Today's comedy blog is brought to you by Crodoked Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the left wing lib Dem media. Oh, I almost forgot, Maxine Waters too. With the aid of the media these idiots are now claiming "Trump is a murderer...he will kill babies with his tax proposals...his 'Trumpcare' plan will have seniors left with no healthcare...more people will become homeless...he will destroy America".
Of course none of this is true, but the fake news media want you to believe it's true. Why? Because this fake news is brought to you by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Not only are these people dangerous with their fake news acqusations, they are becoming more and more hilarious. The lower they get in the sewers and dirt, the funnier they appear to Americans.
And they must all have early onsets of Alzheimer's. Well, we do know for certain that Hillary and Pelosi have it already. They don't seem to remember these welfare/food stamp freeloaders during Barry Soetero's destructive tour in our White House.
Talk about freeloaders! Never a word from the stupid lib Dems when all the food stamp/welfare freeloaders were scamming the American taxpayers for their freebies. There are so many examples that I could fill spaces of dozens of blogs, but let me just mention a few.
Remember the very healthy 29-year old from Florida that walked through gourmet food stores, and held up expensive lobster tails to buy with his EBTwhile he was laughing and saying, "Thanks taxpayers...ha-ha".? Can't forget the lady from Cleveland that kept screaming, "I gots me my free Obamaphone...yeah, he taken care of me".
I have a friend in San Diego, the land of Governor Moonbeam, who has an ex-daughter-in-law that admitted, " I actually try to get pregnant from different guys, so I can try to get child support from them, and then I apply for child welfared and food stamps....I'm making out great, and will never have to work". There are virtually tens of thousands that scam our welfare/food stamp program every day, but you will never hear a word about it from the media and the lib Dems.
The ignorant lib Dems mantra is give, give, give all the freebies they can. We all know why they do it. It's so the "entitlement freebie" people will be so grateful they will certainly vote for the likes of the self-centered lib Dems that really care nothing for them, and only want their vote.
Do the stupid lib Dems realize America is now over $20Trillion in debt? Apparently not, that is until President Trump wants to do something about the abusive use of hard-working Americans' taxes. For eight years, under Barry Soetero, America witnessed the fastest rate of growth in the entitlement freebie programs, and the ignorant lib Dems were actually ecstatic and overjoyed about it.
The lib Dems actually thought in 2016 their give, give, give programs were going to assure wins in Congress seats up for election, and lest we forget they also strongly felt it was going to get Crooked Hillary elected. Even with all the lies, scandals, and corruption the "freebie" people couldn't help her, and they won't accept that we stopped them dead in their tracks.
Now we have a President that wants to do what all normal people do, and that is to cut back on expenses when you're trying to recover from eight long years of growing debt. Now normal people would agree with this scenario, however our lib Dems, as they always do, want to attack President Trump by telling lies and fake news that he's trying to kill children and seniors.
Yes, these poor babies that have been freeloading off our government for years may get a rude awakening and have to do the terrible and horrible thing of getting a job and getting off the welfare roles. Of course there are those that need food stamps and welfare, but not the freeloading scumbags that go so far as to joyfully brag about how they've been scamming the Government for years.
The sadness of it all is that the stupid lib Dems in Congress support these welfare moochers, not to help them, but to get their vote. That's not the way to restore our country to the greatness it once held.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos Politics with Pete)
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