It's obvious the Socialist Dems have no viable candidate to prop up to run against President Trump in 2020. So their only path and order of business is to spend their time personally attacking the President and his family. The incoming Socialist Dem House is now using CNN, MSNBC, and much of the media to promote their agenda of impeaching President Trump.
Of course the Socialist Dems and the media have no concrete evidence to impeach a President that in less than two years has accomplished what this man has done. The Socialist Dems know their impeachment will not be successful. Instead of praising our President, they hope that by throwing as much lying dirt on Mr. Trump it will help a Socialist Dem get elected in 2020.
Of course there are no grounds, nor any evidence proven or even brought forth to start impeachment against President Trump. There are so many issues at the forefront for the House controlled Democrat party to focus on, instead they choose to ignore major issues like infrastructure and immigration.
Just one bit of information the Socialist Dems, media, and Hollywood elites fail to see. There are 63 million of us silent warriors just waiting for our day in November, 2020. I call us "silent" because the media doesn't want to talk to any of us, and we certainly are no match for the Hollywood celebrities, or the talk show gang. Do you think Whoopi or Colbert would allow me or any of the other silent warriors on their shows? Nah, don't think so.
We're just middle class Americans that saw the value of candidate Trump, and will continue to support him in his next campaign. According to CNN and MSNBC we 63 million are deplorable, naive, don't know any better, redneck, smell like hillbillies, etc. One of my favorite mutterings are from the Den Senator from Hawaii claiming Republicans are just not smart enough to grasp the understanding of the Democrat Party.
The only thing puzzling and head scratching to the 63 million is why there hasn't been any criminal indictments for Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy regarding their emails and corrupt foundation donations. How about an investigation into Obama's $150 billion to terrorist supporting Iran? How about Holder donating arms to the Cartel? And don't you think Comey and Lynch have some explaining to do?
But don't worry folks. While the Socialist Dems and media are spinning their wheels on lying and trying to impeach the President there are 63 million "silent" warriors are just waiting for election day in 2020. The Socialist Dems are just too stupid to see that on election day in 2020 any one of us 'deplorable' Trump supporters are just as powerful as CNN, MSNBC, the media, and all the Hollywood elites, unless they don't get caught voting more than once.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops
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