The Comedy Central News Network formerly known as the Democratic Party has been coming out with such lying, hateful, and biased news that it's actually getting more comical every day. I want to thank them for the laughs and chuckles they give me. It seems to never stop, and that's great for the 2018 and 2020 elections for the GOP.
The CCNN will stop at nothing to tarnish our President, even if they have to manufacture stories and hyperbole. They feel that the only way to fuel their hateful feelings because their goddess Crooked Hillary lost in November, 2016.
Maybe the most hilarious comedy is when the CCNN, with the help of CNN broadcasted that "it was terrible that President Trump, at a recent White House gathering, took two scoops of ice cream and a diet coke while others only got one scoop and water". Goodness sakes, that's sure grounds for impeachment.
Want another laugh? Two days ago Deputy Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, opened the daily press briefing with, "Sean is on Naval Reserve Duty, so I'll be filling in for a few days". That was the very first piece of information she gave the press corps. However just a few short hours later the CCNN, with the help of CNN, and The View began a string of lies that Sean Spicer was being punished for the way he handled the Comey firing. They further said Trump will replace Spicer with Ms. Sanders because he was upset with Sean. That's not sad folks, it's comical.
Our President Trump has been in office less than 4 months, and even with the vitriol and hatred thrown at the President and his administration, he continues to do some great things for the American people. The CCNN, with the support of the media refuse to report that jobs are increasing, unemployment is down, border crossings have decreased by 70%, first-time unemployment filings are the lowest in 28 years.
Our stock market steadily hovers around 21,000, net profit is up for many corporations as they continue to have confidence in our President even after only 113 days. The war between President Trump and the media was initially started by the media. The President asked only that the news about him be fair in their reporting.
When the media continued with their diatribe the President wasn't having any of it, and not only did he tell the truth about the media and the CCNN, he showed them that he was the boss in town. The President refuses to have anything to do with CNN and MSNBC, and have you seen their ratings lately. When will they learn that they are no match for this President? He's not the lazy shiftless golfer and vactioneer that their hero Barry Soetero was? President Trump is a strong fighter, and will emerge great.
It's pretty obvious that the CCNN does not want profitability to rise in corporations to invest in new jobs and technology. Instead they report that profitability hurts the ability to "share the wealth". I find myself, at times, actually feeling sorry for the stupidity of the media and the CCNN. NOT! How can they proclaim they are for middle class America? Now that's a lie. The CCNN only want power, and at any cost. Recently a Democrat Congresswoman from the Moonbeam state of California said "middle America is just Podunk, USA".
The phrase that "American people have a right to know" should be "the American people have a right to know what WE tell them. In fact MSNBC's Mika reported that same thing on the Morning Joe show on MSNBC recently. If any of you CCNN followers are fed up we of the Republican Party would welcome you with open arms. Why not put support behind a strong leader, unlike the previous 8-year massacre led by Barry Soetero.
After watching today's press briefing it's easy to understand, and hopefully believe, the press briefings may be cancelled. Why would anyone be surprised if he made this decision? Why not? These press briefing reporters only ask "gotcha" questions, and refuse to let press secretary Spicer or Sarah Sanders justify their answers. The media and the press briefing reporters in their condescending and arrogant manner believe they can report anything and get away with it.
It's not working, and if the Trump vs. media continue then you can be sure the press briefings will be cancelled, and it will show the press that karma and pay-back are really bit***s.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
(Please see my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
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