It's really ironic, almost comical, that there has been been hundreds of Anti-Trump marches and protests since President Trump took office exactly one hundred days ago. When interviewed most of these marchers/protesters have no idea why they're out there, nor what they hope to benefit from their march/protest.
Have you seen those stupid lib Dems that are in the marches and protests? It's easy to see that most of them don't even have a job, and they think they are marching and protesting for the American people. These stupid lib Dems are just marching and protesting because their goddess Crooked Hillary lost, and they hate President Trump.
These marchers and protesters feel the only way they can compensate for their November, 2016 loss is to show their hatred for odur President. A survey was taken on certain college campuses where students were asked how they felt about President Trump's first 100 days compared to Barry Soetero's first 100 days in office.
They were asked, "What did you think of President Obama wanting to build the wall between Mexico and the U.S.?" Every studient that was asked replied, "Great idea". But when the survey questioner asked, "What do you think of President Trump passing a law to downsize our military to the lowest its been since 1928"? Their replies were unanimousl, "Horrible, disgusting, un-American".
And of course my favorite is when lib Dem students at an Ivy league school were asked, What do you make of President Trump in his first 100 days traveling to countries and apologizing for America's greatness"? Again the lib Dem students unanimously replied, "That's wrong. He should not make speeches like's un-American". Wow, our students are really well-read huh? Of course they feel vindicated because these stupid marches and protests are supported by the Hollywood elites who also strongly dislike our President, and even use their status to call for President Trumps's impeachment.
Most of these marchers and protesters have no idea what their agenda is. There were actually some stupid lib Dems that couldn't even understand what their carried signs meant. They just replied, "I dunno, someone just told me to carry it." Where does the funding come from to support these marches and protests? It's pretty evident that Barry Soetero and George Soros are supporting and funding these marches, rally, and protests.
Someone must tell these stupid lib Dems that their marches and protests will do nothing to deter our President Trump's leadership and goals. In fact, these ignorant lib Dems are just emboldening President Trump and his administration. Everyone sees the insignificance of these anti-Trump demonstrations. Do these stupid lib Dem demonstrators realize they have no credibility at all, and within the next few months these demonstrations will just dry up. President Trump and his entire Republican base don't even acknowledge these stupid lib Dem displays on the streets of America.
Soon the protest and rallys will dry up, their funding will stop, and then these stupid lib Dem marchers and protesters will scratch their heads and realize all that marching and protesting accomplished absolutely Even Crooked Hillary is giving up. By the way can anyone tell me, anyone, what has been accomplised by these marches and protests?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)
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