One of the easiest things to do is to verbally berate, and personally attack someone when they're not in the room to either defend themselves, or punch you in the face. I was told once that when you attack and defame someone that isn't there to defend themselves it just shows how weak you are, and what your character is made of.
Monday night CBS late night show host Stephen Colbert called our 45th United States President, Donald Trump, a c*** sucker. Now, isn't that classy? Of course you can bet that the execs at CBS will do nothing about it. Can you imagine, if you will, for a second if one of the late night talk show hosts used the same words about Barry Soetero while he was president?
During Barry Soetero's 8 years in the White House never, ever was he personally attacked with the vulgar and vile that CBS talk show host Colbert displayed on his nationally televised show.
Barry Soetero even admitted, in his own words, "When I was in college I visited the possibility of gayness". Even though there has been controversy surrounding Barry Soetero's sexuality, no one has ever gone on national TV and spoke vulgar sexuality comments about this topic.
By the way, Colbert is trying to hide behind, "Hey, I'm a comedian, that's what I do". Am I the only one who doesn't see any humor in Colbert's delivery. He was not trying to be funny, instead he planned his ugly vicious diatribe against President Trump. CBS will not punish Colbert for saying this on national TV, instead he may get a raise and promotion.
Fascist, misoginist, racist, daughter-incestor, liar, mentally unbalanced, double agent for Putin, war monger, child killer, "prick"-tator, Hitler, slave holder, retarded, his wife is a prostitute, his son Barron is retarded.....can I stop now, or should I continue on with more ugly disrespectful names thrown at President Trump? Do the lib Dems really think they are ingratiating themselves with the American people by using language that resembles a Jay-Z rap song?
It seems swearing, cursing, personal attacks, and overall low class language is becoming the mantra and call sign for the lib Dem party. But President Trump and his staff are handling this horrific language in a very professional manner, which means the lib Dems and their media are not deterring the goals of our President.
Since November 9, 2016, really before that, the verbal onslaught of President Trump by the lib Dem has been relentless and the worst that Americans have ever witnessed. The good, no GREAT news is these stupid lib Dems and the media are not only wasting time, they are actually fanning the Trump flames that emboldens our President and his administration.
Another piece of good news is the media and most of the stupid lib Dems are losing their credibility with the American people. Yeah, that'll sure help them in 2018 elections. Latest Rasmussen pols have President Trump very near 50% approval and climbing. We all know that the media and ignorant lib Dems will never stop with their onslaught, but they're too stupid to realize how this is destroying them and their Dem party, while actually helping the GOP.
Don't you ever wonder or ask just what the media and stupid ignorant lib Dems hope to accomplish with their vicious diatribe against President Trump? They certainly aren't helping Americans. It's so easy to be a Colbert, and throw guttural vile remarks at our President on national TV, but what are you doing to help America? As adn old parable says, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me".
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please watch my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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