families and their futures. They want someone who can offer solutions to get this great country back on its feet and grow forward. They don't want distractions. Don't buy it!
Have you noticed the amount of fund raisers, along with his golfing, that this President is frequenting? Has he ever once given us a solution? In three and a half years has he ever submitted a budget? What he is doing is offering many distractions, along with the lies and racist claims of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC. Distractions....don't buy it!
Folks, do not buy this. Don't give him four more years to continue this. We can't afford it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Folks, that's exactly what the Obama administration is doing. They are making up all kinds of distractions so you won't focus on the real issue confronting Americans today; jobs and the economy.Don't buy it!
If they can get ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC to continue calling you a racist because you don't believe in Obama's policies, that's distracting you from focusing on what's really important to Americans; jobs and the economy. Don't buy it!
The media, especially MSNBC will serve up an entire program trying to convice you that if you don't vote for Obama it's because he's an African-American. While you're watching the program what is it you're not thinking about...jobs and the economy. Don't buy it!
One particular broadcaster from MSNBC stated on his show that Ann Romney rides horse only because she's a rich person who can't relate to the middle class. What this broadcaster failed to report was that horse riding has been proven to be extremely beneficial in many ways for patients who have multiple sclerosis. Just another distraction. Don't buy it!
Another MSNBC broadcaster lambasted Romney as being out of touch with the middle class because he didn't understand how the chain store deli Wa-Wa works. The broadcaster didn't finish the segment, which showed GOP hopeful Romney did understand how Wa-Wa works, and promoted how the private sector is having this success without government intervention. Just one more distraction. Don't buy it!
And now, maybe the biggest distraction of all. President Obama is so frightened that his close friend, Attorney General Holder, is in such deep trouble with "Fast & Furious" that he invoked Presidential Privilege so Holder wouldn't have to turn over documents that would seal Holder's doom, and maybe the President as well. Just another distraction. Don't buy it!
It's so obvious that the President cannot campaign on his record of failed policies. So what does he do? He uses more and more distractions, so you'll not focus on what is really troubling Americans today...jobs and the economy. Don't buy it!
John and Jane Doe are worried about jobs and the economy. They want to get back to work to take care of their families and their futures. They want someone who can offer solutions to get this great country back on its feet and grow forward. They don't want distractions. Don't buy it!
Have you noticed the amount of fund raisers, along with his golfing, that this President is frequenting? Has he ever once given us a solution? In three and a half years has he ever submitted a budget? What he is doing is offering many distractions, along with the lies and racist claims of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC. Distractions....don't buy it!
Folks, do not buy this. Don't give him four more years to continue this. We can't afford it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
And who pays?
In July, 2011, and most recently, in September, 2011, President Obama stated that he was elected by the American people to uphold the laws of the Constitution of the United States of America.
He vehemently stated this when asked if he was going to enact a law to give short-term amnesty to illegal aliens between the ages of 16 and 30. He went on further to say that only Congress can pass laws for any type of amnesty, and he assured all that he would not break the law, and his hands were tied in trying to issue amnesty for illegals.
Then a strange thing started to happen. The polls began to reflect that Latinos were falling off in their support for the President. And the polls started to reflect that if Governor Romney chose Marco Rubio as his running mate just maybe the GOP candidate would draw large amounts of Latino votes away from the President in his reelection bid.
So, ignoring that the country has a true unemployment of 14.2% with over 23 million Americans out of work what does the President do? He by-passes the Constitution and congressional protocol and directs Homeland Security Director Napalitano to immediately cease deportation of illegals between the ages of 15 and 30, stop questioning them, and to allow them the right to seek employment without repercussions from any state authorities.
With this move our President has immediately increased, potentially, our unemployment rolls by 800,000. Does this seem like a President who is trying to attack unemployment, or is it really a President seeking the Latino vote for his reelection?
When any of these 800,000 illegals become unemployed will our taxes pay for their unemployment benefits? When any of the 800,000 need hospitalization will our taxes pay their hospital bills? Will our taxes aid in welfare and/or food stamps for any of these 800,000 when they need help?
Yes, there are many who argue that some of the 800,000 illegals are now working or in college, but can anyone, including the President, promise that this will continue. Remember, there was a time not too long ago that unemployment was near 4%.
What happens if any, some, or all of the 800,000 illegals add to the current 14.2% real unemployment by not be able to work and pay taxes? Who pays for their well being?
If that happens, and President Obama gets reelected he will be enjoying his golf and vacations, along with his lame duck presidency. You can bet he will forget about the short-term amnesty he bypassed Congress for.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
He vehemently stated this when asked if he was going to enact a law to give short-term amnesty to illegal aliens between the ages of 16 and 30. He went on further to say that only Congress can pass laws for any type of amnesty, and he assured all that he would not break the law, and his hands were tied in trying to issue amnesty for illegals.
Then a strange thing started to happen. The polls began to reflect that Latinos were falling off in their support for the President. And the polls started to reflect that if Governor Romney chose Marco Rubio as his running mate just maybe the GOP candidate would draw large amounts of Latino votes away from the President in his reelection bid.
So, ignoring that the country has a true unemployment of 14.2% with over 23 million Americans out of work what does the President do? He by-passes the Constitution and congressional protocol and directs Homeland Security Director Napalitano to immediately cease deportation of illegals between the ages of 15 and 30, stop questioning them, and to allow them the right to seek employment without repercussions from any state authorities.
With this move our President has immediately increased, potentially, our unemployment rolls by 800,000. Does this seem like a President who is trying to attack unemployment, or is it really a President seeking the Latino vote for his reelection?
When any of these 800,000 illegals become unemployed will our taxes pay for their unemployment benefits? When any of the 800,000 need hospitalization will our taxes pay their hospital bills? Will our taxes aid in welfare and/or food stamps for any of these 800,000 when they need help?
Yes, there are many who argue that some of the 800,000 illegals are now working or in college, but can anyone, including the President, promise that this will continue. Remember, there was a time not too long ago that unemployment was near 4%.
What happens if any, some, or all of the 800,000 illegals add to the current 14.2% real unemployment by not be able to work and pay taxes? Who pays for their well being?
If that happens, and President Obama gets reelected he will be enjoying his golf and vacations, along with his lame duck presidency. You can bet he will forget about the short-term amnesty he bypassed Congress for.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Ahh, those Unions
Recently, in the News-Herald opinion page, a writer wrote in that he was appalled that 27% of Union workers in Wisconsin, voted against the recall of Governor Walker.
Someone should explain to the writer who wrote the article that those 27% were private sector union members.
Most private sector union member in Wisconsin, in fact, most across the country are content with their union contracts. Moreover, private sector union members want more of a voice as to where their union dues are going.
On the other hand, police, fire, and teachers unions want more strength to their union protection in wages, vacations, and pensions. A fact is that union members in police, fire, and teachers make nearly twice as their counterparts in non-union atmospheres.
When I consider the jobs of and responsibilities of our police, fire, and teacher employees I am a strong believer there should be no unions in these three areas. A condition of employment should be that you will not join any union, go on strike or invoke any type of "blue flu" days off.
If a police union is on strike does that mean they will not protect the citizens of their community, or stop a crime in progress? Will fire fighters on strike refuse to stop a fire in a burning house to save the lives of others? Will a teacher on strike refuse to educate our children?
The placement in our education ranks among the lowest in the world now. We need the right to stimulate our education by eliminating "tenure" teachers that have no right to teach our children. Is it any wonder that people who can afford it will send our children to private schools.
Maybe the next step will be to unionize our military. Can you envision a troop refusing to go into combat because of their wages, or vacation time, or some other nonsensical issue?
By the way, at 14.2% true unemployment or underemployment where are the jobs that unions are supposed to be protecting? We know where their dues are going.
And that's Politics with Pete for now.
Someone should explain to the writer who wrote the article that those 27% were private sector union members.
Most private sector union member in Wisconsin, in fact, most across the country are content with their union contracts. Moreover, private sector union members want more of a voice as to where their union dues are going.
On the other hand, police, fire, and teachers unions want more strength to their union protection in wages, vacations, and pensions. A fact is that union members in police, fire, and teachers make nearly twice as their counterparts in non-union atmospheres.
When I consider the jobs of and responsibilities of our police, fire, and teacher employees I am a strong believer there should be no unions in these three areas. A condition of employment should be that you will not join any union, go on strike or invoke any type of "blue flu" days off.
If a police union is on strike does that mean they will not protect the citizens of their community, or stop a crime in progress? Will fire fighters on strike refuse to stop a fire in a burning house to save the lives of others? Will a teacher on strike refuse to educate our children?
The placement in our education ranks among the lowest in the world now. We need the right to stimulate our education by eliminating "tenure" teachers that have no right to teach our children. Is it any wonder that people who can afford it will send our children to private schools.
Maybe the next step will be to unionize our military. Can you envision a troop refusing to go into combat because of their wages, or vacation time, or some other nonsensical issue?
By the way, at 14.2% true unemployment or underemployment where are the jobs that unions are supposed to be protecting? We know where their dues are going.
And that's Politics with Pete for now.
Send me your masses
I'm just a dumb 77-year old who barely got through college with a C average, so I need someone, anyone, to explain some things to me.
Our President stands in the Rose garden, and claims "short-term" amnesty to young aliens, so "they can get work permits and contribute to the growth of our country".
Now, what I don't understand is that while the President is doing this, our great country has over 23 million out of work. We are averaging over 360,000 people per week filing for first time unemployment benefits. Our welfare population has grown to over 100% in the past three years. Oh right, that's still Bush's fault.
While this is ready to take place we are experiencing a realistic 14.2% unemployment, while the EPA is shutting down coal mines in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia, and Indiana.
Will someone explain the logic in this to me.
I wouldn't dare to say the only reason our President is doing this now is to get the Latino vote in November....nah, when only last year he said on TV that constitutional law would not let him grant this type of amnesty to your illegal aliens. Hmmm, wonder why he's doing it now.
I am descended from a long line of immigrants who migrated from a European country. Everyone of them came through Ellis Island. In fact I have my father's and grandfather's citizenship documents framed and placed on a wall in my home.
Ironically, my father was the same age, 17, as those aliens that the President is now awarding "short-term" amnesty. My father's "claim to fame" was that he came here at 17, went to work in the Lorain steel mills, and worked there for 48 years, and never once received a dime on unemployment.
I use to tease him about how much he contributed to it from every one of his paychecks. His only comment was that he was proud to help others, and he was grateful he had a job to go to every day He was so proud that during WWII his department in the steel mills made bomb casings for our troops.
So, here's an idea Mr. President; if you keep these short-term amnesty campaign moves, why not just spend millions of taxpayer's money, and move the Statue of Liberty from the harbor of New York, and erect the great lady directly on the border between the USA and Mexico. You could pay for it by just eliminating the U.S. Border Patrol agents. Good idea huh?
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Our President stands in the Rose garden, and claims "short-term" amnesty to young aliens, so "they can get work permits and contribute to the growth of our country".
Now, what I don't understand is that while the President is doing this, our great country has over 23 million out of work. We are averaging over 360,000 people per week filing for first time unemployment benefits. Our welfare population has grown to over 100% in the past three years. Oh right, that's still Bush's fault.
While this is ready to take place we are experiencing a realistic 14.2% unemployment, while the EPA is shutting down coal mines in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia, and Indiana.
Will someone explain the logic in this to me.
I wouldn't dare to say the only reason our President is doing this now is to get the Latino vote in November....nah, when only last year he said on TV that constitutional law would not let him grant this type of amnesty to your illegal aliens. Hmmm, wonder why he's doing it now.
I am descended from a long line of immigrants who migrated from a European country. Everyone of them came through Ellis Island. In fact I have my father's and grandfather's citizenship documents framed and placed on a wall in my home.
Ironically, my father was the same age, 17, as those aliens that the President is now awarding "short-term" amnesty. My father's "claim to fame" was that he came here at 17, went to work in the Lorain steel mills, and worked there for 48 years, and never once received a dime on unemployment.
I use to tease him about how much he contributed to it from every one of his paychecks. His only comment was that he was proud to help others, and he was grateful he had a job to go to every day He was so proud that during WWII his department in the steel mills made bomb casings for our troops.
So, here's an idea Mr. President; if you keep these short-term amnesty campaign moves, why not just spend millions of taxpayer's money, and move the Statue of Liberty from the harbor of New York, and erect the great lady directly on the border between the USA and Mexico. You could pay for it by just eliminating the U.S. Border Patrol agents. Good idea huh?
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Mr.. President, who's fine?
I promised myself and everyone else that I would not blog abut President Obama's statement that "the private sector is doing fine". Yes, I promised, but the ammunition his statement has given to us bloggers is just a gift that keeps on giving.
Obviously, Mr. President your information comes from your bragging about the 4.3 million jobs you have created. Maybe you should look at some net figures about our economy today.
Our current unemployment and underemployment is over 14%. Over two million have left the workforce, and we now have over 23 million out of work. You want credit for "creating" jobs at General Motors because you used taxpayer's money to put out of work employees back on the assembly lines.
Here's an analogy you might understand cause you're a golfer. Your "private sector" message is analogous to me saying I'm a great golfer and should be on the pro tour because I have over thirty years experience of golfing. Let's forget that I'm over 70 years old, have a 25 handicap, and haven't made a birdie in over two years. Other than those few unnecessary facts I definitely belong on the pro tour.
You are not "creating" jobs. Would you like to be informed, Mr. President, what North Dakota did about "creating jobs? I'm sure Americans will not hear about this positive venture from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC.
North Dakota began drilling for natural gas, along with drilling and fracking for crude oil. This put thousands upon thousands back to work to the point where N. Dakota's unemployment is hovering around 3%.
Another piece of information your supporting media won't tell Americans about is that the average income in North Dakota for men between the ages of 18-49 is $90,000. per year.
So, Mr. President, while you're giving campaign speeches urging Americans we need to spend more taxpayer's money for failed projects like Solyndra, wind turbines, solar panels, and buying oil from Brazil and the Middle East there is a place in this great country that is doing it on their own; North Dakota.
So maybe Mr. President, you should visit North Dakota, instead of hanging out with all your celebrity friends and begging for donations. You just might learn how to really "create" jobs.
Anyway, Mr. President, thanks for the gift you gave all us bloggers and true journalists by uttering that "the private sector is doing fine".
The truth is Mr. President, the private sector is not doing fine, but we will start on the right path beginning November 6th.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Obviously, Mr. President your information comes from your bragging about the 4.3 million jobs you have created. Maybe you should look at some net figures about our economy today.
Our current unemployment and underemployment is over 14%. Over two million have left the workforce, and we now have over 23 million out of work. You want credit for "creating" jobs at General Motors because you used taxpayer's money to put out of work employees back on the assembly lines.
Here's an analogy you might understand cause you're a golfer. Your "private sector" message is analogous to me saying I'm a great golfer and should be on the pro tour because I have over thirty years experience of golfing. Let's forget that I'm over 70 years old, have a 25 handicap, and haven't made a birdie in over two years. Other than those few unnecessary facts I definitely belong on the pro tour.
You are not "creating" jobs. Would you like to be informed, Mr. President, what North Dakota did about "creating jobs? I'm sure Americans will not hear about this positive venture from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC.
North Dakota began drilling for natural gas, along with drilling and fracking for crude oil. This put thousands upon thousands back to work to the point where N. Dakota's unemployment is hovering around 3%.
Another piece of information your supporting media won't tell Americans about is that the average income in North Dakota for men between the ages of 18-49 is $90,000. per year.
So, Mr. President, while you're giving campaign speeches urging Americans we need to spend more taxpayer's money for failed projects like Solyndra, wind turbines, solar panels, and buying oil from Brazil and the Middle East there is a place in this great country that is doing it on their own; North Dakota.
So maybe Mr. President, you should visit North Dakota, instead of hanging out with all your celebrity friends and begging for donations. You just might learn how to really "create" jobs.
Anyway, Mr. President, thanks for the gift you gave all us bloggers and true journalists by uttering that "the private sector is doing fine".
The truth is Mr. President, the private sector is not doing fine, but we will start on the right path beginning November 6th.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Why vote Obama
This goes out to all my Democrat-Liberal-Progressive friends....Here are the reasons you should vote for Obama this November:
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Just askin' Mr. President
Like most Americans I love this country, was proud to serve in the military, and have the utmost respect for the Office of the Presidency. In many cases it is considered treasonous to make slanderous remarks toward the President or the office he upholds.
However, there are many questions many of us Americans would like answered before we step into the voting booth in Novem......wait.....wait a minute, before you go any further, stop reading this...go to your local library, Redbox, Netflix, etc., and rent two movies and watch them very closely.
The first movie to rent is the original "Manchurian Candidate" with Frank Sinatra. Then rent, "No Way Out" starring Kevin Costner. After you watch those two movies, then come back and finish reading my blog.
Mr. President, you want us to give you another four years in OUR White House, but:
1. haven't you directed Harry Reid and the Senate to submit a budget in your first term?
2. was the only budget you submitted to the Senate defeated 0-97?
3. do you continue to deny the Keystone pipeline, and deny oil drilling in the U.S., but continue to import oil from Mid-East Muslim countries; even some countries that despise our country.
4. have you increased, by 100%, the entitlement of food stamp distribution?
5. have you decreased our military defense to the lowest it's been in decades.
6. do you continue to blame Congress for not passing a jobs bill, when, in fact, the House has passed forty bills, only to have them stopped dead at Harry Reid's desk.
7. do you criticize Governor Romney, and his association with Bain Capital, but shy away from the fact that Bain contributed more to you than the Republican Party in 2008?
8. are you so critical of Governor Romney's time at Bain, and yet you have never experienced any time at all working in any job except "community organizer"?
9. did you authorize a $192.Million to Palestine, a Muslim nation, without congressional approval?
10. have you sent over $3Million to withhold your college grades? Is it because your college transcripts will reveal you were a foreign student?
11. with the true unemployment over 14%, did you announce yesterday that "the private sector is just fine"?
12. did you spend the majority of your term presenting and legislating your unconstitutional health care bill that will likely be defeated?
13. do you continue to bow to other world leaders, and continue to apologize for the U.S.?
14. would you accept $1Million from Bill Maher, who continues to show disdain for our U.S.?
15. and lastly Mr. President, why do you want us to give you another four years when you have shown no leadership ability at all.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
However, there are many questions many of us Americans would like answered before we step into the voting booth in Novem......wait.....wait a minute, before you go any further, stop reading this...go to your local library, Redbox, Netflix, etc., and rent two movies and watch them very closely.
The first movie to rent is the original "Manchurian Candidate" with Frank Sinatra. Then rent, "No Way Out" starring Kevin Costner. After you watch those two movies, then come back and finish reading my blog.
Mr. President, you want us to give you another four years in OUR White House, but:
1. haven't you directed Harry Reid and the Senate to submit a budget in your first term?
2. was the only budget you submitted to the Senate defeated 0-97?
3. do you continue to deny the Keystone pipeline, and deny oil drilling in the U.S., but continue to import oil from Mid-East Muslim countries; even some countries that despise our country.
4. have you increased, by 100%, the entitlement of food stamp distribution?
5. have you decreased our military defense to the lowest it's been in decades.
6. do you continue to blame Congress for not passing a jobs bill, when, in fact, the House has passed forty bills, only to have them stopped dead at Harry Reid's desk.
7. do you criticize Governor Romney, and his association with Bain Capital, but shy away from the fact that Bain contributed more to you than the Republican Party in 2008?
8. are you so critical of Governor Romney's time at Bain, and yet you have never experienced any time at all working in any job except "community organizer"?
9. did you authorize a $192.Million to Palestine, a Muslim nation, without congressional approval?
10. have you sent over $3Million to withhold your college grades? Is it because your college transcripts will reveal you were a foreign student?
11. with the true unemployment over 14%, did you announce yesterday that "the private sector is just fine"?
12. did you spend the majority of your term presenting and legislating your unconstitutional health care bill that will likely be defeated?
13. do you continue to bow to other world leaders, and continue to apologize for the U.S.?
14. would you accept $1Million from Bill Maher, who continues to show disdain for our U.S.?
15. and lastly Mr. President, why do you want us to give you another four years when you have shown no leadership ability at all.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
Thursday, June 7, 2012
On Wisconsin - On Wisconsin
Would someone please tell ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, & MSNBC that Governor Walker did not get recalled in Wisconsin. ODonnell at MSNBC went so far as to declare Obama the winner in Wisconsin. Was the president up for recall in that state?
I enjoyed how the labor unions, private & public, before the recall election, called it one of the most important in our lifetime because "it means the survival of collective bargaining as we know it".
And just forty-nine minutes after the Wisconsin polls closed both Fox and NBC correctly projected Governor Walker as the winner. NBC went so far as to stop broadcasting election results in favor of Miley Cyrus' engagement and the Miss USA pagaent. At MSNBC broadcaster Ed Schultz said "the race is still not over....we have to count the absentee ballots". Really Ed?
The truth that the networks won't report is that Governor Walker won in such a landslide that a neighboring state initially spurned on by Unions to also recall their Governor, dropped their pursuit. Gee, what does that tell you? In fact Governor Walker won by a larger margin over the same man, Mayor Barret, than he did the first time he ran against him.
And then the major networks, along with all the Democrat pundits are now saying the recall attempt in Wisconsin "was no big deal"., and then began to tout "Obama is still ahead of Romney in Wisconsin". I thought the Wisconsin election was about collective bargaining in the state. I didn't know Obama and Romney were even involved in the race. Obama never made a trip to help Mayor Barret in his campaign against Governor Walker. I should mention, however, Obama did send a one-sentence twitter in support of Barret.
Since Governor Walker has been in office starting 2011 he has decreased the unemployment by 1.1%, lowered the state deficit from a minus to a surplus. He did this while still maintaining public workers making over $20,000., more individually than private workers. Now, if Governor Walker did not accomplish all of this do you really think he would have survived the recall attempt election?
The people in the great state of Wisconsin have spoken, regardless of Obama and Romney's policies and popularities. The people have spoken that there will be no more of the Unions, "fox guarding the henhouse" mentality any longer. The Unions keep saying they are protecting jobs for the middle class. Yeah, with the real unemployment over 14%, where are the jobs you are protecting?
Americans are not as naive as President Obama thinks we are. We believe we really don't need Unions any longer. In fact over 50,000 have been lost in the Union memberships over this past year. More people are taking non-Union jobs and working hard to take care of their families, rather than have their Union dues go to corrupt Union officials or to the Obama campaign.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
I enjoyed how the labor unions, private & public, before the recall election, called it one of the most important in our lifetime because "it means the survival of collective bargaining as we know it".
And just forty-nine minutes after the Wisconsin polls closed both Fox and NBC correctly projected Governor Walker as the winner. NBC went so far as to stop broadcasting election results in favor of Miley Cyrus' engagement and the Miss USA pagaent. At MSNBC broadcaster Ed Schultz said "the race is still not over....we have to count the absentee ballots". Really Ed?
The truth that the networks won't report is that Governor Walker won in such a landslide that a neighboring state initially spurned on by Unions to also recall their Governor, dropped their pursuit. Gee, what does that tell you? In fact Governor Walker won by a larger margin over the same man, Mayor Barret, than he did the first time he ran against him.
And then the major networks, along with all the Democrat pundits are now saying the recall attempt in Wisconsin "was no big deal"., and then began to tout "Obama is still ahead of Romney in Wisconsin". I thought the Wisconsin election was about collective bargaining in the state. I didn't know Obama and Romney were even involved in the race. Obama never made a trip to help Mayor Barret in his campaign against Governor Walker. I should mention, however, Obama did send a one-sentence twitter in support of Barret.
Since Governor Walker has been in office starting 2011 he has decreased the unemployment by 1.1%, lowered the state deficit from a minus to a surplus. He did this while still maintaining public workers making over $20,000., more individually than private workers. Now, if Governor Walker did not accomplish all of this do you really think he would have survived the recall attempt election?
The people in the great state of Wisconsin have spoken, regardless of Obama and Romney's policies and popularities. The people have spoken that there will be no more of the Unions, "fox guarding the henhouse" mentality any longer. The Unions keep saying they are protecting jobs for the middle class. Yeah, with the real unemployment over 14%, where are the jobs you are protecting?
Americans are not as naive as President Obama thinks we are. We believe we really don't need Unions any longer. In fact over 50,000 have been lost in the Union memberships over this past year. More people are taking non-Union jobs and working hard to take care of their families, rather than have their Union dues go to corrupt Union officials or to the Obama campaign.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
For all Seniors
Just a short blog for all you Senior citizens living on a fixed income that include our monthly Social Security check. Remember when Nancy Pelosi announced, "Well you have to read the new healthcare bill to find out what's in it".
We all knew the new healthcare bill was 2,977 pages in length. Did all you Senior living on a fixed income read it? You didn't? Wow, you should have.
Buried in the 2,977 pages is a written law that increases your Medicare deductions to more than $120.00 per month in 2013. And if that doesn't wake you up a little, beginning in 2014 your monthly Medicare deduction will increase to over $240.00.
Now there are two ways to stop this. First, we must hope and pray that the Supreme Court overturns Obama's healthcare bill and rule it unconstitutional.
The second way to stop this unconstitutional bill may be the most fail safe. Vote for GOP nominee Governor Romney, who has promised he will overturn Obama's health care bill his first day in office.
Seniors, please remember this in November, and remind all your Senior friends, as I just did.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
We all knew the new healthcare bill was 2,977 pages in length. Did all you Senior living on a fixed income read it? You didn't? Wow, you should have.
Buried in the 2,977 pages is a written law that increases your Medicare deductions to more than $120.00 per month in 2013. And if that doesn't wake you up a little, beginning in 2014 your monthly Medicare deduction will increase to over $240.00.
Now there are two ways to stop this. First, we must hope and pray that the Supreme Court overturns Obama's healthcare bill and rule it unconstitutional.
The second way to stop this unconstitutional bill may be the most fail safe. Vote for GOP nominee Governor Romney, who has promised he will overturn Obama's health care bill his first day in office.
Seniors, please remember this in November, and remind all your Senior friends, as I just did.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Join me...be a king
Are you starting to feel a little "squeezed-in" or even claustrophobic by both political parties? And you know it's going to get worse as we get closer to November. We are the voters that the parties want, no need, so they can continue to squeeze us. We keep hearing "I feel your pain".
Both political parties would have us believe they understand what a young married couple goes through as they pull up to a gas pump that reflects nearly $4.00 a gallon, or what bills they must pay to survive another month as they go to their part time jobs just to take care of their family.
They would have us believe they understand our "pain" as we pull a son or daughter out of college because a tuition cost can't be met. They claim to understand, while they are campaigning, that they understand our frustration because our homes are being foreclosed, or "under water' because of the Dodd-Frank Bill.
These same members of both political parties will never, ever relate or understand just what the average American is experiencing now in this horrendous economy. When do elected officials of the parties worry about gas prices for themselves? Their aides fill up their gas tanks and charge it to their expenses. They work much less than forty hours per week. They take month long breaks during the summer and holiday seasons. And no matter the length of their time in office they enjoy a life-time pension paid for by taxpayers.
And now, yes now, during the campaign-election cycle we suddenly are listened to. But voters do not get excited. I said they are "listening" to us. Don't be fooled that they will do more than listen. They want another term to make life better for us, so they say on their campaign stumps. No they don't. Most just want their lives better for themselves.
Oh, granted there are some who want the best for all Americans, but they are very few. This current administration has proven that. Spending billions of taxpayers dollars on failed energy projects, and refusing to drill for our own oil as we spend billions to Middle East countries for their oil are just two indicators. There is more evidence to this that many are becoming more aware of as we draw nearer to November.
But I do have a message from us freedom loving voters to the campaigners. Come this November we are the kings. Yes, we will decide, not you, who will represent us for a better economic America.
I know my one single vote by itself may not make a difference, but I vote in hopes that millions of other Americans will be a "king" like me and make a sound decision on what path our country moves into starting this November. Be there to vote
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Both political parties would have us believe they understand what a young married couple goes through as they pull up to a gas pump that reflects nearly $4.00 a gallon, or what bills they must pay to survive another month as they go to their part time jobs just to take care of their family.
They would have us believe they understand our "pain" as we pull a son or daughter out of college because a tuition cost can't be met. They claim to understand, while they are campaigning, that they understand our frustration because our homes are being foreclosed, or "under water' because of the Dodd-Frank Bill.
These same members of both political parties will never, ever relate or understand just what the average American is experiencing now in this horrendous economy. When do elected officials of the parties worry about gas prices for themselves? Their aides fill up their gas tanks and charge it to their expenses. They work much less than forty hours per week. They take month long breaks during the summer and holiday seasons. And no matter the length of their time in office they enjoy a life-time pension paid for by taxpayers.
And now, yes now, during the campaign-election cycle we suddenly are listened to. But voters do not get excited. I said they are "listening" to us. Don't be fooled that they will do more than listen. They want another term to make life better for us, so they say on their campaign stumps. No they don't. Most just want their lives better for themselves.
Oh, granted there are some who want the best for all Americans, but they are very few. This current administration has proven that. Spending billions of taxpayers dollars on failed energy projects, and refusing to drill for our own oil as we spend billions to Middle East countries for their oil are just two indicators. There is more evidence to this that many are becoming more aware of as we draw nearer to November.
But I do have a message from us freedom loving voters to the campaigners. Come this November we are the kings. Yes, we will decide, not you, who will represent us for a better economic America.
I know my one single vote by itself may not make a difference, but I vote in hopes that millions of other Americans will be a "king" like me and make a sound decision on what path our country moves into starting this November. Be there to vote
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Did you know?
I did a lot of channel-surfing today. The unemployment climbed to 8.2%, and many pundits have summarized that the true unemployment is 14.8%. In May we only added 69,000 jobs, and April's job creation was reconfigured from 117,000 to 77,000. And so I decided, with the help of my remote, to visit ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, & Fox to hear and see how this "spin" was being broadcasted to the public.
With the exception of Fox the other news networks gave little or no information on these mportant subjects. I even became amused when MSNBC broadcasted a campaign speech by our President today, where he is stating that he is continuing to create jobs, and if we reelect him things are really going to get better. After all, as he says, "Look what I inherited".
There are so many issues that the media will just not report on at all. It seems they just like to "pick & choose". So I, your humble blogger, has decided to put a list of "Did You Know's" together and hope you wonder, as I do, why we don't see the following issues:
Did You Know:
1. President Obama has given the Hollywood producers most of the classified details of the bin Laden attack, but has spent over $300,000. blocking his college grades. Some, like Donald Trump, say it just may show our President was a foreign student.
2. The media was so quick to report GOP candidate Romney played a playground prank at the age of fifteen, but would not report that Al Sharpton of MSNBC called the GOP a group of Adolph Hitlers, and Louis Farrakhan has threatened that "American cities will burn" . One wonders if someone called the Black Panthers a group of Hitlers or called Farrakhan an Adolph Hitler. I can see Sharpton & Jackson now yelling "whites are racists".
3. The media will not report that in 2008 our President surrendered his law license in order to escape charges he falsified information on his law application.
4. Our First Lady surrendered her law license in 1993 to escape standing trial for insurance fraud.
5. According to a spokeswoman from the University of Chicago, our President never served as a professor of law, and only taught on a part-time basis, even though he claimed such.
There are so many other issues and news that our media refuses to broadcast, or will "pick & choose" those topics that will enhance their network views and leanings. We need the entire media to report all information on the news.
We are being cheated. Don't let the certain facets of the media be your only deciding factor in this November's election.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
With the exception of Fox the other news networks gave little or no information on these mportant subjects. I even became amused when MSNBC broadcasted a campaign speech by our President today, where he is stating that he is continuing to create jobs, and if we reelect him things are really going to get better. After all, as he says, "Look what I inherited".
There are so many issues that the media will just not report on at all. It seems they just like to "pick & choose". So I, your humble blogger, has decided to put a list of "Did You Know's" together and hope you wonder, as I do, why we don't see the following issues:
Did You Know:
1. President Obama has given the Hollywood producers most of the classified details of the bin Laden attack, but has spent over $300,000. blocking his college grades. Some, like Donald Trump, say it just may show our President was a foreign student.
2. The media was so quick to report GOP candidate Romney played a playground prank at the age of fifteen, but would not report that Al Sharpton of MSNBC called the GOP a group of Adolph Hitlers, and Louis Farrakhan has threatened that "American cities will burn" . One wonders if someone called the Black Panthers a group of Hitlers or called Farrakhan an Adolph Hitler. I can see Sharpton & Jackson now yelling "whites are racists".
3. The media will not report that in 2008 our President surrendered his law license in order to escape charges he falsified information on his law application.
4. Our First Lady surrendered her law license in 1993 to escape standing trial for insurance fraud.
5. According to a spokeswoman from the University of Chicago, our President never served as a professor of law, and only taught on a part-time basis, even though he claimed such.
There are so many other issues and news that our media refuses to broadcast, or will "pick & choose" those topics that will enhance their network views and leanings. We need the entire media to report all information on the news.
We are being cheated. Don't let the certain facets of the media be your only deciding factor in this November's election.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
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