Saturday, May 26, 2018

Guns vs. Meth

Have you noticed all the lying bloviating going on about our 2nd. Amendment? Looking for an excuse to continue their hatred of President Trump because he believes in our rights under the 2nd. Amendment seems to be the norm of the media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Dem Party.

Everytime there's a school shooting it's Mr. Trump's fault, and extra coverage is given if the shooter happens to be Caucasian and if even one victim is Black or other minority. However the media gives no coverage to Blacks wielding, shooting, and killing Caucasians. Recently four evil degenerate Blacks murdered a female police officer while she was answering a fake police call. Did anyone notice Fox News was the only network to cover this story?

Why is it that the media does not report on all the Black on Black crimes in Chicago. Just last week there were 84 shootings in Chicago, and all 84 "gun wielders" were Black. Did anyone hear about this on CNN or MSNBC? Of course not. They're too busy spewing out hatred of Press. Trump. I always ponder what the media would do if Mayor Emanuel of Chicago were a Republican.

By the way, if you tune into any network other than Fox News, you won't know that guns are NOT the number one killer of our young people in America. It's Meth.However, you'll never hear this on any network except Fox, because the media's platform on hating President Trump is their foundation and base to attempt to impeach him.

We are witnessing protests, sit-ins, boycotting of all businesses that are in support of gun control, and yet none of these protesters can utter a single intelligent word relating to firearms. Recently Senator Feinstein(D-CA) said, "If all of us turn in our firearms then the criminals will too". Really? What a profoundling idiotic statement Senator. And don't forget to tell us that when you visited your husband in the hospital you were always "carrying".

Did you happen to see Kelley Clarkson in tears while hosting the Billboard show, that by the way had horrible ratings? She stood on stage bloviating about gun control, but didn't offer any inkling of a solution. She just used her speech as a "popularity platform". People laying in grocery store aisles do nothing but prevent people from buying food for their families. Are these displays any way to get at the root of tragedies caused by Meth or the misuse of firearms? No!

Has anyone in Chicago ever investigated the correlation of Black on Black crime to over 80% of Chicago children being from single parent families? Has anyone ever investigated just how easy it is for our young people to obtain Meth? How about investigating the multitude of sites where Meth is manufactured?  It's just too easy attack the NRA and ALL   firearm citizens. Why is Fox the only network that correctly claims no NRA member has committed a firearm crime?

Our country will be better served to address the largest killers in our country, drugs, opioids, and Meth. Decent, law-abiding firearm owners are never going to use their fireamro commit crimes, whereas, all the criminals owning firearms will commit gun crimes regardless of laws or confiscations of guns. Maybe the largest problem is not Meth and firearms, but parents. Do your jobs parents, or get help doing so.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

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