Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Our greatest resource

Three times I visited the maternity/baby ward to gaze at my three daughters in their new basinettes. I stood behind the glass partition beaming with joy, pride, love, and many other wonderful emotions that I cannot even try to explain. My oldest daughter was born at 2lbs, with Cerebral Palsy. After my initial bitterness I prayed strongly to God to watch over her and protect her. The Palsy didn't effect her brain, and today she holds a double Master's Degree Now that's prayer.

But what makes me different than any other parent? Not one thing. We love, cherish, nurture, guide, and do the best we can before they venture out into the world on their own. We can only hope we've done a good enough job that the Guy upatairs will be proud of. I'm sure I'm not writing anything new, as there are millions of parents who feel the way I did and now do as I watch my grandchildren and great granchilfren grow and mature.

But there's a catch here. How many parents actually felt that little child in the basinette in the maternity ward was one of the greatest natural resources on earth? It's sad to write that so many, including me, never looked at our new born with that very important scenario.

Beginning with kindergarten we release our children and their young sponge-like absorbing minds to teachers and then later professors. We expect our educational system to teach and guide them through our constitution, our founding fathers teachings, and strong moral values. 

Instead they try to cram their minds with Socialism, Communism, protesting, stopping free speech, and in some cases violence is OK. God and Bibles are not allowed, and students wearing the Flag on their clothing are sent home. A personal example for me is my two sisters and I were raised in a Roman Catholic home with Mass and Communion every week. All three of us made our sacrements of First Communion,  Confirmation, and Matrimony. 

Today, my older sister and I still practice Catholicism. Our youngest sister attended a far-left liberal college in Oberlin, Ohio. Today she proudly proclaims to be an atheist and a Socialist. The three of us live 70 miles apart, but would meet for lunch a few times a year. She would start spouting her hatred for Trump, open borders, and Socialism.

At the restaurant once I asked, "Can we have a discussion...why do you hate Trump, want Socialism and open borders"? With that she stood up and saide to her husband, "We're leaving", and I haven't talked or seen her since. I love her with all my heart, and would give her a kidney, a lung, or a piece of my liver if she needed. We have socially parted ways since.

Well, after all that, my point and very strong hope is that the United States adopt a policy the Israel and some other countries adhere to. And that is upon high school graduation every single boy and girl spend a mandatory minimum of two years in the military. After that they can pursue college, or any career they want to engage in. 

At 18 Dad gave me 3 options; full time job, college, or the military. In 1953 there was no living in Mom's basement till you were 35 years old. Oh no. I chose the U.S. Air Force, and to this day it was the best decision I ever made. I got my degree under the G.I Bill after I was Honorably discharged.

Our children, children from all over the world are our greatest natural resources, and we need to guide, nurture, and protect them from the Socialst teaching of our colleges. I learned so much in the military, and most of all patriotism, along with love and respect of my comrades. I never saw combat, but was ready to go at the first command. I was also taught respect od other religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Budism, and even Islam providing they were all peaceful.

As an old timer, who fought in WWII once told me, "There's no atheists in foxholes".  Military veterans stand with their hand over their heart when the Anthem is played, you won't see them looting and destroying property or acting violently at protests. And never ever try to persuade a Marine to kneel on or burn the American flag. He/she will physically hurt you. I was in the USAF, but I love those crazy jar-heads. Bad asses.

That's it folks. Love and teach our children to love and respect our world. It's going to be all their's someday soon.

And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country and our troops 

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