It's obvious the Socialist Dems have no viable candidate to prop up to run against President Trump in 2020. So their only path and order of business is to spend their time personally attacking the President and his family. The incoming Socialist Dem House is now using CNN, MSNBC, and much of the media to promote their agenda of impeaching President Trump.
Of course the Socialist Dems and the media have no concrete evidence to impeach a President that in less than two years has accomplished what this man has done. The Socialist Dems know their impeachment will not be successful. Instead of praising our President, they hope that by throwing as much lying dirt on Mr. Trump it will help a Socialist Dem get elected in 2020.
Of course there are no grounds, nor any evidence proven or even brought forth to start impeachment against President Trump. There are so many issues at the forefront for the House controlled Democrat party to focus on, instead they choose to ignore major issues like infrastructure and immigration.
Just one bit of information the Socialist Dems, media, and Hollywood elites fail to see. There are 63 million of us silent warriors just waiting for our day in November, 2020. I call us "silent" because the media doesn't want to talk to any of us, and we certainly are no match for the Hollywood celebrities, or the talk show gang. Do you think Whoopi or Colbert would allow me or any of the other silent warriors on their shows? Nah, don't think so.
We're just middle class Americans that saw the value of candidate Trump, and will continue to support him in his next campaign. According to CNN and MSNBC we 63 million are deplorable, naive, don't know any better, redneck, smell like hillbillies, etc. One of my favorite mutterings are from the Den Senator from Hawaii claiming Republicans are just not smart enough to grasp the understanding of the Democrat Party.
The only thing puzzling and head scratching to the 63 million is why there hasn't been any criminal indictments for Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy regarding their emails and corrupt foundation donations. How about an investigation into Obama's $150 billion to terrorist supporting Iran? How about Holder donating arms to the Cartel? And don't you think Comey and Lynch have some explaining to do?
But don't worry folks. While the Socialist Dems and media are spinning their wheels on lying and trying to impeach the President there are 63 million "silent" warriors are just waiting for election day in 2020. The Socialist Dems are just too stupid to see that on election day in 2020 any one of us 'deplorable' Trump supporters are just as powerful as CNN, MSNBC, the media, and all the Hollywood elites, unless they don't get caught voting more than once.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Lock her, him, him, & him all up
On my computer desk in the TV room I have a small pamphlet that has the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence printed inside. Being a crazy news junkie I refer to my pamphlet frequently, especially when the pundits start spouting off on TV and radio on how these two sacred documents "protect" all Americans, while demanding all Americans abide by our laws as written in our Constitution.
At 83 years young I'm still proud to brag that speeding and parking tickets are the only laws I've ever broken, as I'm sure many other proud patriotic Americans can make the same claim.
My family and the 4 years I spent in the USAF were the most compelling influences in my life to live by the constitution and obey the law.
In 1952 our Civics class in high school had a field trip to the local jail as we were studying the law then. I volunteered to be the class representative for all the steps in incarceration. After booking I was fingerprinted, then locked in a cell while the police officer explained all the steps.
Later that day at dinner I was telling Mom, Dad, Gramps, and sisters how "cool" it was. Dad just solemnly looked at me and said, "If you ever break the law and end up in jail, you better stay there, cause you'll be safer there than if I have to come and get you". That stuck in my mind, and I never forgot it. Except for deserved spankings Dad never beat me, but just his words and looks could bring me to my knees.
Dad used to say he didn't care what path we chose, only to make sure you can walk the streets with your head held high. My family and the military led by example instilling in me that if you live your life right, it's really pretty easy to obey ALL laws, even laws you may not agree with.
So I keep asking myself why do so many people truly believe they can't be bothered by mere mortal laws, and they are actually above the law, and laws don't apply to them. And I also ask myself why isn't our judicial system holding these "privileged" people being held accountable for breaking the laws in our Constitution.
One of my favorite stories is the year I did my yearly filing of my income taxes on-line and by myself. Due to a math error a representative from the state phoned me and informed me I owed the state of Ohio the enormous sum of $137.00. The IRS rep explained to me the consequences I would face if I didn't remit the $137.00 I owed the state. I was actually scared, and couldn't get to my checkbook fast enough.
Has anyone from the IRS contacted Al Sharpton and informed him of his "consequences" if he didn't pay the $4 million he owes in back taxes. Al Caponne owed $125,000 in taxes, and he died in prison. Has anyone from the State Department investigated all the constitutional laws broken by Crooked Hillary's e-mails, and her unauthorized server? Has anyone investigated Obama's "donation" of $150 Billion to Iran? And let's never forget the mysterious "suicides" surrounding Crooked Hillary's whistleblowers. One "suicide" was two bullets to the back of the head, but no investigation.
I was in Cryptography in the USAF, coding and decoding classified information. In 1957 I forwarded a classified message to Headquarters, with an error in the date portion. The very next day two officers flew 60 miles to our communications center and questioned me to assure I had not intentionally committed any violation of protocol. I was questioned and investigated in less than 24 hours. Of course I was verbally reprimanded, and I deserved it.
My point in all this is that our Founding Fathers drafted our Constitution for ALL Americans, including the rich, wealthy, influential, yes, and even members of Congress, no matter who they are or what position they hold. It should be personal for all Americans. That means each of us Americans are personally responsible to honor our Constitution and obey all the laws handed down to us. It's that simple and it really isn't that difficult. Just do it.
There should not be any tacit loopholes for anyone breaking the law. We must all have a fear of consequences if and when we break the law. So inclosing I say lock 'em up, all of 'em; Crooked Hillary, Slick Willy, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and so many more Socialist Dems that believe they are above the law.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
At 83 years young I'm still proud to brag that speeding and parking tickets are the only laws I've ever broken, as I'm sure many other proud patriotic Americans can make the same claim.
My family and the 4 years I spent in the USAF were the most compelling influences in my life to live by the constitution and obey the law.
In 1952 our Civics class in high school had a field trip to the local jail as we were studying the law then. I volunteered to be the class representative for all the steps in incarceration. After booking I was fingerprinted, then locked in a cell while the police officer explained all the steps.
Later that day at dinner I was telling Mom, Dad, Gramps, and sisters how "cool" it was. Dad just solemnly looked at me and said, "If you ever break the law and end up in jail, you better stay there, cause you'll be safer there than if I have to come and get you". That stuck in my mind, and I never forgot it. Except for deserved spankings Dad never beat me, but just his words and looks could bring me to my knees.
Dad used to say he didn't care what path we chose, only to make sure you can walk the streets with your head held high. My family and the military led by example instilling in me that if you live your life right, it's really pretty easy to obey ALL laws, even laws you may not agree with.
So I keep asking myself why do so many people truly believe they can't be bothered by mere mortal laws, and they are actually above the law, and laws don't apply to them. And I also ask myself why isn't our judicial system holding these "privileged" people being held accountable for breaking the laws in our Constitution.
One of my favorite stories is the year I did my yearly filing of my income taxes on-line and by myself. Due to a math error a representative from the state phoned me and informed me I owed the state of Ohio the enormous sum of $137.00. The IRS rep explained to me the consequences I would face if I didn't remit the $137.00 I owed the state. I was actually scared, and couldn't get to my checkbook fast enough.
Has anyone from the IRS contacted Al Sharpton and informed him of his "consequences" if he didn't pay the $4 million he owes in back taxes. Al Caponne owed $125,000 in taxes, and he died in prison. Has anyone from the State Department investigated all the constitutional laws broken by Crooked Hillary's e-mails, and her unauthorized server? Has anyone investigated Obama's "donation" of $150 Billion to Iran? And let's never forget the mysterious "suicides" surrounding Crooked Hillary's whistleblowers. One "suicide" was two bullets to the back of the head, but no investigation.
I was in Cryptography in the USAF, coding and decoding classified information. In 1957 I forwarded a classified message to Headquarters, with an error in the date portion. The very next day two officers flew 60 miles to our communications center and questioned me to assure I had not intentionally committed any violation of protocol. I was questioned and investigated in less than 24 hours. Of course I was verbally reprimanded, and I deserved it.
My point in all this is that our Founding Fathers drafted our Constitution for ALL Americans, including the rich, wealthy, influential, yes, and even members of Congress, no matter who they are or what position they hold. It should be personal for all Americans. That means each of us Americans are personally responsible to honor our Constitution and obey all the laws handed down to us. It's that simple and it really isn't that difficult. Just do it.
There should not be any tacit loopholes for anyone breaking the law. We must all have a fear of consequences if and when we break the law. So inclosing I say lock 'em up, all of 'em; Crooked Hillary, Slick Willy, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and so many more Socialist Dems that believe they are above the law.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Our greatest resource
Three times I visited the maternity/baby ward to gaze at my three daughters in their new basinettes. I stood behind the glass partition beaming with joy, pride, love, and many other wonderful emotions that I cannot even try to explain. My oldest daughter was born at 2lbs, with Cerebral Palsy. After my initial bitterness I prayed strongly to God to watch over her and protect her. The Palsy didn't effect her brain, and today she holds a double Master's Degree Now that's prayer.
But what makes me different than any other parent? Not one thing. We love, cherish, nurture, guide, and do the best we can before they venture out into the world on their own. We can only hope we've done a good enough job that the Guy upatairs will be proud of. I'm sure I'm not writing anything new, as there are millions of parents who feel the way I did and now do as I watch my grandchildren and great granchilfren grow and mature.
But there's a catch here. How many parents actually felt that little child in the basinette in the maternity ward was one of the greatest natural resources on earth? It's sad to write that so many, including me, never looked at our new born with that very important scenario.
Beginning with kindergarten we release our children and their young sponge-like absorbing minds to teachers and then later professors. We expect our educational system to teach and guide them through our constitution, our founding fathers teachings, and strong moral values.
Instead they try to cram their minds with Socialism, Communism, protesting, stopping free speech, and in some cases violence is OK. God and Bibles are not allowed, and students wearing the Flag on their clothing are sent home. A personal example for me is my two sisters and I were raised in a Roman Catholic home with Mass and Communion every week. All three of us made our sacrements of First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony.
Today, my older sister and I still practice Catholicism. Our youngest sister attended a far-left liberal college in Oberlin, Ohio. Today she proudly proclaims to be an atheist and a Socialist. The three of us live 70 miles apart, but would meet for lunch a few times a year. She would start spouting her hatred for Trump, open borders, and Socialism.
At the restaurant once I asked, "Can we have a discussion...why do you hate Trump, want Socialism and open borders"? With that she stood up and saide to her husband, "We're leaving", and I haven't talked or seen her since. I love her with all my heart, and would give her a kidney, a lung, or a piece of my liver if she needed. We have socially parted ways since.
Well, after all that, my point and very strong hope is that the United States adopt a policy the Israel and some other countries adhere to. And that is upon high school graduation every single boy and girl spend a mandatory minimum of two years in the military. After that they can pursue college, or any career they want to engage in.
At 18 Dad gave me 3 options; full time job, college, or the military. In 1953 there was no living in Mom's basement till you were 35 years old. Oh no. I chose the U.S. Air Force, and to this day it was the best decision I ever made. I got my degree under the G.I Bill after I was Honorably discharged.
Our children, children from all over the world are our greatest natural resources, and we need to guide, nurture, and protect them from the Socialst teaching of our colleges. I learned so much in the military, and most of all patriotism, along with love and respect of my comrades. I never saw combat, but was ready to go at the first command. I was also taught respect od other religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Budism, and even Islam providing they were all peaceful.
As an old timer, who fought in WWII once told me, "There's no atheists in foxholes". Military veterans stand with their hand over their heart when the Anthem is played, you won't see them looting and destroying property or acting violently at protests. And never ever try to persuade a Marine to kneel on or burn the American flag. He/she will physically hurt you. I was in the USAF, but I love those crazy jar-heads. Bad asses.
That's it folks. Love and teach our children to love and respect our world. It's going to be all their's someday soon.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country and our troops
But what makes me different than any other parent? Not one thing. We love, cherish, nurture, guide, and do the best we can before they venture out into the world on their own. We can only hope we've done a good enough job that the Guy upatairs will be proud of. I'm sure I'm not writing anything new, as there are millions of parents who feel the way I did and now do as I watch my grandchildren and great granchilfren grow and mature.
But there's a catch here. How many parents actually felt that little child in the basinette in the maternity ward was one of the greatest natural resources on earth? It's sad to write that so many, including me, never looked at our new born with that very important scenario.
Beginning with kindergarten we release our children and their young sponge-like absorbing minds to teachers and then later professors. We expect our educational system to teach and guide them through our constitution, our founding fathers teachings, and strong moral values.
Instead they try to cram their minds with Socialism, Communism, protesting, stopping free speech, and in some cases violence is OK. God and Bibles are not allowed, and students wearing the Flag on their clothing are sent home. A personal example for me is my two sisters and I were raised in a Roman Catholic home with Mass and Communion every week. All three of us made our sacrements of First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony.
Today, my older sister and I still practice Catholicism. Our youngest sister attended a far-left liberal college in Oberlin, Ohio. Today she proudly proclaims to be an atheist and a Socialist. The three of us live 70 miles apart, but would meet for lunch a few times a year. She would start spouting her hatred for Trump, open borders, and Socialism.
At the restaurant once I asked, "Can we have a discussion...why do you hate Trump, want Socialism and open borders"? With that she stood up and saide to her husband, "We're leaving", and I haven't talked or seen her since. I love her with all my heart, and would give her a kidney, a lung, or a piece of my liver if she needed. We have socially parted ways since.
Well, after all that, my point and very strong hope is that the United States adopt a policy the Israel and some other countries adhere to. And that is upon high school graduation every single boy and girl spend a mandatory minimum of two years in the military. After that they can pursue college, or any career they want to engage in.
At 18 Dad gave me 3 options; full time job, college, or the military. In 1953 there was no living in Mom's basement till you were 35 years old. Oh no. I chose the U.S. Air Force, and to this day it was the best decision I ever made. I got my degree under the G.I Bill after I was Honorably discharged.
Our children, children from all over the world are our greatest natural resources, and we need to guide, nurture, and protect them from the Socialst teaching of our colleges. I learned so much in the military, and most of all patriotism, along with love and respect of my comrades. I never saw combat, but was ready to go at the first command. I was also taught respect od other religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Budism, and even Islam providing they were all peaceful.
As an old timer, who fought in WWII once told me, "There's no atheists in foxholes". Military veterans stand with their hand over their heart when the Anthem is played, you won't see them looting and destroying property or acting violently at protests. And never ever try to persuade a Marine to kneel on or burn the American flag. He/she will physically hurt you. I was in the USAF, but I love those crazy jar-heads. Bad asses.
That's it folks. Love and teach our children to love and respect our world. It's going to be all their's someday soon.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country and our troops
Monday, November 19, 2018
Goodbye *uckerberg
I am so excited to finally find a website that shares my patriotic conservative views, and I no longer have to endure the Socialist Commie rag of Facebook. I am now a loyal member of Mark *uckerberg, Facebook CEO, is nothing more than a tool for George Soros and the Socialist Dem Party.
*uckerberg allows postings by Antifa, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, and yet he recently removed a posting of our country's Declaration of Independence. My blogs, "Politics with Pete" can now be viewed on Please follow me. Leaving *uckerberg and Facebook is one of the best decisions I ever made.
I feel free in writing my daily messages and blogs on my new found Spreely site. Facebook is nothing more than an arm of CNN and MSNBC. We've all read and heard stories of *uckerberg and his staff blocking conservative views, but will open their arms to all Muslim and Socialistic views . I have had my share of "suspensions" from F/B by Markie and his staff, while they were posting stories, pictures, and cartoons from the likes of Snoop Dog, Kathy Griffin, Colbert, and The View.
Facebook still allows assasination threats by George Lopez, Peter Fonda, Madonna, and Ashley Judd, but make a joke about Muslim head covering, which I did, and BAM, you're suspended. I keep encouraging my family and friends to cancel their patronage to *uckerberg's Facebook, and join me on Spreely. I further told my grandkids to post pictures of their little ones on Instagram or Twitter till they switch to Spreely.
Barry Soetero and his husband Michael still get positive press on Facebook, no matter how corrupt they were for eight years, and they continue to be corrupt. I'm looking forward to a Trump victory in 2020, so that just maybe Barry and Michael will fade away completely and forever.
And let's not forget Crooked Hillary. Facebook, along with their parents CNN and MSNBC keep propping up Hillary to run again despite all the corruption her and Slick Willy have hit the country with for decades. He's a pig, and she's a witch, and by the way, while never convicted they're both complicit in several murders. Don't forget the Slickster like his women underage.
In 2024, after President Trump's eight years let's pray we find another just like him. We have choice (votes) folks. Let's never waste them.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
*uckerberg allows postings by Antifa, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, and yet he recently removed a posting of our country's Declaration of Independence. My blogs, "Politics with Pete" can now be viewed on Please follow me. Leaving *uckerberg and Facebook is one of the best decisions I ever made.
I feel free in writing my daily messages and blogs on my new found Spreely site. Facebook is nothing more than an arm of CNN and MSNBC. We've all read and heard stories of *uckerberg and his staff blocking conservative views, but will open their arms to all Muslim and Socialistic views . I have had my share of "suspensions" from F/B by Markie and his staff, while they were posting stories, pictures, and cartoons from the likes of Snoop Dog, Kathy Griffin, Colbert, and The View.
Facebook still allows assasination threats by George Lopez, Peter Fonda, Madonna, and Ashley Judd, but make a joke about Muslim head covering, which I did, and BAM, you're suspended. I keep encouraging my family and friends to cancel their patronage to *uckerberg's Facebook, and join me on Spreely. I further told my grandkids to post pictures of their little ones on Instagram or Twitter till they switch to Spreely.
Barry Soetero and his husband Michael still get positive press on Facebook, no matter how corrupt they were for eight years, and they continue to be corrupt. I'm looking forward to a Trump victory in 2020, so that just maybe Barry and Michael will fade away completely and forever.
And let's not forget Crooked Hillary. Facebook, along with their parents CNN and MSNBC keep propping up Hillary to run again despite all the corruption her and Slick Willy have hit the country with for decades. He's a pig, and she's a witch, and by the way, while never convicted they're both complicit in several murders. Don't forget the Slickster like his women underage.
In 2024, after President Trump's eight years let's pray we find another just like him. We have choice (votes) folks. Let's never waste them.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
The "Machine"
I need a favor for the few of you that read my blogs. I promis this will be as short as I can possibly make it. My favor is to please hit the share button and pass it on. Thank you
I still consider myself a conservative Republican who claims Rush as one of my heroes. That being written, we should all start being realists and realize the "machine" really runs this country. I'm only asking you to be objective as you read this.
Years ago I was watching a fictional TV program where a dozen very wealthy men and women in our country who would meet when a serious matter emerged and then decide on its outcome. These cogs in the "machine" were virtually unknown, but weilded power beyond belief. Millions of everyday Amerricans worked for them, so whatever agendas they decided were carried out. Remember that old saying, "in fiction there is always some truth"?
Did you ever wonder why, in a country that has the technology to do almost anything, cannot recover any of Barry Soetero's records? Ever wonder why no one knows the whereabouts of Michael Lavaugn Robinson, who "disappeared" after college in Oregon? Ever wonder why purported college classmates and professors have no knowledge of Barry in classes, or his law review?
There are no birth certificates on record for their two daughters. Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why "Michelle" Obama never had a child through natural child birth, claiming "she" had a miscarriage.
The "machine" spent millions upon millions to make sure Americans would never know the truth behind all this secrecy. The "machine" then protected the Clintons from all their corrupt acts, including Benghazi and Crooked Hillary's emails. This was done to assure the "machine" would have Hillary as their pawn inn the White House.
The "machine" got a little lazy as they became overly confident that Hillary, who had a 98% approval rating on November, 2016. They paid very little attention to the honest 63million Americans that voted for Donal Trump as our 45th. President. They saw no need to fix the ballot boxes at that time, but they got the wake-up call.
Of course after November, 2016 the "machine" flew into high gear. With the help of the media that they completely controlled, the "machine" began their policy and personal smear campaigns against President Trump. They even found a way to insert two of their pawns, Chris Wallace and Shep Smith, on their payroll.
And now the "machine" is on their quest for complete and total control by fixing elections to start their Socialist movement. Cortez and Arizona's Senator Sinema are the first of many to come. And watch O'Rourke to emerge as the next pawn. He'll start off as Biden's running mate in 2020.
I wish I had the answer, but who am I to stand up to the "machine"? Just an 83-yr old with Parkinson's who once thought my vote mattered.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God SAVE our country and protect our troops.
I still consider myself a conservative Republican who claims Rush as one of my heroes. That being written, we should all start being realists and realize the "machine" really runs this country. I'm only asking you to be objective as you read this.
Years ago I was watching a fictional TV program where a dozen very wealthy men and women in our country who would meet when a serious matter emerged and then decide on its outcome. These cogs in the "machine" were virtually unknown, but weilded power beyond belief. Millions of everyday Amerricans worked for them, so whatever agendas they decided were carried out. Remember that old saying, "in fiction there is always some truth"?
Did you ever wonder why, in a country that has the technology to do almost anything, cannot recover any of Barry Soetero's records? Ever wonder why no one knows the whereabouts of Michael Lavaugn Robinson, who "disappeared" after college in Oregon? Ever wonder why purported college classmates and professors have no knowledge of Barry in classes, or his law review?
There are no birth certificates on record for their two daughters. Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why "Michelle" Obama never had a child through natural child birth, claiming "she" had a miscarriage.
The "machine" spent millions upon millions to make sure Americans would never know the truth behind all this secrecy. The "machine" then protected the Clintons from all their corrupt acts, including Benghazi and Crooked Hillary's emails. This was done to assure the "machine" would have Hillary as their pawn inn the White House.
The "machine" got a little lazy as they became overly confident that Hillary, who had a 98% approval rating on November, 2016. They paid very little attention to the honest 63million Americans that voted for Donal Trump as our 45th. President. They saw no need to fix the ballot boxes at that time, but they got the wake-up call.
Of course after November, 2016 the "machine" flew into high gear. With the help of the media that they completely controlled, the "machine" began their policy and personal smear campaigns against President Trump. They even found a way to insert two of their pawns, Chris Wallace and Shep Smith, on their payroll.
And now the "machine" is on their quest for complete and total control by fixing elections to start their Socialist movement. Cortez and Arizona's Senator Sinema are the first of many to come. And watch O'Rourke to emerge as the next pawn. He'll start off as Biden's running mate in 2020.
I wish I had the answer, but who am I to stand up to the "machine"? Just an 83-yr old with Parkinson's who once thought my vote mattered.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God SAVE our country and protect our troops.
Friday, November 2, 2018
A fair media?
We've all spent time fantasizing. I do it a lot when I'm at the gym trying to get through my workouts, especially when I'm on the stationary bike. We all fantasize about so many scenarios throughout our lives. With full discosure, I am 83, and still fantasize that I'm 30 and don't need the "blue pill". Last week I told my wife about some of my fantasies. She hasn't talked to me since. But I digress.
Most recently, or really since November, 2016 my fantasies have been about the media. Now I'm not stupid enough to fantasize that the media would treat my President Trump and our first lady Melania the same way they treated Barry Soetero and his husband for eight years. It's almost laughable to even dream that.
But just what if, and that's a big "what if" the media started reporting their news fairly about POTUS and FLOTUS? The entire news media world are still reeling from their queen Crooked Hillary's loss two years ago, and it's no secret that ever since then the news reporting on President Trump and his family has been over 90% negative.
Another laughable issue for me that it's more than obvious that Melania Trump is more beautiful, more intelligent, and more giving than Barry's husband ever was and ever will be. Yet, for eight long years we had to endure Michael Lavaugn Robinson (aka Michelle) on just about every fashion magazine throughout the world. So why is it that our beautiful and intelligent first lady has yet to be on any fashion magazine's cover?
And ah, the press briefings, where Barry and his press secretaries were asked questions about what Barry and Michael had for dinner last night, did he enjoy popcorn with his daughters watching TV, what movies did they watch, and don't forget what his March Madness college picks were. The press wanted to know about his vacations that the American taxpayers funded.
Just imagine for a minute if the media would have just said, "well our candidate lost...let's move on and see what the new guy will do, and let's support him". Now that's a fantasy in the first order. What if the media positively acknowledged our President for what he has accomplished? For example lower taxes, cutting EPA regs, 3.7 unemployment, 4.2% GDP, along with the lowest unemployment ever in the Hispanic and African-American communities.
Just today the monthly jobs report reflects that 250,000 jobs were created last month, and yet the hatred strongly continues. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are so much larger in numbers than President Trump, and they should initiate an "olive branch"for the sake of our country. The bare truth is that only hatred, not common sense, is fueling the Socialist Dems.
President Trump loves the people of America; our military, our police forces, our vets, and middle America. He's a leader and a strong confident businessman that is exactly what we need after the horrific eight years the former weak-kneed and spineless man put us through. When you push someone like Donald Trump in a corner did the media actually believe he was just going to roll over? No, he retaliated by taking his message directly to the people by using the Internet.
In addition he began highlighting the "fake news" from the media, especially CNN and MSNBC. With 90% negative reporting what did the media expect? President Trump is not asking the media to fawn over him like they did for Barry for eight years. It's fine to disagree with him and report it, but how about touting and reporting the positive things he has done for only two years in office. Nothing good will come of all the hatred the media is throwing around.
Try being a little Christian for a change.
And that's Politics for Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops
Most recently, or really since November, 2016 my fantasies have been about the media. Now I'm not stupid enough to fantasize that the media would treat my President Trump and our first lady Melania the same way they treated Barry Soetero and his husband for eight years. It's almost laughable to even dream that.
But just what if, and that's a big "what if" the media started reporting their news fairly about POTUS and FLOTUS? The entire news media world are still reeling from their queen Crooked Hillary's loss two years ago, and it's no secret that ever since then the news reporting on President Trump and his family has been over 90% negative.
Another laughable issue for me that it's more than obvious that Melania Trump is more beautiful, more intelligent, and more giving than Barry's husband ever was and ever will be. Yet, for eight long years we had to endure Michael Lavaugn Robinson (aka Michelle) on just about every fashion magazine throughout the world. So why is it that our beautiful and intelligent first lady has yet to be on any fashion magazine's cover?
And ah, the press briefings, where Barry and his press secretaries were asked questions about what Barry and Michael had for dinner last night, did he enjoy popcorn with his daughters watching TV, what movies did they watch, and don't forget what his March Madness college picks were. The press wanted to know about his vacations that the American taxpayers funded.
Just imagine for a minute if the media would have just said, "well our candidate lost...let's move on and see what the new guy will do, and let's support him". Now that's a fantasy in the first order. What if the media positively acknowledged our President for what he has accomplished? For example lower taxes, cutting EPA regs, 3.7 unemployment, 4.2% GDP, along with the lowest unemployment ever in the Hispanic and African-American communities.
Just today the monthly jobs report reflects that 250,000 jobs were created last month, and yet the hatred strongly continues. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are so much larger in numbers than President Trump, and they should initiate an "olive branch"for the sake of our country. The bare truth is that only hatred, not common sense, is fueling the Socialist Dems.
President Trump loves the people of America; our military, our police forces, our vets, and middle America. He's a leader and a strong confident businessman that is exactly what we need after the horrific eight years the former weak-kneed and spineless man put us through. When you push someone like Donald Trump in a corner did the media actually believe he was just going to roll over? No, he retaliated by taking his message directly to the people by using the Internet.
In addition he began highlighting the "fake news" from the media, especially CNN and MSNBC. With 90% negative reporting what did the media expect? President Trump is not asking the media to fawn over him like they did for Barry for eight years. It's fine to disagree with him and report it, but how about touting and reporting the positive things he has done for only two years in office. Nothing good will come of all the hatred the media is throwing around.
Try being a little Christian for a change.
And that's Politics for Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Here comes the Socialists
The Socialist Party, led by Schumer, Pelosi, Booker, Waters, and Kamala Harris with just a few days left till the mid-terms are in a pure panic mode. They know their Socialist Party is in serious danger for House and Senate voters. They've already succumbed to losing the Senate, and continue to lie that the polls show they will take back the House. How'd those polls work out in 2016?
The Socialists are still laying on the canvas from the knockout blow they received from our President, Donald Trump back in November, 2016. They had no recourse and no method to combat President Trump's victory. The Socialist Party was, and still is, in the shock and panic modes.
Then the hatred, lies, and impeachment threats from Mad Maxine began, and suddenly the Socialists became revitalized. Then the media and Hollywood elites started pouring it on. If only the Socialist Dems had a message for Americans maybe just maybe, some people would at least listen to them. It's apparent to everyone that the Socialist Dems have no message. So they resort to the only weapon they have in thie arsenal. Bitter, vile personal attacks and lies against the president and his family including his young son Barron.
Soon, the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Dems that their spewing of their lies, hateful attacks realized it didn't move their needle at all. Our President not only pushed back twice as hard against these Socialist groups, he continued his string of accomplishments to repair the America that Obama tried to destroy.
Do these stupid Socialist think for a minute we're going to listen, absorb, and agree with the likes of Jim Carey, Caryn Johnson (Whoopi), Behar, Clooney. Oh yeah, after Antifa burns down an innocent American's business we're certainly going to switch our allegiance from President Trump to Bernie Sanders, Pocahantus, Biden, or maybe even Crooked Hillary.
It was clear to anyone with an I.Q. of ten or more that the Socialist Dems are more hopeful that Trump will fail more than they care about the success and growth of our own country. Socialist Dems are fueled by their greed for power, and nothing else. I have been asking any Socialist that will talke to me, "What is your message to the American people"? I'm still waiting.
I was having lunch with my sister who proudly claims to be a Socialist Dem, and I politely asked her that we should have a civil debate on our political differences. Before she cut me off and threatened to "get up and leave" I asked her to give me a valid reason why she believes in Socialism so much. Not a valid answer, just threats to leave the restaurant.
So, to continue, when the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Party realized that personal attacks and lies on our President and his family did nothing to deter the accomplishments and goals of Mr. Trump, guess where they went next? Yep, they started on us 63 million that voted for President Trump. I told my wife that her and I were Nazis, stupid, racist, deplorable, hillbillies, etc. Now of course the Socialists get away with it. What the Socialists haven't realized is these disgraceful rhetoric attacks just make us 63 million Trump supporters that much stronger.
Of course President Trump is caustic, abrasive, and sometimes arguementive. But he is a leader who's been getting things done. What did Barry Soetero do in eight years that we want repeated? And now the "threats" are starting up with our Hollywood elites saying they will move to Canada if the Socialist Dems lose the House and Senate next Tuesday. On your way out don't forget to take Jim Carey with you, he's already a Canadian.
When are these over-hyped, self-indulgent, and over-rated idiots going to realize we don't care what they have to say? Oh yeah, after watching the Black & White Jabba-the-Huts I'm surely going to switch over to become a Socialist Dem. Really?
Our President Trump continues to shine through, working hard, and getting positive things done even with all these groups spreading lies. That certainly says a lot, right?
The truth in all this is that the only message the Socialist Dems have is to stimulate their base to show hatred for our President in hopes to persuade the rest of us to come over to their dark side. Ain't gonna happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
The Socialists are still laying on the canvas from the knockout blow they received from our President, Donald Trump back in November, 2016. They had no recourse and no method to combat President Trump's victory. The Socialist Party was, and still is, in the shock and panic modes.
Then the hatred, lies, and impeachment threats from Mad Maxine began, and suddenly the Socialists became revitalized. Then the media and Hollywood elites started pouring it on. If only the Socialist Dems had a message for Americans maybe just maybe, some people would at least listen to them. It's apparent to everyone that the Socialist Dems have no message. So they resort to the only weapon they have in thie arsenal. Bitter, vile personal attacks and lies against the president and his family including his young son Barron.
Soon, the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Dems that their spewing of their lies, hateful attacks realized it didn't move their needle at all. Our President not only pushed back twice as hard against these Socialist groups, he continued his string of accomplishments to repair the America that Obama tried to destroy.
Do these stupid Socialist think for a minute we're going to listen, absorb, and agree with the likes of Jim Carey, Caryn Johnson (Whoopi), Behar, Clooney. Oh yeah, after Antifa burns down an innocent American's business we're certainly going to switch our allegiance from President Trump to Bernie Sanders, Pocahantus, Biden, or maybe even Crooked Hillary.
It was clear to anyone with an I.Q. of ten or more that the Socialist Dems are more hopeful that Trump will fail more than they care about the success and growth of our own country. Socialist Dems are fueled by their greed for power, and nothing else. I have been asking any Socialist that will talke to me, "What is your message to the American people"? I'm still waiting.
I was having lunch with my sister who proudly claims to be a Socialist Dem, and I politely asked her that we should have a civil debate on our political differences. Before she cut me off and threatened to "get up and leave" I asked her to give me a valid reason why she believes in Socialism so much. Not a valid answer, just threats to leave the restaurant.
So, to continue, when the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Party realized that personal attacks and lies on our President and his family did nothing to deter the accomplishments and goals of Mr. Trump, guess where they went next? Yep, they started on us 63 million that voted for President Trump. I told my wife that her and I were Nazis, stupid, racist, deplorable, hillbillies, etc. Now of course the Socialists get away with it. What the Socialists haven't realized is these disgraceful rhetoric attacks just make us 63 million Trump supporters that much stronger.
Of course President Trump is caustic, abrasive, and sometimes arguementive. But he is a leader who's been getting things done. What did Barry Soetero do in eight years that we want repeated? And now the "threats" are starting up with our Hollywood elites saying they will move to Canada if the Socialist Dems lose the House and Senate next Tuesday. On your way out don't forget to take Jim Carey with you, he's already a Canadian.
When are these over-hyped, self-indulgent, and over-rated idiots going to realize we don't care what they have to say? Oh yeah, after watching the Black & White Jabba-the-Huts I'm surely going to switch over to become a Socialist Dem. Really?
Our President Trump continues to shine through, working hard, and getting positive things done even with all these groups spreading lies. That certainly says a lot, right?
The truth in all this is that the only message the Socialist Dems have is to stimulate their base to show hatred for our President in hopes to persuade the rest of us to come over to their dark side. Ain't gonna happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Actors are actually dumb
In past history, in B.C. times of Plato, Aristotle and even in Shakespeare times, actors were never held in high esteem. During these times in our civilization's history people were encouraged to become scholars, sculptors, painters, musicians, writers, teachers, people of medicine, and students of history.
It was common knowledge that some citizens, during these times, were really too ignorant to contribute anything worthwhile, so something had to be devised for these low class ignorant people to do. So they were taught to be entertainers and court jesters. Basically they were introduced into activities that were taught to them by educted scholars, teachers, and writers, as they could do no creative thinking on their own.
It was soon discovered the only way the entertainers and "actors" could contribute anything was to just read words that others wrote for them. They were too ignorant to create their own words or jests as in the court jesters duties. These people had to rely on the ideas and creativity of others. They were just blame dumb.
By the way if anyone thinks this blog is just some sort of a parody, I suggest doing a little research about entertainers and actors from eras gone by, and of course even including modern time actors. Actors today are really nothing more than entertainers that are just around for our own enjoyment. They are given money for nothing more than the sole pleasure of entertaining us.
One of the worst and most overrated actors of our modern times is George Clooney. Even when he reads scripts and lines that were written for him by others his acting talents are horrible. Ah, but he definitely is not alone. Producers, directors, and the media have these ignorant actors actually believe the praise they receive from each other, their agents, and of course the media.
I know I'm not the only one that has noticed the majority of drug use, divorce, family problems, and infidelity are from these entertainers and actors that have such a high self-praise of themselves. It could almost be acceptable if it stopped there. However, these self-praising empty suits (and dresses) even go so far to think that us common folks believe in them and actually hang on their every word.
Think about this: Do the likes of Whoopi, Joy, Clooney, Colbert, Maher, etc., really think they are changing anyone's mind by their protests and lies. Oh yeah, right, Madonna blowing up the White House is sure gonna change me from a Republican to a Socialist Dem. Antifa burning down stores sure makes me respect the left. How about reprehensible Rosie wanting to smear her menstrual blood all over President Trump is sure a nice ideological stand.
The only reason the Socialists like Caryn Johnson (Whoopi) threatened us that she would move to Canada if Trump won in 2016 was she actually thought America would be so devistated that we would change our vote to Crooked Hillary. Really? It feels so good to know that despite all their fame and notoriety, on election day, when I walk into the voting booth I'm just as powerful as these phony Hollywood elites.
So the next time you see these self-indulgent "elites" on the movie or TV screen, remember that people you don't even know wrote the words for them, directed them, and even told them where to sit and stand. Folks, they're just plain dumb, have no creativity, and would fall flat on their face if they tried anything else. The bottom line is if they ever did move to Canada, or anywhere else, no one would miss them at all. That's how irrelevant they are.
NOTE: Just sing, dance, and read your lines to entertain us. You reallydon't have any redeeming qualities we need in this country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, and our troops.
It was common knowledge that some citizens, during these times, were really too ignorant to contribute anything worthwhile, so something had to be devised for these low class ignorant people to do. So they were taught to be entertainers and court jesters. Basically they were introduced into activities that were taught to them by educted scholars, teachers, and writers, as they could do no creative thinking on their own.
It was soon discovered the only way the entertainers and "actors" could contribute anything was to just read words that others wrote for them. They were too ignorant to create their own words or jests as in the court jesters duties. These people had to rely on the ideas and creativity of others. They were just blame dumb.
By the way if anyone thinks this blog is just some sort of a parody, I suggest doing a little research about entertainers and actors from eras gone by, and of course even including modern time actors. Actors today are really nothing more than entertainers that are just around for our own enjoyment. They are given money for nothing more than the sole pleasure of entertaining us.
One of the worst and most overrated actors of our modern times is George Clooney. Even when he reads scripts and lines that were written for him by others his acting talents are horrible. Ah, but he definitely is not alone. Producers, directors, and the media have these ignorant actors actually believe the praise they receive from each other, their agents, and of course the media.
I know I'm not the only one that has noticed the majority of drug use, divorce, family problems, and infidelity are from these entertainers and actors that have such a high self-praise of themselves. It could almost be acceptable if it stopped there. However, these self-praising empty suits (and dresses) even go so far to think that us common folks believe in them and actually hang on their every word.
Think about this: Do the likes of Whoopi, Joy, Clooney, Colbert, Maher, etc., really think they are changing anyone's mind by their protests and lies. Oh yeah, right, Madonna blowing up the White House is sure gonna change me from a Republican to a Socialist Dem. Antifa burning down stores sure makes me respect the left. How about reprehensible Rosie wanting to smear her menstrual blood all over President Trump is sure a nice ideological stand.
The only reason the Socialists like Caryn Johnson (Whoopi) threatened us that she would move to Canada if Trump won in 2016 was she actually thought America would be so devistated that we would change our vote to Crooked Hillary. Really? It feels so good to know that despite all their fame and notoriety, on election day, when I walk into the voting booth I'm just as powerful as these phony Hollywood elites.
So the next time you see these self-indulgent "elites" on the movie or TV screen, remember that people you don't even know wrote the words for them, directed them, and even told them where to sit and stand. Folks, they're just plain dumb, have no creativity, and would fall flat on their face if they tried anything else. The bottom line is if they ever did move to Canada, or anywhere else, no one would miss them at all. That's how irrelevant they are.
NOTE: Just sing, dance, and read your lines to entertain us. You reallydon't have any redeeming qualities we need in this country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, and our troops.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
The uniform
OK, what do all the following people have on common: Clooney, Behar, Whoopi, NFL kneelers, Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel, Bee, Schumer, Feinstein, Judd, O'Donnell, Clinton, Soetero, Matthews, Maddow, Antifa, George Lopez, Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson....there are so many to acknowledge, that never wore the uniform. In fact, I would venture to say most Socialist Dems have never put on the military uniform for our country.
Not a single one of these Socialist Dems ever had the honor and privilege of wearing the U.S. Military uniform. I never experienced combat, but was honored to wear the USAF uniform for four years, and I was taught so many valuable lessons that have followed me my entire 83 years.
Discipline, self-respect, respect of fellow military comrades, and respect to those higher in rank than me were just a few important factors I learned in the military. Did you know that many countries require each young man/woman serve a minimum of two years active duty before venturing out into a chosen field. I have always been a strong advocate of repeating "the draft" here in the United States.
I know there are many who will strongly and forever disagreewith me, and feel the military should be on a voluntary basis. Of course the majority of people who feel this way have never had the honor and privilege of wearing the uniform. I remember the Socialist Dem, Bob Beckel, when he was on The Five at Fox stating, "That status of hero that the military throws around is over used, and all those medals, ribbons, and citations are given to almost everyone". You can guess Beckel never wore the uniform.
Also, people that never wore the uniform will never have a firm grasp on the meaning of patriotism. If you ask ten men/women in uniform their interpretation of patriotism you will probably get ten different answers, but I guarantee every answer will be based on their love of this great country. It is a subjective feeling that only a military person fully understands, and will feel their entire life.
Antifa mobs are mostly made of young people that live in mom and dad's basement. After they're arrested for burning down a business I would like to see their "sentence" be two years in the military. I guarantee they'll come out a different person than when they went in. Is there a single person in the Black Lives Matter coalition that served in the military? I strongly doubt it. Active duty and veterans don't destroy property. They fight and have fought to preserve American property, not destroy it.
The NFL kneelers, while making millions of dollars, show their hatred of our country, National Anthem, and our precious flag by showing disrespect of great country. After their Sunday game they get in their Porsch and drive home to a very large and expensive mansion. These "kneelers" do absolutely nothing for their communities, churches, hospitals, etc. Does anyone know of a kneeler going to Chicago to help with the growing number of Black on Black crimes? I doubt you ever will.
I'm 83 and till I'm not around anymore I will always have an overwhelming sense and surge of pride and patriotism for wearing the uniform. It is so hard to explain that to any man/woman who never experienced the pride and honor of wearing THE UNIFORM.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Not a single one of these Socialist Dems ever had the honor and privilege of wearing the U.S. Military uniform. I never experienced combat, but was honored to wear the USAF uniform for four years, and I was taught so many valuable lessons that have followed me my entire 83 years.
Discipline, self-respect, respect of fellow military comrades, and respect to those higher in rank than me were just a few important factors I learned in the military. Did you know that many countries require each young man/woman serve a minimum of two years active duty before venturing out into a chosen field. I have always been a strong advocate of repeating "the draft" here in the United States.
I know there are many who will strongly and forever disagreewith me, and feel the military should be on a voluntary basis. Of course the majority of people who feel this way have never had the honor and privilege of wearing the uniform. I remember the Socialist Dem, Bob Beckel, when he was on The Five at Fox stating, "That status of hero that the military throws around is over used, and all those medals, ribbons, and citations are given to almost everyone". You can guess Beckel never wore the uniform.
Also, people that never wore the uniform will never have a firm grasp on the meaning of patriotism. If you ask ten men/women in uniform their interpretation of patriotism you will probably get ten different answers, but I guarantee every answer will be based on their love of this great country. It is a subjective feeling that only a military person fully understands, and will feel their entire life.
Antifa mobs are mostly made of young people that live in mom and dad's basement. After they're arrested for burning down a business I would like to see their "sentence" be two years in the military. I guarantee they'll come out a different person than when they went in. Is there a single person in the Black Lives Matter coalition that served in the military? I strongly doubt it. Active duty and veterans don't destroy property. They fight and have fought to preserve American property, not destroy it.
The NFL kneelers, while making millions of dollars, show their hatred of our country, National Anthem, and our precious flag by showing disrespect of great country. After their Sunday game they get in their Porsch and drive home to a very large and expensive mansion. These "kneelers" do absolutely nothing for their communities, churches, hospitals, etc. Does anyone know of a kneeler going to Chicago to help with the growing number of Black on Black crimes? I doubt you ever will.
I'm 83 and till I'm not around anymore I will always have an overwhelming sense and surge of pride and patriotism for wearing the uniform. It is so hard to explain that to any man/woman who never experienced the pride and honor of wearing THE UNIFORM.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Here I come
I have reached and surpassed my boiling point since the Kavanaugh confirmation started a few months ago. As I told my wife I was chomping at the bit, but I promised her I wouldn't say anything or write anything or attempt to blog even until the hearings were over and my prediction came true that Judge Kavanaugh would be sworn in to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Had I had expressed my feelings about the way the Democrat judiciary committee conducted themselves starting with Diane Feinstein and Brett Kavanaugh did not receive the nomination successfully, then I would be have been accused of sour grapes. But now that it's over I have some comments for the people who vigorously attempted to destroy this fine man and his family. So here I come right at the Socialist Dems.
It was so interesting to me the caliber of people on the Democratic side of the fence that spent the entire hearings on politically and personally attacking this fine man . Let's start with Diane Feinstein. This woman employed a Japanese spy employed as her personal driver for over 20 years. During those 20 years Sen. Feinstein's husband made millions of dollars brokering personal business deals with China. Maybe Feinstein even knew he was a spy, but hey, her husband made lots and lots of money.
Let's move forward regarding Sen. Feinstein. Simply put, Ms. Feinstein received the letter months ago from PhD Ford containing allegations that the age of 15 she was sexually accosted by 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Feinstein, ranking member of the Democrat panel knew that she should have presented this letter to Chairman Sen. Grassley, to enter this letter into the hearings. instead she decided to hide this letter to use if things started to get bad during or after the hearings.
When it appeared that things were being lost for the Democrats the letter from PhD Ford was then presented. We all know what prevailed after that. Now let's take a look at the character profiles of those Democrats on the panel that viciously and personally waged attacks on Judge Kavanaugh.
Let's start with Sen. Cory Booker from New Jersey. he openly admitted, and even wrote an article about that at the age of 15 he sexually groped a young girl. Sen. Booker felt very proud about that conquest of his. And yet this self-proclaimed Spartacus had the audacity to question a man who was falsely accused of a sexual attack on a young girl 36 years ago, but never proven, A woman who had no evidence and no corroboration of the attack.
How about dear old Kamilla Harris, the Democrat Sen. from California. It wasn't that many years ago that people never even heard of Kamilla Harris. Her rise to notoriety came during her tryst with former mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, who was married and 30 years older than Sen. Harris. Yet she would have you believe her and accept her credibility while she attacked Judge Cavanaugh. Anyone see a little hypocrisy here? For my two cents Kamala Harris is a slut, nothing more.
I just can't end this blog without mentioning that great Viet Nam war here Dickie Blumenthal. Every time he spoke during the Kavanaugh hearings he bloviated about honesty and integrity. Did he really expect us not to remember how he lied to his constituents and the American people for several years . He kept bragging about his heroical exploits while fighting the war in Viet Nam. Only problem here is Dickie Blumenthal was never, ever, in Vietnam.
And what about Senator Blumenthal's moral character? He should have been investigated for statutory rape when he was 31 years old and his girlfriend was 16. Yet he wanted all of us to believe Brett Kavanaugh was trying to rape a 15-year old 36 years ago. WTF ! There was no evidence or witnesses willing to corroborate her story, but that didn't stop Dickie Blummer.
The Socialist Dem Party is so stupid, that they knew they had no proof that Kavanaugh was even at the infamous party 36 years ago, however, with the media, Hollywood elites, and Schumer and Pelosi the Socialist Dems thought they could convince us all to rally against Justice Kavanaugh. And who paid for all the signs, shirts, and protesting? Soros of course.
Soros-funded groups are still protesting Justice Kavanaugh's appointment to SCOTUS. They're like a team that after losing a game remains on the field throwing insults and lies at the winners as if that will change the game's score. Do Socialist Dems realize how stupid they seem to the rest of us? Majority of these protestors still live in their parents' basements, and really don't know why they're protesting. It's really so sad.
In closing, if you think the Kavanaugh hearings were packed with evil Socialist Dems and Soros-funded protesters, just wait for the next round when President Trump replaces Gunner Ginsberg. Going to be a political blood bath. Someone tell Soros to get his signs and T-shirts ready.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country snd our troops.
Had I had expressed my feelings about the way the Democrat judiciary committee conducted themselves starting with Diane Feinstein and Brett Kavanaugh did not receive the nomination successfully, then I would be have been accused of sour grapes. But now that it's over I have some comments for the people who vigorously attempted to destroy this fine man and his family. So here I come right at the Socialist Dems.
It was so interesting to me the caliber of people on the Democratic side of the fence that spent the entire hearings on politically and personally attacking this fine man . Let's start with Diane Feinstein. This woman employed a Japanese spy employed as her personal driver for over 20 years. During those 20 years Sen. Feinstein's husband made millions of dollars brokering personal business deals with China. Maybe Feinstein even knew he was a spy, but hey, her husband made lots and lots of money.
Let's move forward regarding Sen. Feinstein. Simply put, Ms. Feinstein received the letter months ago from PhD Ford containing allegations that the age of 15 she was sexually accosted by 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Feinstein, ranking member of the Democrat panel knew that she should have presented this letter to Chairman Sen. Grassley, to enter this letter into the hearings. instead she decided to hide this letter to use if things started to get bad during or after the hearings.
When it appeared that things were being lost for the Democrats the letter from PhD Ford was then presented. We all know what prevailed after that. Now let's take a look at the character profiles of those Democrats on the panel that viciously and personally waged attacks on Judge Kavanaugh.
Let's start with Sen. Cory Booker from New Jersey. he openly admitted, and even wrote an article about that at the age of 15 he sexually groped a young girl. Sen. Booker felt very proud about that conquest of his. And yet this self-proclaimed Spartacus had the audacity to question a man who was falsely accused of a sexual attack on a young girl 36 years ago, but never proven, A woman who had no evidence and no corroboration of the attack.
How about dear old Kamilla Harris, the Democrat Sen. from California. It wasn't that many years ago that people never even heard of Kamilla Harris. Her rise to notoriety came during her tryst with former mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, who was married and 30 years older than Sen. Harris. Yet she would have you believe her and accept her credibility while she attacked Judge Cavanaugh. Anyone see a little hypocrisy here? For my two cents Kamala Harris is a slut, nothing more.
I just can't end this blog without mentioning that great Viet Nam war here Dickie Blumenthal. Every time he spoke during the Kavanaugh hearings he bloviated about honesty and integrity. Did he really expect us not to remember how he lied to his constituents and the American people for several years . He kept bragging about his heroical exploits while fighting the war in Viet Nam. Only problem here is Dickie Blumenthal was never, ever, in Vietnam.
And what about Senator Blumenthal's moral character? He should have been investigated for statutory rape when he was 31 years old and his girlfriend was 16. Yet he wanted all of us to believe Brett Kavanaugh was trying to rape a 15-year old 36 years ago. WTF ! There was no evidence or witnesses willing to corroborate her story, but that didn't stop Dickie Blummer.
The Socialist Dem Party is so stupid, that they knew they had no proof that Kavanaugh was even at the infamous party 36 years ago, however, with the media, Hollywood elites, and Schumer and Pelosi the Socialist Dems thought they could convince us all to rally against Justice Kavanaugh. And who paid for all the signs, shirts, and protesting? Soros of course.
Soros-funded groups are still protesting Justice Kavanaugh's appointment to SCOTUS. They're like a team that after losing a game remains on the field throwing insults and lies at the winners as if that will change the game's score. Do Socialist Dems realize how stupid they seem to the rest of us? Majority of these protestors still live in their parents' basements, and really don't know why they're protesting. It's really so sad.
In closing, if you think the Kavanaugh hearings were packed with evil Socialist Dems and Soros-funded protesters, just wait for the next round when President Trump replaces Gunner Ginsberg. Going to be a political blood bath. Someone tell Soros to get his signs and T-shirts ready.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country snd our troops.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
God isn't dumb...
There are actually some people, starting with the McCain family, that believe God can be fooled into believing that if you're famous you can act with hatred and corruption with no consequences. Of course these hypocrites further believe that if you have enough people singing false and lying praises you have an automatic ticket to heaven.
Here's a wake-up call to all the people that used John McCain's funeral, including his own daughter, to throw bashes at President Trump, God doesn't work that way people. To start with, the McCain family, starting with John himself, having so much hatred for President Trump that they informed him he wasn't invited to his funeral. Remember in high school when a "certain person" was left off the party guest list so that everyone could talk about the absent purpose without giving them any platform to defend themselves at the event?
Of course the media, along with Hollywood and the Dem Socialist Party are spreading this hatred faster than the Florence hurricane. While our President Trump continues to do great things for our country he is consistently being attacked by these people who refuse to even acknowledge his accomplishments.
Another reason I admire, respect, and support President Trump is he has reinforced his army of 63 million that will propel him to another victory in 2020. Yes, us 63 million deplorables are no match for Whoopi, Clooney, Colbert, and the rest of the elites. I mean do you think CNN or MSNBC would want me on their interview schedule instead of a stupid elite?
But it's so heartwarming to know that come November I'm just as powerful as Clooney, Behar, Whoopi, etc. Their fame and status still only gives them one single vote, which is the same as I get and the 63 million that voted for Mr. Trump in 2016. That's when we will be soundly recognized.
One has to almost feel sorry for the pathetic Dem Socialist Party and their Hollywood and media supporters.
I believe in God and even St. Peter as guardian of Heaven's pearly gates. I can just imagine John McCain's conversation with God and St. Peter when his soul approaches them at the gates. God/St. Peter: Mr. McCain, did you love your fellow man while on earth? John McCain: Yeah, but there was this guy Trump that I just hated". God/St. Peter: "So you're telling us you died with heavy hatred in your heart and still think you qualify for heaven"?
Before John McCain's should could answer God and St. Peter spke again: "We're sorry, but with heavy hatred in your heart and with no attempt to show love to ALL people we must decline your entrance. I'm sure the committee down below where it's warmer will welcome you with open pitchforks".
It's so comforting and heart-lifting to know that the hateful people like Pelosi, Crooked Hillary, Barry and his husband Michael, andthe many other Trump haters in the media will never adorn the gates of heaven when their time is up here on earth. The hatred in their hearts only guarantees them a ticket on the elevator going down. Is that why Meghan McCain put an air conditioner and sun tan lotion in her dad's casket?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Here's a wake-up call to all the people that used John McCain's funeral, including his own daughter, to throw bashes at President Trump, God doesn't work that way people. To start with, the McCain family, starting with John himself, having so much hatred for President Trump that they informed him he wasn't invited to his funeral. Remember in high school when a "certain person" was left off the party guest list so that everyone could talk about the absent purpose without giving them any platform to defend themselves at the event?
Of course the media, along with Hollywood and the Dem Socialist Party are spreading this hatred faster than the Florence hurricane. While our President Trump continues to do great things for our country he is consistently being attacked by these people who refuse to even acknowledge his accomplishments.
Another reason I admire, respect, and support President Trump is he has reinforced his army of 63 million that will propel him to another victory in 2020. Yes, us 63 million deplorables are no match for Whoopi, Clooney, Colbert, and the rest of the elites. I mean do you think CNN or MSNBC would want me on their interview schedule instead of a stupid elite?
But it's so heartwarming to know that come November I'm just as powerful as Clooney, Behar, Whoopi, etc. Their fame and status still only gives them one single vote, which is the same as I get and the 63 million that voted for Mr. Trump in 2016. That's when we will be soundly recognized.
One has to almost feel sorry for the pathetic Dem Socialist Party and their Hollywood and media supporters.
I believe in God and even St. Peter as guardian of Heaven's pearly gates. I can just imagine John McCain's conversation with God and St. Peter when his soul approaches them at the gates. God/St. Peter: Mr. McCain, did you love your fellow man while on earth? John McCain: Yeah, but there was this guy Trump that I just hated". God/St. Peter: "So you're telling us you died with heavy hatred in your heart and still think you qualify for heaven"?
Before John McCain's should could answer God and St. Peter spke again: "We're sorry, but with heavy hatred in your heart and with no attempt to show love to ALL people we must decline your entrance. I'm sure the committee down below where it's warmer will welcome you with open pitchforks".
It's so comforting and heart-lifting to know that the hateful people like Pelosi, Crooked Hillary, Barry and his husband Michael, andthe many other Trump haters in the media will never adorn the gates of heaven when their time is up here on earth. The hatred in their hearts only guarantees them a ticket on the elevator going down. Is that why Meghan McCain put an air conditioner and sun tan lotion in her dad's casket?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Badass Trump!
Yes, President Trump is a bad ass, and I'm proud to be one of the 63 million that put him where he America's White House. After 8 years of Barry Soetero and his husband it's so refreshing, invigorating, and hopeful to see a President that pushes back on the media, elites, and entire Democratic Socialist Party. And he does this by keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail in 2016. Even the Dem Socialist Party are borrowing his slogan, "Promises Made-Promises Kept"
He is not backing down at all from doing all he can for this great country, regardless of what his critics say. He continues to move forward doing all he can to repair the years of damage Soetero did to us. Americans should take a long hard review of why President Trump calls the media the "enemy of the people". Just hours ago the infamous NY Times posted an article that the WH lawyer was going to Mueller with evidence that could impeach Mr. Trump.
Truth is the lawyer was instructed by the President to meet with Mueller. The lawyer spoke highly of the President and reaffirmed there was no Russian collusion with Russia and then-candidate Trump. But the NY Times offered no correction or apology for printing such a lying false article. Of course there are many, many stories of lies perpetuated by the media and the "elites", but President Trump shows no sign of ever backing away from these lying malcontents.
They couldn't slow him down by attacking his policies, so they decided to personally attack him and his family, and he still wouldn't bend an inch to them. Instead he just let the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Party have threat insults returned with both barrels. Of course the personal attacks on him and his family failed to slow this great man in proving every day he works for us.
He was chastised for insulting dogs when he called Omorosa a dog. Yet it was OK for Colbert to call him a c**k-sucker on nationaaal TV. It seemed OK when George Lopez wanted to pimp out our First Lady Melania. How about Madonna wanting to blow up our White House. Peter Fonda wants to put Barron Trump in a cage of pedophilles. Always seems to be freedom of speech when the left says horrible things, but when the President pushes back he's a racist.
How can anyone blame our President from tweeting? I hope he continues, because it is truly the most honest avenue to get the correct news to the American people. I'm amazed the media cries and whines while they have given, and continues to report 92% negativity loaded with lies towards the President. The "never-Trumpers have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC turning on all their faucets of hatred to Mr. Trump.
Of course the media, Hollywood elites, and the Dem Socialist Part are driven by pure hatred for this man, nothing more. It's going on two years and they still can't recover from Crooked Hillary's loss to Mr. Trump. Nothing for them to do but continue their hatred. The personal attacks haven't worked, so now the Socialist Party has degraded themselves even further by now attacking our own great country by bloviating that "America was never that great". Don't tell me the Socialist Party is patriotic. I seem to recall that in 2009 Barry Soetero after his election visited many countries with the same sentiment that we weren't a special country, and we had many faults.
Mr. President, they're calling you evil even with all you've accomplised in less than two years, so I'll close with please keep being evil and keep on tweeting. I know of 63Million that have your back.
That's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, our President, and our troops/
He is not backing down at all from doing all he can for this great country, regardless of what his critics say. He continues to move forward doing all he can to repair the years of damage Soetero did to us. Americans should take a long hard review of why President Trump calls the media the "enemy of the people". Just hours ago the infamous NY Times posted an article that the WH lawyer was going to Mueller with evidence that could impeach Mr. Trump.
Truth is the lawyer was instructed by the President to meet with Mueller. The lawyer spoke highly of the President and reaffirmed there was no Russian collusion with Russia and then-candidate Trump. But the NY Times offered no correction or apology for printing such a lying false article. Of course there are many, many stories of lies perpetuated by the media and the "elites", but President Trump shows no sign of ever backing away from these lying malcontents.
They couldn't slow him down by attacking his policies, so they decided to personally attack him and his family, and he still wouldn't bend an inch to them. Instead he just let the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Party have threat insults returned with both barrels. Of course the personal attacks on him and his family failed to slow this great man in proving every day he works for us.
He was chastised for insulting dogs when he called Omorosa a dog. Yet it was OK for Colbert to call him a c**k-sucker on nationaaal TV. It seemed OK when George Lopez wanted to pimp out our First Lady Melania. How about Madonna wanting to blow up our White House. Peter Fonda wants to put Barron Trump in a cage of pedophilles. Always seems to be freedom of speech when the left says horrible things, but when the President pushes back he's a racist.
How can anyone blame our President from tweeting? I hope he continues, because it is truly the most honest avenue to get the correct news to the American people. I'm amazed the media cries and whines while they have given, and continues to report 92% negativity loaded with lies towards the President. The "never-Trumpers have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC turning on all their faucets of hatred to Mr. Trump.
Of course the media, Hollywood elites, and the Dem Socialist Part are driven by pure hatred for this man, nothing more. It's going on two years and they still can't recover from Crooked Hillary's loss to Mr. Trump. Nothing for them to do but continue their hatred. The personal attacks haven't worked, so now the Socialist Party has degraded themselves even further by now attacking our own great country by bloviating that "America was never that great". Don't tell me the Socialist Party is patriotic. I seem to recall that in 2009 Barry Soetero after his election visited many countries with the same sentiment that we weren't a special country, and we had many faults.
Mr. President, they're calling you evil even with all you've accomplised in less than two years, so I'll close with please keep being evil and keep on tweeting. I know of 63Million that have your back.
That's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, our President, and our troops/
Friday, August 3, 2018
Why Fox News??
A few days ago I was having lunch with some family members, two of which are very staunch Democrats and Trump haters. So I asked them "why do you hate Trump so much"? Their answers ranged from "bigotry, corruption, lying, among other things". However, when I asked them to give me examples of President Trump's "lying, corruption, and bigotry", they couldn't produce a single scenario.
So I asked where my dear family members received all their news, and their answer was unanimous, "well, we certainly don't watch Fox News". I saw this as a profound opening. I then asked where did they get their news. And what was ironic was none wanted to admit they watched MSNBC or CNN. Later on though they dropped names like Maddow, Blitzer. Reed, Matthews, Tapper, and Anderson.
The point in this is that most all Dem liberals form their opinions from news they receive from the left Dem media. When no one at lunch could offer a truthful and valid reason for their disrespect and dislike of our President, they started on the personal attacks against Mr. Trump and his family. It was hard to comprehend where their justifications eninated from. When one of my family members said he actually believed Michell Obama (Michael L. Robinson) was more beautiful than FLOTUS Melania Trump. Their justification: "Michelle is on the cover of every fashion magazine, and that refugee from Czech land can't even get on one magazine cover". It was then I realized I was in very unfriendly waters.
Of course, being a conservative who believes in President Trump's accomplishment, I cited all the positive accomplishments of this man in just 19 months, mainly lower taxes, job growth, 4.1 GDP, average of 220,00 jobs added every month, and 3.9% unemployment. After a few short moments of silence from my family members the personal attacks against President. Trump and his family resumed, just spewing out their diatribes of hate.
After 8 years of a spineless jelly-fish in our White House who put down our great country every chance he got we finally have a President that is putting America first. Of course he's bombastic, loud, opinionated, but take a look at what's doing and what he's brought to us in just 19 months. When I started to brag about 3.9% unemployment the only retort I got from my Democrat Socialist family members was, "Oh, you watch too much Fox."
As lunch was winding down I got my last chance to ask my favorite question: "OK, so what's the Dem's message for the 2018 and 2020 elections to persuade us to vote for your party?" At this point, two family members abruptly jumped up from their seats and vociferously said, "We're outta here". It was clear they had no message supporting their party. By the way, has anyone ever seen a happy Democrat Socialist?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
So I asked where my dear family members received all their news, and their answer was unanimous, "well, we certainly don't watch Fox News". I saw this as a profound opening. I then asked where did they get their news. And what was ironic was none wanted to admit they watched MSNBC or CNN. Later on though they dropped names like Maddow, Blitzer. Reed, Matthews, Tapper, and Anderson.
The point in this is that most all Dem liberals form their opinions from news they receive from the left Dem media. When no one at lunch could offer a truthful and valid reason for their disrespect and dislike of our President, they started on the personal attacks against Mr. Trump and his family. It was hard to comprehend where their justifications eninated from. When one of my family members said he actually believed Michell Obama (Michael L. Robinson) was more beautiful than FLOTUS Melania Trump. Their justification: "Michelle is on the cover of every fashion magazine, and that refugee from Czech land can't even get on one magazine cover". It was then I realized I was in very unfriendly waters.
Of course, being a conservative who believes in President Trump's accomplishment, I cited all the positive accomplishments of this man in just 19 months, mainly lower taxes, job growth, 4.1 GDP, average of 220,00 jobs added every month, and 3.9% unemployment. After a few short moments of silence from my family members the personal attacks against President. Trump and his family resumed, just spewing out their diatribes of hate.
After 8 years of a spineless jelly-fish in our White House who put down our great country every chance he got we finally have a President that is putting America first. Of course he's bombastic, loud, opinionated, but take a look at what's doing and what he's brought to us in just 19 months. When I started to brag about 3.9% unemployment the only retort I got from my Democrat Socialist family members was, "Oh, you watch too much Fox."
As lunch was winding down I got my last chance to ask my favorite question: "OK, so what's the Dem's message for the 2018 and 2020 elections to persuade us to vote for your party?" At this point, two family members abruptly jumped up from their seats and vociferously said, "We're outta here". It was clear they had no message supporting their party. By the way, has anyone ever seen a happy Democrat Socialist?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
You go media!
Here's a message for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Whoopi, Joy, Colbert, Kimmel, Samantha Bee, and Schumer and Pelosi: Thank you, thank you for making this November such an easy road for the GOP. And a double thank you with the hope that you contiinue down your "resistance" path to make November, 2020 so encouraging for us. Please keep it up. The combination of Hillary and Pelosi are the best duo the GOP could ever hope for.
Even with the media's platform President Trump's approval ratings are climbing every day. Americans, even anti-Trumpers are seeing through the left's "resistance" ideology. The left has control over the media and Hollywood elites, but they are beginning to realize that the 63 million of us aren't buying or budging in our unwavering support of President Trump.
The left has no platform or candidate to getting in the way of our President's goals for Americans. They just keep parading celebrities in front of their cameras 24/7 in hopes of turning the tide on the support we 63 million have pledged to the GOP and President Trump. For eight years our great country had to endure Barry Soetero's plight to destroy our country.
Barry Soetero stayed in the background doing nothing but catering to people and organizations that supported his ideology that America was a horrible country. And now after eight years of his insufferable leadership we now have a strong decisive President that continues to prove every day that America and its people come first. He is unlike Barry and his husband Michael who put everything above America.
So CNN and MSNBC strongly believe that parading those mentioned in my opening paragraph will really advance their cause of bringing down President Trump. However they just keep forgetting about us 63 million strong Trump supporters. You can bet that the media will never interview any of the 63 million, let alone have us on a panel talking about Trump's accomplishments.
Why is there so much bitterness among the lib Dems? Is it because everyone on the lib Dem side believed that the corrupt Crooked Hillary was going to be their queen? I have some family members that refuse to discuss anything all on the matter. They bitterly raise their voice and say, "Stop right there Pete...not going to talk about it". These are the same people, who for eight years, "rubbed" our noses in Barry and his husband Michael-the-Tranny living in the White House. They gave it out, but now, only 500 days in office, they can't take it, and will not accept Mr. Trump as our President, regardless of all he's accomplished for the American people.
I had a friend, well he's just an acquaintance now, that lives in California, and he knows I'm a staunch Trump supporter. We used to email political jokes and cartoons back and forth. He was so distraught and upset when Mr. Trump won, that he told me to stop emailing him. I was hurt and dismayed at first, until I realized he was happy drowning in his quagmire of liberalism, and he was just full of hatred for Trump. Much like the people in my first paragraph.
Final thought. Do any of those in my opening paragraph think, even for one second, that any of us 63 million could be persuaded to give up our support of President Trump? I fantasize about being on The View or on Colbert's show for an interview. Alas, I know that will never happen, and it's all because the lib Dems are scary afraid of the success of Republicans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country
Even with the media's platform President Trump's approval ratings are climbing every day. Americans, even anti-Trumpers are seeing through the left's "resistance" ideology. The left has control over the media and Hollywood elites, but they are beginning to realize that the 63 million of us aren't buying or budging in our unwavering support of President Trump.
The left has no platform or candidate to getting in the way of our President's goals for Americans. They just keep parading celebrities in front of their cameras 24/7 in hopes of turning the tide on the support we 63 million have pledged to the GOP and President Trump. For eight years our great country had to endure Barry Soetero's plight to destroy our country.
Barry Soetero stayed in the background doing nothing but catering to people and organizations that supported his ideology that America was a horrible country. And now after eight years of his insufferable leadership we now have a strong decisive President that continues to prove every day that America and its people come first. He is unlike Barry and his husband Michael who put everything above America.
So CNN and MSNBC strongly believe that parading those mentioned in my opening paragraph will really advance their cause of bringing down President Trump. However they just keep forgetting about us 63 million strong Trump supporters. You can bet that the media will never interview any of the 63 million, let alone have us on a panel talking about Trump's accomplishments.
Why is there so much bitterness among the lib Dems? Is it because everyone on the lib Dem side believed that the corrupt Crooked Hillary was going to be their queen? I have some family members that refuse to discuss anything all on the matter. They bitterly raise their voice and say, "Stop right there Pete...not going to talk about it". These are the same people, who for eight years, "rubbed" our noses in Barry and his husband Michael-the-Tranny living in the White House. They gave it out, but now, only 500 days in office, they can't take it, and will not accept Mr. Trump as our President, regardless of all he's accomplished for the American people.
I had a friend, well he's just an acquaintance now, that lives in California, and he knows I'm a staunch Trump supporter. We used to email political jokes and cartoons back and forth. He was so distraught and upset when Mr. Trump won, that he told me to stop emailing him. I was hurt and dismayed at first, until I realized he was happy drowning in his quagmire of liberalism, and he was just full of hatred for Trump. Much like the people in my first paragraph.
Final thought. Do any of those in my opening paragraph think, even for one second, that any of us 63 million could be persuaded to give up our support of President Trump? I fantasize about being on The View or on Colbert's show for an interview. Alas, I know that will never happen, and it's all because the lib Dems are scary afraid of the success of Republicans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Guns vs. Meth
Have you noticed all the lying bloviating going on about our 2nd. Amendment? Looking for an excuse to continue their hatred of President Trump because he believes in our rights under the 2nd. Amendment seems to be the norm of the media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Dem Party.
Everytime there's a school shooting it's Mr. Trump's fault, and extra coverage is given if the shooter happens to be Caucasian and if even one victim is Black or other minority. However the media gives no coverage to Blacks wielding, shooting, and killing Caucasians. Recently four evil degenerate Blacks murdered a female police officer while she was answering a fake police call. Did anyone notice Fox News was the only network to cover this story?
Why is it that the media does not report on all the Black on Black crimes in Chicago. Just last week there were 84 shootings in Chicago, and all 84 "gun wielders" were Black. Did anyone hear about this on CNN or MSNBC? Of course not. They're too busy spewing out hatred of Press. Trump. I always ponder what the media would do if Mayor Emanuel of Chicago were a Republican.
By the way, if you tune into any network other than Fox News, you won't know that guns are NOT the number one killer of our young people in America. It's Meth.However, you'll never hear this on any network except Fox, because the media's platform on hating President Trump is their foundation and base to attempt to impeach him.
We are witnessing protests, sit-ins, boycotting of all businesses that are in support of gun control, and yet none of these protesters can utter a single intelligent word relating to firearms. Recently Senator Feinstein(D-CA) said, "If all of us turn in our firearms then the criminals will too". Really? What a profoundling idiotic statement Senator. And don't forget to tell us that when you visited your husband in the hospital you were always "carrying".
Did you happen to see Kelley Clarkson in tears while hosting the Billboard show, that by the way had horrible ratings? She stood on stage bloviating about gun control, but didn't offer any inkling of a solution. She just used her speech as a "popularity platform". People laying in grocery store aisles do nothing but prevent people from buying food for their families. Are these displays any way to get at the root of tragedies caused by Meth or the misuse of firearms? No!
Has anyone in Chicago ever investigated the correlation of Black on Black crime to over 80% of Chicago children being from single parent families? Has anyone ever investigated just how easy it is for our young people to obtain Meth? How about investigating the multitude of sites where Meth is manufactured? It's just too easy attack the NRA and ALL firearm citizens. Why is Fox the only network that correctly claims no NRA member has committed a firearm crime?
Our country will be better served to address the largest killers in our country, drugs, opioids, and Meth. Decent, law-abiding firearm owners are never going to use their fireamro commit crimes, whereas, all the criminals owning firearms will commit gun crimes regardless of laws or confiscations of guns. Maybe the largest problem is not Meth and firearms, but parents. Do your jobs parents, or get help doing so.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Everytime there's a school shooting it's Mr. Trump's fault, and extra coverage is given if the shooter happens to be Caucasian and if even one victim is Black or other minority. However the media gives no coverage to Blacks wielding, shooting, and killing Caucasians. Recently four evil degenerate Blacks murdered a female police officer while she was answering a fake police call. Did anyone notice Fox News was the only network to cover this story?
Why is it that the media does not report on all the Black on Black crimes in Chicago. Just last week there were 84 shootings in Chicago, and all 84 "gun wielders" were Black. Did anyone hear about this on CNN or MSNBC? Of course not. They're too busy spewing out hatred of Press. Trump. I always ponder what the media would do if Mayor Emanuel of Chicago were a Republican.
By the way, if you tune into any network other than Fox News, you won't know that guns are NOT the number one killer of our young people in America. It's Meth.However, you'll never hear this on any network except Fox, because the media's platform on hating President Trump is their foundation and base to attempt to impeach him.
We are witnessing protests, sit-ins, boycotting of all businesses that are in support of gun control, and yet none of these protesters can utter a single intelligent word relating to firearms. Recently Senator Feinstein(D-CA) said, "If all of us turn in our firearms then the criminals will too". Really? What a profoundling idiotic statement Senator. And don't forget to tell us that when you visited your husband in the hospital you were always "carrying".
Did you happen to see Kelley Clarkson in tears while hosting the Billboard show, that by the way had horrible ratings? She stood on stage bloviating about gun control, but didn't offer any inkling of a solution. She just used her speech as a "popularity platform". People laying in grocery store aisles do nothing but prevent people from buying food for their families. Are these displays any way to get at the root of tragedies caused by Meth or the misuse of firearms? No!
Has anyone in Chicago ever investigated the correlation of Black on Black crime to over 80% of Chicago children being from single parent families? Has anyone ever investigated just how easy it is for our young people to obtain Meth? How about investigating the multitude of sites where Meth is manufactured? It's just too easy attack the NRA and ALL firearm citizens. Why is Fox the only network that correctly claims no NRA member has committed a firearm crime?
Our country will be better served to address the largest killers in our country, drugs, opioids, and Meth. Decent, law-abiding firearm owners are never going to use their fireamro commit crimes, whereas, all the criminals owning firearms will commit gun crimes regardless of laws or confiscations of guns. Maybe the largest problem is not Meth and firearms, but parents. Do your jobs parents, or get help doing so.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Monday, April 23, 2018
It's our kids stupid
Be honest now many of you out there know, or remember, that April is National Child Abuse Awareness month? It seems that everday is National 'something or other' day. National pancake day, national chocolate day, even national grilled chesse sandwich day. Really? We're actually honoring, yes honoring, irrelevant inanimate objects that are just for promoting products for sales. They actually don't mean a hill of bean to most Americans.
I feel somewhat knowledgeable in the area of child abuse prevention, as I worked for John Walsh's California branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children for four years. I served as voluntary board chairman, facilitated many parenting workshops, spoke in many schools on "Stranger Danger". But my real qualifier is I'm a father, grandfather, and even two-time great grandfather.
It seems all societies fail to grasp and digest that our children, all over the world, are our greatest natural resource. Someday, and it'll be here faster than you can blink an eye, us "old timer" are gonna turn this world over to our young 'natural resources', and our man focus today, right now, immediately must be on preparing them to handle their responsibilities as they grow to handle the decisions they make for our country.
When an infant emerges from their mother's womb there's not a set of instructions taped to their bottom on how to properly raise and prepare them for their futures. They're just helpless little 6 or 7 pounders who seem for scream for attention to eat, sleep, or get re-diapered. I'm 82 now, and remember telling the parents and students in my workshops that I was raised on LSD, and I always got the last word when Dad read the riot act to me when I screwed up. They would look at me wondering if they were in the right workshop.
First of all, what I meant by LSD was Love, Support, and Discipline, and what I meant by 'last word' was me saying "Yes Dad" when he doled out the disciple, which usually consisted of one week of "grounding". Dad could care less about the big school dance after the game. Grounded meant grounded. Dad came from Italy without a day of education, he was my hero and still is.
Ever since Columbine we've turned school shootings into political platforms. There have been entirely too many school shootings, bringing chaos, harm, and even death to our children striving to get an education. The political part seems to be that as soon as there's a school shooting, or any public shooting there are groups who immediately take to the streets screaming for gun control.
The protest signs carried by the political protests read like protests right out of Hitler and Stalin's playbook. Blame the 'other Party', particularly the one in office. Blame the NRA. Blame the gun manufacturers, after all they manufacture the firearms. Yes, plenty of facets of our society to blame for firearm crimes, and plenty of blame to go around.
Yesterday was a beautiful Spring day, and while I was "putzing around" in the garage I spotted five or six 10-12 year olds running around the neighborhood. Three African-American children, along with two little White girls were giggling, laughing, and exploring. Being a strong child advocate, it was nice to witness. They waved at me laughing.
Frosting on the cake? Later, when I walked inside my wife told me these young kids knocked on our door and asked my wife if she had any trash to throw away. Then she further explained these youngsters were actually going around our condo complex, knocking on doors, asking people if they had any trash to throw away. There's a large dumpster area at the end of the street, and these youngsters actually thought there may be some people who can't carry their trash to the dumpster, and they wanted to help.
So many thoughts and questions running through my brain. Who taught these kids that it was really nice to do this? Where did they learn to be respectful? So heartwarming to see them play together; laughing, chasing each other on their bikes. Then I started to think, what will happen to these children? What changes will they go through that may dictate one becomes a Dr., Attorney, etc., and one end up in a gang taking drugs, and ending up in the morgue?
The answer is very simple...PARENTING. I have seen all the protest signs at these anti-gun marches blaming everything, but parenting skills. Some parents find it easier to blame the schools, racism, and a multitude of reasons that don''t befall them in any way.
I would like to see some signs at protests that read, WE NEED BETTER PARENTING, or HOMES MUST BE STABLE FOR OUR CHILDREN, even signs that ask WE NEED MORE TWO-PARENT HOMES. But no, we'll never see signs like this at protest and marches. It seems easier to blame everyone, and everthing else.
Wake up people! If we all want a better America, start focusing on what really matters:
And that's Politics with Pete today. God blss our country and our troops.
I feel somewhat knowledgeable in the area of child abuse prevention, as I worked for John Walsh's California branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children for four years. I served as voluntary board chairman, facilitated many parenting workshops, spoke in many schools on "Stranger Danger". But my real qualifier is I'm a father, grandfather, and even two-time great grandfather.
It seems all societies fail to grasp and digest that our children, all over the world, are our greatest natural resource. Someday, and it'll be here faster than you can blink an eye, us "old timer" are gonna turn this world over to our young 'natural resources', and our man focus today, right now, immediately must be on preparing them to handle their responsibilities as they grow to handle the decisions they make for our country.
When an infant emerges from their mother's womb there's not a set of instructions taped to their bottom on how to properly raise and prepare them for their futures. They're just helpless little 6 or 7 pounders who seem for scream for attention to eat, sleep, or get re-diapered. I'm 82 now, and remember telling the parents and students in my workshops that I was raised on LSD, and I always got the last word when Dad read the riot act to me when I screwed up. They would look at me wondering if they were in the right workshop.
First of all, what I meant by LSD was Love, Support, and Discipline, and what I meant by 'last word' was me saying "Yes Dad" when he doled out the disciple, which usually consisted of one week of "grounding". Dad could care less about the big school dance after the game. Grounded meant grounded. Dad came from Italy without a day of education, he was my hero and still is.
Ever since Columbine we've turned school shootings into political platforms. There have been entirely too many school shootings, bringing chaos, harm, and even death to our children striving to get an education. The political part seems to be that as soon as there's a school shooting, or any public shooting there are groups who immediately take to the streets screaming for gun control.
The protest signs carried by the political protests read like protests right out of Hitler and Stalin's playbook. Blame the 'other Party', particularly the one in office. Blame the NRA. Blame the gun manufacturers, after all they manufacture the firearms. Yes, plenty of facets of our society to blame for firearm crimes, and plenty of blame to go around.
Yesterday was a beautiful Spring day, and while I was "putzing around" in the garage I spotted five or six 10-12 year olds running around the neighborhood. Three African-American children, along with two little White girls were giggling, laughing, and exploring. Being a strong child advocate, it was nice to witness. They waved at me laughing.
Frosting on the cake? Later, when I walked inside my wife told me these young kids knocked on our door and asked my wife if she had any trash to throw away. Then she further explained these youngsters were actually going around our condo complex, knocking on doors, asking people if they had any trash to throw away. There's a large dumpster area at the end of the street, and these youngsters actually thought there may be some people who can't carry their trash to the dumpster, and they wanted to help.
So many thoughts and questions running through my brain. Who taught these kids that it was really nice to do this? Where did they learn to be respectful? So heartwarming to see them play together; laughing, chasing each other on their bikes. Then I started to think, what will happen to these children? What changes will they go through that may dictate one becomes a Dr., Attorney, etc., and one end up in a gang taking drugs, and ending up in the morgue?
The answer is very simple...PARENTING. I have seen all the protest signs at these anti-gun marches blaming everything, but parenting skills. Some parents find it easier to blame the schools, racism, and a multitude of reasons that don''t befall them in any way.
I would like to see some signs at protests that read, WE NEED BETTER PARENTING, or HOMES MUST BE STABLE FOR OUR CHILDREN, even signs that ask WE NEED MORE TWO-PARENT HOMES. But no, we'll never see signs like this at protest and marches. It seems easier to blame everyone, and everthing else.
Wake up people! If we all want a better America, start focusing on what really matters:
And that's Politics with Pete today. God blss our country and our troops.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Maybe MORE guns needed!
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Monday, March 26, 2018
What's an AR-15?
Gee, if someone had told me that Clooney, Whoopi, Lady Gaga, Kimmel, and even the Governor of New York were at the anti-gun protests yesterday that would have certainly flipped me over to be anti-gun, and revoked my NRA membership. Because I just worship these stars and hang on every word they speak. I'm sure they know everything there is to know about guns, especially AR-15's. Of course wasn't it just great to have theses protests led by a wonderful young man, David Hogg?
This young David Hogg sure has command of the English language. All during his interviews on CNN and MSNBC he should be commended because he only dropped the "F" bomb 20 or 30 times. Wasn't it nice how he kept referring to his "F**king parents" when talking about them? Yes, this young man is certainly a role model for our young children.
And how about the quality of the young people protesting? They are certainly well aware of all the issues surrounding our 2nd. Amend. rights. I was especially impressed when the on-site reporter asked some of the young protesters questions about why they are protesting. One young protester was asked "What Constitutional Amendment are you protesting against"? Whereupon the young protester said, "Huh?...I don't know".
Another young protester was asked, "What's an assault weapon"?, and the young high school protester had a blank look, turned to their high school friend and asked, "What's he talking about...what's an assault weapon"? Did anyone ever wonder how large these protests would have been if they were held after school hours or on the weekend?
What does it say about the support these uneducated high schoolers are receiving from our great former White House resident Barry and his husband Michael, and the fantastic woman politician Crooked Hillary, that is now speaking in New Guinea or Yeman spewing out all the excuses as to why she lost the race in 2016.
Like most Americans I don't have any sure-fire answer to stop gun violence, but I do have some questions. Why are the highest gun crimes committed in cities that have solid gun-free zones? Did you know these cities have lib Den mayors? See Rahm Emanuel in Chicago. Another question is with all the hoopla about school shootings and gun control why are we not having discussions about the true real root of the problem; the decay of American family values.
And while we have "free spaces" in colleges, and protests to repeal the 2nd. Amendment, why have our schools abolished the Christian beliefs our country was founded on? Why have we removed American History and Civics from our classrooms, along with our American flag, and the stopping of our pledge of allegiance in the classrooms?
Do these gangs of uneducated youngsters really think they they have any credibility with the American people? Did you hear their answers when a reporter walked among them asking questions about why they were protesting? Their signs made no sense at all. One lady carried a sign that says guns in her state are protected more than her uterus. Guess she hasn't read up on all the children Planned Parenthood kills every day.
So, the bottom line is the ridiculous protest led by a hired snot-nosed crisis actor was nothing more than a display of stupid answers from the protesters holding up signs filled with lies. So I'd like to close with one suggestion:WHEN A BOY/GIRL GRADUATES FROM HIGH SCHOOL IT SHOULD BE MANDATED THEY SPEND A MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS IN THE MILITARY BEFORE THEY EMBARK ON ANYTHING . Just think about that for a minute.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
This young David Hogg sure has command of the English language. All during his interviews on CNN and MSNBC he should be commended because he only dropped the "F" bomb 20 or 30 times. Wasn't it nice how he kept referring to his "F**king parents" when talking about them? Yes, this young man is certainly a role model for our young children.
And how about the quality of the young people protesting? They are certainly well aware of all the issues surrounding our 2nd. Amend. rights. I was especially impressed when the on-site reporter asked some of the young protesters questions about why they are protesting. One young protester was asked "What Constitutional Amendment are you protesting against"? Whereupon the young protester said, "Huh?...I don't know".
Another young protester was asked, "What's an assault weapon"?, and the young high school protester had a blank look, turned to their high school friend and asked, "What's he talking about...what's an assault weapon"? Did anyone ever wonder how large these protests would have been if they were held after school hours or on the weekend?
What does it say about the support these uneducated high schoolers are receiving from our great former White House resident Barry and his husband Michael, and the fantastic woman politician Crooked Hillary, that is now speaking in New Guinea or Yeman spewing out all the excuses as to why she lost the race in 2016.
Like most Americans I don't have any sure-fire answer to stop gun violence, but I do have some questions. Why are the highest gun crimes committed in cities that have solid gun-free zones? Did you know these cities have lib Den mayors? See Rahm Emanuel in Chicago. Another question is with all the hoopla about school shootings and gun control why are we not having discussions about the true real root of the problem; the decay of American family values.
And while we have "free spaces" in colleges, and protests to repeal the 2nd. Amendment, why have our schools abolished the Christian beliefs our country was founded on? Why have we removed American History and Civics from our classrooms, along with our American flag, and the stopping of our pledge of allegiance in the classrooms?
Do these gangs of uneducated youngsters really think they they have any credibility with the American people? Did you hear their answers when a reporter walked among them asking questions about why they were protesting? Their signs made no sense at all. One lady carried a sign that says guns in her state are protected more than her uterus. Guess she hasn't read up on all the children Planned Parenthood kills every day.
So, the bottom line is the ridiculous protest led by a hired snot-nosed crisis actor was nothing more than a display of stupid answers from the protesters holding up signs filled with lies. So I'd like to close with one suggestion:WHEN A BOY/GIRL GRADUATES FROM HIGH SCHOOL IT SHOULD BE MANDATED THEY SPEND A MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS IN THE MILITARY BEFORE THEY EMBARK ON ANYTHING . Just think about that for a minute.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
63 million and counting
Gee, wouldn't it be great if the mainstream media, or as a a lot of people like to refer to them, as the fake news media, would start interviewing some of the 63 million of us that voted for Pres. Trump? There's no need to go into the details of how the fake news media and the Hollywood elites send out their hateful messages toward our president and his family solely because their candidate, crooked Hillary, didn't win last November. We all know that scenario.
The fake news medi have always been in hope that by garnering these popular Hollywood elites to send their hateful messages out we stupid deplorable Republicans will eventually change our minds and start to hate Pres. Trump like they do. Wouldn't it be great though, it's the fake news media would go out into the public, especially the Midwestern states, maybe states like Ohio Michigan and Wisconsin, and start communicating with some of the 63 million of us that voted for Donald Trump.
Poor crooked Hillary Clinton is just about exhausted all her radio and TV time in the United States, and is now taking to foreign countries with her numerous excuses as to why she lost the presidential race. Before I go any further I'd like to comment on a statement Mrs. Clinton said, when she said that white women voted only for the candidate that their husbands told them to vote for. Hillary has never met my wife. I don't think St. Peter could convince my wife on who to vote for, let alone me.
First, for eight years we had to endure former president Barry Soetero and his husband Michael traveling around the world telling all the countries that would listen to them about all the problems and all the faults of the United States. This, right after the people of America voted him in as president of our country. I see some similarities now between crooked Hillary Clinton and former Pres. Barry Soetero.
Of course it's more appealing when the fake news outlets to have the likes of Colbert, Clooney, Whoopi, etc., pushing their hateful agenda then to talk to a stupid deplorable like myself, however on election day I'm just as powerful as George Clooney. What the fake news media fails to understand is that we 63 million stupid deplorables that voted for Pres. Trump are waking up more and more every day, paying less and less attention to what those celebrities in the fake news media from the left are reporting.
Yes, we could all agree that our president is bombastic, arrogant, egotistical, and is at times overly demanding. But I'd like to recall a short analogy I read a few days ago in the paper: It's 3:00 in the morning your basement is flooding and the water is rising. it's 3 o'clock in the morning and you need a plumber right now. When the water still rising in the basement the plumber finally arrives. Now at this point you really care what the plumber looks like, or if he has a plumber's crack, or even if he swearing while is going about draining your flooded basement? You just want your basement leak fixed, the water drained out, and your living conditions restored.
That's how we 63 million voters feel about Pres. Trump we really don't care about what he did years and years ago. In fact we're strongly starting to disagree with all these accusations from Playboy models and other people that spew hatred on our president over things he alledgdly did decades ago. It is becoming laughable. Did you ever wonder why the media, during Obama's eight years, never tried to uncover anything at all from his past, including his true identity, where he was born, his years in college, any of his transcripts and grades from college, and even what is true religion is? Anyone see pictures of their daughters when they were infants?
Forget about President Trump's twitter account, his orange hair, and sometimes even the things he says. Let's take a look at what he's done since he's been in office. No I'm not going to waste your time reading his accomplishments and my time writing what his accomplishments are, but I think we can all agree that he's trying the best he can to return our great country to the prominence it once had and deserves now more than ever.
One would think that the likes of Schumer and Pelosi would want to see our country prosper again and become more secure by bolstering our military and securing our border by having a wall built so that illegal criminals, mainly MS – 13, do not come into our country illegally. No one has been able to understand why the left, media, and Hollywood elites hate president Trump so much and want him to fail. Are they so stupid that they don't realize by doing everything they can to spoil our presidents policies and agendas that they are really hurting the middle class people. And they say they want to help the middle class so please vote for them in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
The most glaring example of this is when Pres. Trump passed the tax reform bill not a single Democrat from the House and Senate voted for it. I wonder how these Democrat candidates are going to dance around this topic when they are asked about it on their campaigns. have you noticed the Democrats have yet to come up with any ideas as to what they want to do to make America a better place to live. They actually believe that by using all their resources to throw hatred at the president will win them elections.
What are the proposed policies of the Democratic Party? How are they going to make life better for me if I vote for them in November? It has been nearly 16 months since Kirk and Hilary lost the presidential election, and yet she falsely believes that she is endearing herself to the American people by constantly giving speeches as to why she lost. Mrs. Clinton claims she will always be around to help the Democratic Party win elections, however what's coming to fruition is that most of the Democratic Party is hoping Hillary just plain goes away.
Yes it's true that as long as there's a media, a liberal progressive Democratic Party, and are stupid Hollywood elites there will be daily attacks put forward for the American people to review. but I'll just close and saying we are 63 million strong and counting. And we really don't care if you interview any of us at all. You'll feel us in the voting booth in November.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
The fake news medi have always been in hope that by garnering these popular Hollywood elites to send their hateful messages out we stupid deplorable Republicans will eventually change our minds and start to hate Pres. Trump like they do. Wouldn't it be great though, it's the fake news media would go out into the public, especially the Midwestern states, maybe states like Ohio Michigan and Wisconsin, and start communicating with some of the 63 million of us that voted for Donald Trump.
Poor crooked Hillary Clinton is just about exhausted all her radio and TV time in the United States, and is now taking to foreign countries with her numerous excuses as to why she lost the presidential race. Before I go any further I'd like to comment on a statement Mrs. Clinton said, when she said that white women voted only for the candidate that their husbands told them to vote for. Hillary has never met my wife. I don't think St. Peter could convince my wife on who to vote for, let alone me.
First, for eight years we had to endure former president Barry Soetero and his husband Michael traveling around the world telling all the countries that would listen to them about all the problems and all the faults of the United States. This, right after the people of America voted him in as president of our country. I see some similarities now between crooked Hillary Clinton and former Pres. Barry Soetero.
Of course it's more appealing when the fake news outlets to have the likes of Colbert, Clooney, Whoopi, etc., pushing their hateful agenda then to talk to a stupid deplorable like myself, however on election day I'm just as powerful as George Clooney. What the fake news media fails to understand is that we 63 million stupid deplorables that voted for Pres. Trump are waking up more and more every day, paying less and less attention to what those celebrities in the fake news media from the left are reporting.
Yes, we could all agree that our president is bombastic, arrogant, egotistical, and is at times overly demanding. But I'd like to recall a short analogy I read a few days ago in the paper: It's 3:00 in the morning your basement is flooding and the water is rising. it's 3 o'clock in the morning and you need a plumber right now. When the water still rising in the basement the plumber finally arrives. Now at this point you really care what the plumber looks like, or if he has a plumber's crack, or even if he swearing while is going about draining your flooded basement? You just want your basement leak fixed, the water drained out, and your living conditions restored.
That's how we 63 million voters feel about Pres. Trump we really don't care about what he did years and years ago. In fact we're strongly starting to disagree with all these accusations from Playboy models and other people that spew hatred on our president over things he alledgdly did decades ago. It is becoming laughable. Did you ever wonder why the media, during Obama's eight years, never tried to uncover anything at all from his past, including his true identity, where he was born, his years in college, any of his transcripts and grades from college, and even what is true religion is? Anyone see pictures of their daughters when they were infants?
Forget about President Trump's twitter account, his orange hair, and sometimes even the things he says. Let's take a look at what he's done since he's been in office. No I'm not going to waste your time reading his accomplishments and my time writing what his accomplishments are, but I think we can all agree that he's trying the best he can to return our great country to the prominence it once had and deserves now more than ever.
One would think that the likes of Schumer and Pelosi would want to see our country prosper again and become more secure by bolstering our military and securing our border by having a wall built so that illegal criminals, mainly MS – 13, do not come into our country illegally. No one has been able to understand why the left, media, and Hollywood elites hate president Trump so much and want him to fail. Are they so stupid that they don't realize by doing everything they can to spoil our presidents policies and agendas that they are really hurting the middle class people. And they say they want to help the middle class so please vote for them in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
The most glaring example of this is when Pres. Trump passed the tax reform bill not a single Democrat from the House and Senate voted for it. I wonder how these Democrat candidates are going to dance around this topic when they are asked about it on their campaigns. have you noticed the Democrats have yet to come up with any ideas as to what they want to do to make America a better place to live. They actually believe that by using all their resources to throw hatred at the president will win them elections.
What are the proposed policies of the Democratic Party? How are they going to make life better for me if I vote for them in November? It has been nearly 16 months since Kirk and Hilary lost the presidential election, and yet she falsely believes that she is endearing herself to the American people by constantly giving speeches as to why she lost. Mrs. Clinton claims she will always be around to help the Democratic Party win elections, however what's coming to fruition is that most of the Democratic Party is hoping Hillary just plain goes away.
Yes it's true that as long as there's a media, a liberal progressive Democratic Party, and are stupid Hollywood elites there will be daily attacks put forward for the American people to review. but I'll just close and saying we are 63 million strong and counting. And we really don't care if you interview any of us at all. You'll feel us in the voting booth in November.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Badge of Honor
I'm 82, and my Parkinsons is slowly crawling down from my hand tremors to my legs. So I really can't contribute a lot to society except live out what time the guy upstairs wants to give me, and doing what I love as part of my daily activities, and that is speaking out and blogging about some passions of mine; God, family, and Conservatism.
At ten years of age, in 1945, I watched my mother cry as she told me "President Roosevelt (FDR) just passed away". So it's safe to say I've been around through several Presidents. In 1956, when I turned 21, I was in the USAF, and I voted for Pres. Eisenhower. Then I became enamored with the newcomer John F. Kennedy, and so I voted for him In 1959.
Pres. John F. Kennedy was the last Democrat I ever voted for. Hollywood movie star and former Governor of California, Ronald Reagan made me the conservative Republican that I am today, and I wear it as a badge of honor. Another "badge of honor" that I wear proudly is Mark *uckerberg punishing me by suspending my activity on Facebook for three days. At first I asked myself, "Why *uckerber's double standards"? Then, this old blogger figured it out.
Recently *uckerberg posted to F/B left wing lib Dems that if he receives 70,000 F/B "likes" to remove President Trump from his liberal website that he "would consider" not allowing any further postings by the President. Mark *uckerberg, CEO of an American organization, then posted something that caused my head to explode.
He, Mark *uckerberg, supposedly also posted, "Hitler really had some good ideas, his timing was just bad". Of course my head just exploded that *uckerberg or anyone would have anything decent to say about this vicious evil monster that massacred millions of Jews. So when I was "spanked" for three days from Facebook I considered it a "BADGE OF HONOR". No one can verify that *uckerberg actually posted that himself, but someone from F/B actually posted it.
Why are the lib Dems, the media, and our Hollywood elites screaming their hatred for our President. Just the other day I had lunch with a family member that I love with all my heart. She claims to believe in Socialism, and has a distinct strong hatred for Mr. Trump and any of his policies. Mistakenly, I thought we could have an objective discussion about our differences.
I started by touting Mr. Trump's new tax cuts. ISIS just about gone, our military rebuilding, Keystone Pipeline opening, 4.1% unemployment, over a million jobs created in 14 months, 313,000 jobs created in February. However, I was greatly mistaken. Her only response was a very stern look from her as she said, "Don't go there Pete", and then she said "Time to go", got up from our table, gave each other a hug, we exchanged "I love you", and parted.
It's appearent why our President uses social media so much. The main stream fakers will not report the news fairly. Facts and statistics reflect that Mr. Trump receives 93% negativity from the fakers in the press, so why wouldn't he go straight to the American people. He relies more on Twitter than he does the press? I know most people would.
Besides, our President knows he's got 63 million of us 'deplorables' ready for 2020 to keep him in our White House for four more years. The press, lib Dems, and Hollywood elites are tearing their hair out because President Trump has proven he really doesn't need the press. He's in charge of the show, and he's got 63 million of us waiting in the wings.
And thank you Mr. *uckerberg for the badge of honor.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
At ten years of age, in 1945, I watched my mother cry as she told me "President Roosevelt (FDR) just passed away". So it's safe to say I've been around through several Presidents. In 1956, when I turned 21, I was in the USAF, and I voted for Pres. Eisenhower. Then I became enamored with the newcomer John F. Kennedy, and so I voted for him In 1959.
Pres. John F. Kennedy was the last Democrat I ever voted for. Hollywood movie star and former Governor of California, Ronald Reagan made me the conservative Republican that I am today, and I wear it as a badge of honor. Another "badge of honor" that I wear proudly is Mark *uckerberg punishing me by suspending my activity on Facebook for three days. At first I asked myself, "Why *uckerber's double standards"? Then, this old blogger figured it out.
Recently *uckerberg posted to F/B left wing lib Dems that if he receives 70,000 F/B "likes" to remove President Trump from his liberal website that he "would consider" not allowing any further postings by the President. Mark *uckerberg, CEO of an American organization, then posted something that caused my head to explode.
He, Mark *uckerberg, supposedly also posted, "Hitler really had some good ideas, his timing was just bad". Of course my head just exploded that *uckerberg or anyone would have anything decent to say about this vicious evil monster that massacred millions of Jews. So when I was "spanked" for three days from Facebook I considered it a "BADGE OF HONOR". No one can verify that *uckerberg actually posted that himself, but someone from F/B actually posted it.
Why are the lib Dems, the media, and our Hollywood elites screaming their hatred for our President. Just the other day I had lunch with a family member that I love with all my heart. She claims to believe in Socialism, and has a distinct strong hatred for Mr. Trump and any of his policies. Mistakenly, I thought we could have an objective discussion about our differences.
I started by touting Mr. Trump's new tax cuts. ISIS just about gone, our military rebuilding, Keystone Pipeline opening, 4.1% unemployment, over a million jobs created in 14 months, 313,000 jobs created in February. However, I was greatly mistaken. Her only response was a very stern look from her as she said, "Don't go there Pete", and then she said "Time to go", got up from our table, gave each other a hug, we exchanged "I love you", and parted.
It's appearent why our President uses social media so much. The main stream fakers will not report the news fairly. Facts and statistics reflect that Mr. Trump receives 93% negativity from the fakers in the press, so why wouldn't he go straight to the American people. He relies more on Twitter than he does the press? I know most people would.
Besides, our President knows he's got 63 million of us 'deplorables' ready for 2020 to keep him in our White House for four more years. The press, lib Dems, and Hollywood elites are tearing their hair out because President Trump has proven he really doesn't need the press. He's in charge of the show, and he's got 63 million of us waiting in the wings.
And thank you Mr. *uckerberg for the badge of honor.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Yesterday while watching a jornalist on TV, that I respect very much, he remarked "When you hear a broadcaster or journalist remark 'I'm hearing snippets that......". you can bet that thery're abou to broadcast a fabricated and untruthful comment. This respected journalist went on to say, "Another of my favorites are 'unnamed sources'". When the media starts off with these comments you can bet a lie or fabricated untruth is about to follow.
These media outlets, and you know who they are, ranging from the New York Times to maybe the worst of all, CNN. Two days ago I was in my Doctor's receptionist room waiting for my appointment and had to watch CNN news on the TV. It's becoming clear that the majority of the media are much more interested in ratings than they are reporting the news with honesty and integrity.
And guess who the media "solicits" to help them with their ratings agenda? Yeah, they actually think we normal common, 'deplorables' will hang on every word that these elites and athletes have to say. They think that by listening to the likes of Clooney, Handler, Whoopi, Joy, etc., are going to swoon us over to their stupid lib Dem values?
Look at it objectively, you stupid Lib Dems have ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, and CNN to carry the fake news for you. You idiots all pat yourselves on the back, rally around each other, and vomit over all the ridiculous misreporting that the media reports, not caring if any of it is true, just as long as it's "juicy" and lying gossip about President Trump and his family.
Why does the media keep forgetting about us 63 million that voted for President? You know they'll never want to talk to us normal, everyday, hard-working 'deplorables'. Of course it's more entertaining to watch and listen to a "Clooney" than the deplorable boring electrician or school teacher from middle America, but wouldn't it be great if the media would begin interviewing the 63 million of us that voted for Mr. Trump?
What the stupid media seems to forget that on voting day I am just as powerful as any leftist lib Dem when I walk into that voting booth, and know that us mediocre 63 million will still be around supporting our President in 2018 and again in 2020. There's a millionaire pro basketball player voicing his uneducated stupid opinions about our President. Then he says he's going to continue because, "Society wants me to speak out".
So to all you elite Hollywood people, and you arrogant uneducated athletes why don't you do what WE Americans want you to do....Shut up and...(sing, act, dance, dribble and throw). You really should because your ratings and fan support is falling to the basement. Wake up you idiots. And by the way that 63 million that voted for President Trump is going to be over 65 million in 2020. Do some vetting rather that reporting snippets and unnamed sources.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
These media outlets, and you know who they are, ranging from the New York Times to maybe the worst of all, CNN. Two days ago I was in my Doctor's receptionist room waiting for my appointment and had to watch CNN news on the TV. It's becoming clear that the majority of the media are much more interested in ratings than they are reporting the news with honesty and integrity.
And guess who the media "solicits" to help them with their ratings agenda? Yeah, they actually think we normal common, 'deplorables' will hang on every word that these elites and athletes have to say. They think that by listening to the likes of Clooney, Handler, Whoopi, Joy, etc., are going to swoon us over to their stupid lib Dem values?
Look at it objectively, you stupid Lib Dems have ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, and CNN to carry the fake news for you. You idiots all pat yourselves on the back, rally around each other, and vomit over all the ridiculous misreporting that the media reports, not caring if any of it is true, just as long as it's "juicy" and lying gossip about President Trump and his family.
Why does the media keep forgetting about us 63 million that voted for President? You know they'll never want to talk to us normal, everyday, hard-working 'deplorables'. Of course it's more entertaining to watch and listen to a "Clooney" than the deplorable boring electrician or school teacher from middle America, but wouldn't it be great if the media would begin interviewing the 63 million of us that voted for Mr. Trump?
What the stupid media seems to forget that on voting day I am just as powerful as any leftist lib Dem when I walk into that voting booth, and know that us mediocre 63 million will still be around supporting our President in 2018 and again in 2020. There's a millionaire pro basketball player voicing his uneducated stupid opinions about our President. Then he says he's going to continue because, "Society wants me to speak out".
So to all you elite Hollywood people, and you arrogant uneducated athletes why don't you do what WE Americans want you to do....Shut up and...(sing, act, dance, dribble and throw). You really should because your ratings and fan support is falling to the basement. Wake up you idiots. And by the way that 63 million that voted for President Trump is going to be over 65 million in 2020. Do some vetting rather that reporting snippets and unnamed sources.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, January 12, 2018
So now he's dumb?
Could someone please explain the lib Dem current philosophy to me. First, candidate Trump rigged the election with Putin's help. The media and Hollywood elites stoked the fires to the point that a special investigation, led by Mueller, ensued. Of course it was determined there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Next came the "war" between President Trump and the media, Hollywood, and the lib Dems based on lies and personal attacks against the President and his family. We all know the fires of the war were stoked by people like Behar, Colbert, the gangs at CNN and MSNBC. These groups could not and will still not accept that Crooked Hillary lost, and lost big time.
Then, led by Dems Watters and Greene, a bill was attempted to be introduced to impeach President Trump. Of course that failed. But of course that didn't stop the relentless attacks on our President and his family. Even the book of pure fiction by a virtually unknown did nothing to stop, or even slow down President Trump's momentum.
And as the attacks kept coming President Trump pushed back attacking the fake news press by taking his messages straight to the American people through social media. Yet these groups have the audacity to tell President Trump to stop using social media. Has the press given any thought to reporting the news truthfully and with integrity? Maybe the tweeting would stop. This Pressident wants the honest and truthful news to reach the American people. Can anyone really blame Mr. Trump for wanting truthful news to reach Americans/
Now, with all these attacks just what is our President accomplishing? Well, we've had the lowest tac cut ever in American history. The stock market has risen to the highest it has ever been. Unemployment is at 4.1%, and African-American employment is the lowest it's ever been in history. Our GDP is steady at 3% for consecutive sessions. ISIS is virtually decimated. For every EPA regulation introduced 22 of Obama's regulations were abolished.
Then came the onslaught of the media and elites comparing Mr. Trump to Hitler. When that didn't work President Trump was then brutally attacked for being the king of Twitter. I'm old enough to remember FDR's "Fireside Chats" on the radio. Most of us 63 million 'deplorables' hope that President Trump continues to tweet. This is his best way to bypass the fake news media and take his message straight to the American people.
All of these lies and false accusations perpetrated from the media and elites still fell short. So what have these groups resorted to? Now they're saying he's mentally unfit to be our President. We 63 million 'deplorables' just reply, "If Mr. Trump is mentally unfit after accomplishing all these things in less than a year....we hope he stays "unfit". " And by the way how come none of us 63 million are ever interviewed?
Of course President Trump is bombastic, very quick to push back vehemently against the fake media, and many times gets very outspoken. This successful man amassed a worth of over $5.Billion, and yet stupid uninformed people still think he's unfit. He's certainly not a spineless jellyfish like the last guy we had. And while the media would never tell you, there were many Americans who wondered just how much Barry and his husband Michael really loved our country. Remember trannie Michellse/Michael was the one that said, "All this for a dam flag", at a yearly commemoration at the World Trade Center. Does anyone doubt how much President Trump loves this country, and wants to put us on top where we belong.
All I can say (write) now is a prayer to God, "Dear Lord please make me as mentally unfit as President Trump....I'd like to make $5.Billion".
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country and our troops.
Next came the "war" between President Trump and the media, Hollywood, and the lib Dems based on lies and personal attacks against the President and his family. We all know the fires of the war were stoked by people like Behar, Colbert, the gangs at CNN and MSNBC. These groups could not and will still not accept that Crooked Hillary lost, and lost big time.
Then, led by Dems Watters and Greene, a bill was attempted to be introduced to impeach President Trump. Of course that failed. But of course that didn't stop the relentless attacks on our President and his family. Even the book of pure fiction by a virtually unknown did nothing to stop, or even slow down President Trump's momentum.
And as the attacks kept coming President Trump pushed back attacking the fake news press by taking his messages straight to the American people through social media. Yet these groups have the audacity to tell President Trump to stop using social media. Has the press given any thought to reporting the news truthfully and with integrity? Maybe the tweeting would stop. This Pressident wants the honest and truthful news to reach the American people. Can anyone really blame Mr. Trump for wanting truthful news to reach Americans/
Now, with all these attacks just what is our President accomplishing? Well, we've had the lowest tac cut ever in American history. The stock market has risen to the highest it has ever been. Unemployment is at 4.1%, and African-American employment is the lowest it's ever been in history. Our GDP is steady at 3% for consecutive sessions. ISIS is virtually decimated. For every EPA regulation introduced 22 of Obama's regulations were abolished.
Then came the onslaught of the media and elites comparing Mr. Trump to Hitler. When that didn't work President Trump was then brutally attacked for being the king of Twitter. I'm old enough to remember FDR's "Fireside Chats" on the radio. Most of us 63 million 'deplorables' hope that President Trump continues to tweet. This is his best way to bypass the fake news media and take his message straight to the American people.
All of these lies and false accusations perpetrated from the media and elites still fell short. So what have these groups resorted to? Now they're saying he's mentally unfit to be our President. We 63 million 'deplorables' just reply, "If Mr. Trump is mentally unfit after accomplishing all these things in less than a year....we hope he stays "unfit". " And by the way how come none of us 63 million are ever interviewed?
Of course President Trump is bombastic, very quick to push back vehemently against the fake media, and many times gets very outspoken. This successful man amassed a worth of over $5.Billion, and yet stupid uninformed people still think he's unfit. He's certainly not a spineless jellyfish like the last guy we had. And while the media would never tell you, there were many Americans who wondered just how much Barry and his husband Michael really loved our country. Remember trannie Michellse/Michael was the one that said, "All this for a dam flag", at a yearly commemoration at the World Trade Center. Does anyone doubt how much President Trump loves this country, and wants to put us on top where we belong.
All I can say (write) now is a prayer to God, "Dear Lord please make me as mentally unfit as President Trump....I'd like to make $5.Billion".
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country and our troops.
Friday, January 5, 2018
Are you a Dem or what?
Republican? Democrat? Independent? When is that decision made that declares what political party you will support? Where did we get the information that helped us decide? Growing up as the son of an immigrant I always heard my father saying president Herbert Hoover caused the depression that America suffered in the 30s. Dad then went on to explain Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt got us out of the depression, and was the hero of the working class. And so as a young boy I grew up believing that, cause Dad said so.
I remember when I was ten years old in 1945 and saw my mom crying while ironing clothes. I asked what was wrong, and she said, "President Roosevelt died today". We got our news then the same way we get it today.... from the media. We listen to the powerful media and we formulate our beliefs from the media information we receive. And now the tragedy seems that were beginning to fall away from believing the media and what they tell us.
Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the days of Walter Cronkite. When he, Edward R Murrow, Huntley and Brinkley, and Gabriel Heater reported the news we believe that to be true because they said so. Today we are becoming cautious to believe anything that the mainstream media tells us. TV news anchors, late-night talk show hosts, and even Hollywood elites. We are even expected to believe TV anchors that call themselves journalists, when they are nothing more than liars give their opinions to boost their ratings. I'm referring to people like Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, and the gang at CNN. They have become the National Inquirer of political news.
Most of us Americans have no political experience at all, I don't understand how the swamp in DC works. So we take the word of the media, and when they tell us something we want to believe it's true. When these news outlets of the mainstream media broadcast something that we think just might be true or might alignment itself to our beliefs we consider that gospel. We seem to want to believe what they tell us.
Ever since Crooked Hilary lost the election last year the mainstream media is gone on a tirade against our president, Donald J Trump. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC keep spewing lies and personal attacks against our president and God forbid if you don't believe everything they say. Maybe one of the best examples of that started on election day November, 2016. All the networks wanted us to believe that Hillary was ahead in the polls by double digits. We all know that outcome.
When I was growing up I firmly believed I was a Democrat because dad told me the Democrats were for the working people. I even voted for John F. Kennedy when I was 24 years old. By the way that's the last Democrat I ever voted for. Today John F. Kennedy be considered a Republican. You must admire our current President Donald J. Trump. The fake news media continues to attack him from all sides.
However, the fake news media keeps forgetting the large and loyal tool Mr. Trump has in its arsenal; an arsenal that the media refuses to talk about. It's the 63 million of us 'deplorables' that elevated Donald J. Trump to the White House. And by the way media we 63 million will be there for him in 2018, and 2020. First, the media kept reporting fake news about the Russian collusion. That failed, so they started to report that the Mueller investigation was finding how corrupt Mr. Trump is. Even former Screaming" Howard Dean repord on MSNBC that our President is running a crime ring inside the White House.
All of the accusations were found to be baseless, but that didn't stop the media from broadcasting and printing fake news, while inserting evil personal attacks against Mr. Trump and his family, including his 11-year old son that Joy Bear claimed to be retarded. All this, and still continues to fight for the American people.
The media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Dem party won't tell you that we now have the biggest tax cut in history over 2 million jobs created, 40 companies are handing out bonuses due to tax cuts,s ock market is the highest its ever been, our military is getting its much needed arms support, unemployment is at 4.1%.
It has become overwhelming at times the way the media, elites, and the stupid lib Dems continue to throw hatred at the President. Their new wave now is that President Trump iw "mentally unfit" to run our country. Well after doing all these positive things for our country this blatant attacks this groups are showing their own stupidity.
All these hateful groups are just flooding the airwaves with their hatred, and they seem to forget that despite all the lies and hate they continue to spread, they forget about the 63 million of us. No, we don't have a way to the media to correct them, but the media, elites, and the lib Dems should be aware of our power in the voting booth.
We 63 million don't care what these ridiculious groups have to say. We're not stupid as Pelosi says. The fake news media screams because President Trump tweets so much. Well media, here's an idea. Start reporting the news with honesty and integrity and just maybe our President will stop tweeting. Remember, you started this war.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
I remember when I was ten years old in 1945 and saw my mom crying while ironing clothes. I asked what was wrong, and she said, "President Roosevelt died today". We got our news then the same way we get it today.... from the media. We listen to the powerful media and we formulate our beliefs from the media information we receive. And now the tragedy seems that were beginning to fall away from believing the media and what they tell us.
Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the days of Walter Cronkite. When he, Edward R Murrow, Huntley and Brinkley, and Gabriel Heater reported the news we believe that to be true because they said so. Today we are becoming cautious to believe anything that the mainstream media tells us. TV news anchors, late-night talk show hosts, and even Hollywood elites. We are even expected to believe TV anchors that call themselves journalists, when they are nothing more than liars give their opinions to boost their ratings. I'm referring to people like Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, and the gang at CNN. They have become the National Inquirer of political news.
Most of us Americans have no political experience at all, I don't understand how the swamp in DC works. So we take the word of the media, and when they tell us something we want to believe it's true. When these news outlets of the mainstream media broadcast something that we think just might be true or might alignment itself to our beliefs we consider that gospel. We seem to want to believe what they tell us.
Ever since Crooked Hilary lost the election last year the mainstream media is gone on a tirade against our president, Donald J Trump. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC keep spewing lies and personal attacks against our president and God forbid if you don't believe everything they say. Maybe one of the best examples of that started on election day November, 2016. All the networks wanted us to believe that Hillary was ahead in the polls by double digits. We all know that outcome.
When I was growing up I firmly believed I was a Democrat because dad told me the Democrats were for the working people. I even voted for John F. Kennedy when I was 24 years old. By the way that's the last Democrat I ever voted for. Today John F. Kennedy be considered a Republican. You must admire our current President Donald J. Trump. The fake news media continues to attack him from all sides.
However, the fake news media keeps forgetting the large and loyal tool Mr. Trump has in its arsenal; an arsenal that the media refuses to talk about. It's the 63 million of us 'deplorables' that elevated Donald J. Trump to the White House. And by the way media we 63 million will be there for him in 2018, and 2020. First, the media kept reporting fake news about the Russian collusion. That failed, so they started to report that the Mueller investigation was finding how corrupt Mr. Trump is. Even former Screaming" Howard Dean repord on MSNBC that our President is running a crime ring inside the White House.
All of the accusations were found to be baseless, but that didn't stop the media from broadcasting and printing fake news, while inserting evil personal attacks against Mr. Trump and his family, including his 11-year old son that Joy Bear claimed to be retarded. All this, and still continues to fight for the American people.
The media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Dem party won't tell you that we now have the biggest tax cut in history over 2 million jobs created, 40 companies are handing out bonuses due to tax cuts,s ock market is the highest its ever been, our military is getting its much needed arms support, unemployment is at 4.1%.
It has become overwhelming at times the way the media, elites, and the stupid lib Dems continue to throw hatred at the President. Their new wave now is that President Trump iw "mentally unfit" to run our country. Well after doing all these positive things for our country this blatant attacks this groups are showing their own stupidity.
All these hateful groups are just flooding the airwaves with their hatred, and they seem to forget that despite all the lies and hate they continue to spread, they forget about the 63 million of us. No, we don't have a way to the media to correct them, but the media, elites, and the lib Dems should be aware of our power in the voting booth.
We 63 million don't care what these ridiculious groups have to say. We're not stupid as Pelosi says. The fake news media screams because President Trump tweets so much. Well media, here's an idea. Start reporting the news with honesty and integrity and just maybe our President will stop tweeting. Remember, you started this war.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
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