Yes, there's a major war going on between the press and our President Trump. It's apparent, and the lib Dem press corps display that every day in Sean Spicer's press conferences. Right now there are so many topics in the White House that the stupid lib Dem press corps should be asking press secretary Spicer, i.e., North Korea, tax cuts, healthcare, and even the wall, but no, their main goal is to print lies and to incite protests.
On the day after the White House announced the biggest tax cut our country has seen since the Reagan administration the press corps ignored this news and never asked a single question about it today. Instead they wanted to know why former NSA Director Flynn isn't being prosecuted for his fabricated "ties" to Russia.
By the way when did the lib Dem press corps ever ask questions or challenge Barry Soetero's administration surrounding the scandals of Susan Rice lying about Benghazi, or Crooked Hillary's private server or her 33,000 lost emails? They never did. During Barry Soetero's eight years the press corps questions were, "What did you and the first lady have for dinner last night"?, "Did you fill out your March Madness sheet yet?", "How are the girls doing"?, What do you and Michelle do on date night?".
It appears former NSA Director Flynn received $45,000. from Russia for appearing at a gala with Putin. Did the press corps ever ask Carney or Earnest press secretary's about Crooked Hillary "selling/giving Russia one-third of our country's uranium when she was Secretary of State? Nah, don't think so. Oh yes, don't forget at that same time Russia gave Slick Willy $500,000. for a speech he gave in Russia.
This current lib Dem press corps spends the entire briefing just firing "gotcha" questions at Sean Spicer, hoping to find an in-road to crucify President Trump in their lying and skewed biased reporting later. Of course the lib Dem press corps is supported by the likes of CNN and MSNBC. This has been going on since our President was campaigning. Every single news outlets had Crooked Hillary ahead in their fabricated polls by double-digits right up to election night.
They hated President Trump so much, but many felt the hate, lies, and personal attacks would stop after November, 2016. But not only did it continue, it got worse. And now it's bad enough that Pelosi and cry-baby Schumer are attacking him, but the stupid lib Dem news and media outlets are so reledntless in their pursuit that a strong leader like President Trump had to resort to only one logical thing.
He pushed back on the entire "fake news" media so hard that they continued to write and broadcast lies and personal attacks even though this President has done more for the good of American people in less than 100 days than Barry Soetero did in his entire eight years in office. Will someone pleas pass on some information to the lib Dem news outlets. (1) Crooked Hillary is done. (2) President Trump has been so effective pushing back against the "fake news" media that more and more Americans are are realizing that the President will never get a "fair shake" from the media.
Many of the millions what voted for President Trump would like him to completely and totally cease all press briefings. Why would the President and the White House press secretary subject themselves to the daily onslaught of "gotcha" questions? The President has said many times he only uses the social media because the lib Dem media will not report the news on him with fairness and integrity.
Preesident Trump should expand town hall meetings, along with his Twitter and Facebook to connect directly to the American people. Why host a bunch of reporters everyday that are only going to print lies after they "hit" Sean Spicer with irrelevant and gotcha questions? The lib Dem press corps say the briefings are essential, but it's not essential if their reporting is nothing more than "fake news".
The lib Dem media will never win in their war against our President. He has been so effective in his accomplishments and his push-back against the media that the band of misfits in the White House briefings that America is finally understanding what the media is all about. President Trump will continue to do what's best for our country, even though the media wants him to fail.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
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