In past history, in B.C. times of Plato, Aristotle and even in Shakespeare times, actors were never held in high esteem. During these times in our civilization's history people were encouraged to become scholars, sculptors, painters, musicians, writers, teachers, people of medicine, and students of history.
It was common knowledge that some citizens, during these times, were really too ignorant to contribute anything worthwhile, so something had to be devised for these low class ignorant people to do. So they were taught to be entertainers and court jesters. Basically they were introduced into activities that were taught to them by educted scholars, teachers, and writers, as they could do no creative thinking on their own.
It was soon discovered the only way the entertainers and "actors" could contribute anything was to just read words that others wrote for them. They were too ignorant to create their own words or jests as in the court jesters duties. These people had to rely on the ideas and creativity of others. They were just blame dumb.
By the way if anyone thinks this blog is just some sort of a parody, I suggest doing a little research about entertainers and actors from eras gone by, and of course even including modern time actors. Actors today are really nothing more than entertainers that are just around for our own enjoyment. They are given money for nothing more than the sole pleasure of entertaining us.
One of the worst and most overrated actors of our modern times is George Clooney. Even when he reads scripts and lines that were written for him by others his acting talents are horrible. Ah, but he definitely is not alone. Producers, directors, and the media have these ignorant actors actually believe the praise they receive from each other, their agents, and of course the media.
I know I'm not the only one that has noticed the majority of drug use, divorce, family problems, and infidelity are from these entertainers and actors that have such a high self-praise of themselves. It could almost be acceptable if it stopped there. However, these self-praising empty suits (and dresses) even go so far to think that us common folks believe in them and actually hang on their every word.
Think about this: Do the likes of Whoopi, Joy, Clooney, Colbert, Maher, etc., really think they are changing anyone's mind by their protests and lies. Oh yeah, right, Madonna blowing up the White House is sure gonna change me from a Republican to a Socialist Dem. Antifa burning down stores sure makes me respect the left. How about reprehensible Rosie wanting to smear her menstrual blood all over President Trump is sure a nice ideological stand.
The only reason the Socialists like Caryn Johnson (Whoopi) threatened us that she would move to Canada if Trump won in 2016 was she actually thought America would be so devistated that we would change our vote to Crooked Hillary. Really? It feels so good to know that despite all their fame and notoriety, on election day, when I walk into the voting booth I'm just as powerful as these phony Hollywood elites.
So the next time you see these self-indulgent "elites" on the movie or TV screen, remember that people you don't even know wrote the words for them, directed them, and even told them where to sit and stand. Folks, they're just plain dumb, have no creativity, and would fall flat on their face if they tried anything else. The bottom line is if they ever did move to Canada, or anywhere else, no one would miss them at all. That's how irrelevant they are.
NOTE: Just sing, dance, and read your lines to entertain us. You reallydon't have any redeeming qualities we need in this country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, and our troops.
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