Did I just hear/read the news correctly, that Crooked Hillary is still not accepting her strong line of defeats, and is now promoting "the resistance"? This corrupt woman has been losing for years, and still believes she has credibility with Americans. Has this woman ever won anything, or has she just been hanging onto Slick Willy's coat tails all these years?
Yes, with pedophille Willy's help the won a Senator's seat in New York, but then what lib Dem doesn't win in New York? Can you say DiBlasio? Remember "Hillarycare" that she tried to get through Congress when she was first lady? It immediately failed. The truth is that Crooked Hillary's legacy is she is a loser, among being a liar, corrupt, and un-American.
Let's see; she lost to Barry Soetero in the lib Dem primary. Finally she wins the lib Dem primary and loses to President Trump, and then loses again by a wider margin in the recount. This woman just keeps on proving what a loser she is. Now she's in a "movement" that she says is designed to "resist and fight the Trump administration".
Not only is Crooked Hillary a loser, but she's a sore loser. Her Clinton Global Foundation has dried up her donor base, but that doesn't deter the crooked and corrupt Clinton trio of finding another novel idea of putting money into their personal coffers. The Clintons are now organizing a group called Stronger Together. By the way what methods are the Clintons going to use to resist and fight"? Didn't she do that during her campaign?
But I digress. Can you imagine the tragic travesty if Crooked Hillary, Slick Willy and Chelsea were in our White House now? You can see her "lin-up now. Huma Abedin as White House Chief of Staff, Loretta Lynch would stay as Attorney General, Gina McCarthy would stay on as EPA chief, or maybe replaced by Al Gore. Obamacare would be the healthcare law of the land.
Increased funding for Planned Parenthood would be enforced, with the head of P.P. chosen as Health & Human Services Secretary. Decrease in border patrol security, while mid-east Muslim leaders from Iran and Syria make large donations to erect bridges in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California to make it easier for refugees to come to America. Each bridge will have loudspeakers blaring Neil Diamond's song, "We're comin' to America".
The Clinton Global Foundation will be operating from the White House, with Chelsea appointed as overseer, while soliciting donations from mid-east sheiks. All bill requests from the GOP led Congress would automatically be vetoed by president Crooked Hillary. The three finalists for Press Secretary would be Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, and Steven Colbert.
That Ninth district circuit court judge would be nominatyed to Supreme Court, while Elizabeth Warren becomes Seccretary of State. Governor Moonbeam Brown appointed to Secretary of Homeland Security whose main charter will be funding for education, housing, food stamps, and welfare for all incoming illegals that come across the bridges.
All college loan debts will be forgiven while college tuitions will be free for incoming freshmen/women. There will be no signs at all on bathroom entrance doors or locker rooms, including showers. Anthony Weiner will be appointed Bathroom Oversight Czar, establishing safe spaces in all colleges and universities. There will be no winners' trophies in any athletic contests in K-12 schools and colleges. All participants will get equal trophies.
The National Debt will rise to $25Trillion, and the media will blame it all on G.W. Bush. Universities will have curriculums to have several degrees in Islam and Muslim teachings, with September 11th. of each year established to honor all Muslims. Any blasphemous writings or speaking deemed negative against the Islam/Muslim religion/culture will be a felony federal crime.
I thank God every day that this evil corrupt family will never live in America's White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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