Gee, if someone had told me that Clooney, Whoopi, Lady Gaga, Kimmel, and even the Governor of New York were at the anti-gun protests yesterday that would have certainly flipped me over to be anti-gun, and revoked my NRA membership. Because I just worship these stars and hang on every word they speak. I'm sure they know everything there is to know about guns, especially AR-15's. Of course wasn't it just great to have theses protests led by a wonderful young man, David Hogg?
This young David Hogg sure has command of the English language. All during his interviews on CNN and MSNBC he should be commended because he only dropped the "F" bomb 20 or 30 times. Wasn't it nice how he kept referring to his "F**king parents" when talking about them? Yes, this young man is certainly a role model for our young children.
And how about the quality of the young people protesting? They are certainly well aware of all the issues surrounding our 2nd. Amend. rights. I was especially impressed when the on-site reporter asked some of the young protesters questions about why they are protesting. One young protester was asked "What Constitutional Amendment are you protesting against"? Whereupon the young protester said, "Huh?...I don't know".
Another young protester was asked, "What's an assault weapon"?, and the young high school protester had a blank look, turned to their high school friend and asked, "What's he talking about...what's an assault weapon"? Did anyone ever wonder how large these protests would have been if they were held after school hours or on the weekend?
What does it say about the support these uneducated high schoolers are receiving from our great former White House resident Barry and his husband Michael, and the fantastic woman politician Crooked Hillary, that is now speaking in New Guinea or Yeman spewing out all the excuses as to why she lost the race in 2016.
Like most Americans I don't have any sure-fire answer to stop gun violence, but I do have some questions. Why are the highest gun crimes committed in cities that have solid gun-free zones? Did you know these cities have lib Den mayors? See Rahm Emanuel in Chicago. Another question is with all the hoopla about school shootings and gun control why are we not having discussions about the true real root of the problem; the decay of American family values.
And while we have "free spaces" in colleges, and protests to repeal the 2nd. Amendment, why have our schools abolished the Christian beliefs our country was founded on? Why have we removed American History and Civics from our classrooms, along with our American flag, and the stopping of our pledge of allegiance in the classrooms?
Do these gangs of uneducated youngsters really think they they have any credibility with the American people? Did you hear their answers when a reporter walked among them asking questions about why they were protesting? Their signs made no sense at all. One lady carried a sign that says guns in her state are protected more than her uterus. Guess she hasn't read up on all the children Planned Parenthood kills every day.
So, the bottom line is the ridiculous protest led by a hired snot-nosed crisis actor was nothing more than a display of stupid answers from the protesters holding up signs filled with lies. So I'd like to close with one suggestion:WHEN A BOY/GIRL GRADUATES FROM HIGH SCHOOL IT SHOULD BE MANDATED THEY SPEND A MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS IN THE MILITARY BEFORE THEY EMBARK ON ANYTHING . Just think about that for a minute.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
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