I'm 82, and my Parkinsons is slowly crawling down from my hand tremors to my legs. So I really can't contribute a lot to society except live out what time the guy upstairs wants to give me, and doing what I love as part of my daily activities, and that is speaking out and blogging about some passions of mine; God, family, and Conservatism.
At ten years of age, in 1945, I watched my mother cry as she told me "President Roosevelt (FDR) just passed away". So it's safe to say I've been around through several Presidents. In 1956, when I turned 21, I was in the USAF, and I voted for Pres. Eisenhower. Then I became enamored with the newcomer John F. Kennedy, and so I voted for him In 1959.
Pres. John F. Kennedy was the last Democrat I ever voted for. Hollywood movie star and former Governor of California, Ronald Reagan made me the conservative Republican that I am today, and I wear it as a badge of honor. Another "badge of honor" that I wear proudly is Mark *uckerberg punishing me by suspending my activity on Facebook for three days. At first I asked myself, "Why *uckerber's double standards"? Then, this old blogger figured it out.
Recently *uckerberg posted to F/B left wing lib Dems that if he receives 70,000 F/B "likes" to remove President Trump from his liberal website that he "would consider" not allowing any further postings by the President. Mark *uckerberg, CEO of an American organization, then posted something that caused my head to explode.
He, Mark *uckerberg, supposedly also posted, "Hitler really had some good ideas, his timing was just bad". Of course my head just exploded that *uckerberg or anyone would have anything decent to say about this vicious evil monster that massacred millions of Jews. So when I was "spanked" for three days from Facebook I considered it a "BADGE OF HONOR". No one can verify that *uckerberg actually posted that himself, but someone from F/B actually posted it.
Why are the lib Dems, the media, and our Hollywood elites screaming their hatred for our President. Just the other day I had lunch with a family member that I love with all my heart. She claims to believe in Socialism, and has a distinct strong hatred for Mr. Trump and any of his policies. Mistakenly, I thought we could have an objective discussion about our differences.
I started by touting Mr. Trump's new tax cuts. ISIS just about gone, our military rebuilding, Keystone Pipeline opening, 4.1% unemployment, over a million jobs created in 14 months, 313,000 jobs created in February. However, I was greatly mistaken. Her only response was a very stern look from her as she said, "Don't go there Pete", and then she said "Time to go", got up from our table, gave each other a hug, we exchanged "I love you", and parted.
It's appearent why our President uses social media so much. The main stream fakers will not report the news fairly. Facts and statistics reflect that Mr. Trump receives 93% negativity from the fakers in the press, so why wouldn't he go straight to the American people. He relies more on Twitter than he does the press? I know most people would.
Besides, our President knows he's got 63 million of us 'deplorables' ready for 2020 to keep him in our White House for four more years. The press, lib Dems, and Hollywood elites are tearing their hair out because President Trump has proven he really doesn't need the press. He's in charge of the show, and he's got 63 million of us waiting in the wings.
And thank you Mr. *uckerberg for the badge of honor.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
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